You know, I heard a theory somewhere that The Rock was going to turn heel at the Rumble and win the title with the help of The Shield. According to it, The Shield was organized by The Rock to help CM Punk keep the title so he could take it himself. That would actually work out really well, as it would lead to a better storyline for the match against Cena, with The Rock being heel, at Wrestlemania. Of course, it's only a theory I read up somewhere but I'd be interesting if it happened. Better than a straight face vs. face feud leading to Wrestlemania.

That aside, I'm happy about the fact that Alberto del Rio won the World Heavyweight Title. As much as I would like a larger rein, being a fan of him since the beginning, he'll probably either lose it at Wrestlemania against anyone, or before by losing it to Ziggler. Speaking of losing titles, I liked the Divas match for once and am happy for Kaitlin for winning it. It most likely happened because of Eve Torres' sudden departure from WWE though. Still, this title change most likely will lead up to a feud between Kaitlin and AJ for Wrestlemania.
Main Event is the best WWE show right now by far. I can count the number of crappy episodes on one hand since it debuted. That's an amazing fear considering this is the WWE I'm talking about.
I've been watching on and off since the end of the Attitude, mcmahon-helmsley, Invasion Eras, but once the PG era hit. I kinda fell off. I watch a match every now and again. I think they might be going in the right direction of a Punk/rock feud(no pun intended). That would be an entertaining match pending that Rock got rid of his ring rust.

My top 5 WWE wrestlers(based on sheer exciting matches)
Undertaker, Rock, Stone Cold, Edge, Shelton Benjaman
Azuran wrote...
Main Event is the best WWE show right now by far. I can count the number of crappy episodes on one hand since it debuted. That's an amazing fear considering this is the WWE I'm talking about.

Yeah. No one ever really talks about it but WWE's crew makes awesome vids and they really show in Main Event.
I guess Big Show dropped the title to ADR is because he couldn't come to terms with his contract and Vince made a last minute decision to give Del Rio the title, Big Show then later signed a new contract. got this from WZ
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1356307-9ISYVV1.gif

Just dropping in for a sec...Ryback
Vayne wrote...
You know, I heard a theory somewhere that The Rock was going to turn heel at the Rumble and win the title with the help of The Shield. According to it, The Shield was organized by The Rock to help CM Punk keep the title so he could take it himself. That would actually work out really well, as it would lead to a better storyline for the match against Cena, with The Rock being heel, at Wrestlemania. Of course, it's only a theory I read up somewhere but I'd be interesting if it happened. Better than a straight face vs. face feud leading to Wrestlemania.

The Rock turning heel would be the sickest thing ever, but I doubt that'll happen. He's already established he's gone back to the catchphrase whore everybody seems to love. The Rock did a great job being a "hollywood sellout" in 2003, but the fans love him to death now. His chances of turning are fairly minuscule.
NXT Competitors will be in a tournament to see who'll get to be in the Rumble.

The competitors are:

- Corey Graves
- Oliver Grey
- Luke Harper
- Xavier Woods
- Conor O'Brian
- Adrian Neville
(Obligatory: Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/ibb6l6Iscp3azL.gif)
- Bo Dallas
- Leo Kruger

Hoping and praying Bo Dallas doesn't win.
Deftera Mirage wrote...
NXT Competitors will be in a tournament to see who'll get to be in the Rumble.

The competitors are:

- Corey Graves
- Oliver Grey
- Luke Harper
- Xavier Woods
- Conor O'Brian
- Adrian Neville
(Obligatory: Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/ibb6l6Iscp3azL.gif)
- Bo Dallas
- Leo Kruger

Hoping and praying Bo Dallas doesn't win.

Heard that took place today at the royal rumble fan access event here in Phoenix, sucks that I didn't get to go!
Pervy Fatman wrote...
Deftera Mirage wrote...
NXT Competitors will be in a tournament to see who'll get to be in the Rumble.

The competitors are:

- Corey Graves
- Oliver Grey
- Luke Harper
- Xavier Woods
- Conor O'Brian
- Adrian Neville
(Obligatory: Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/ibb6l6Iscp3azL.gif)
- Bo Dallas
- Leo Kruger

Hoping and praying Bo Dallas doesn't win.

Heard that took place today at the royal rumble fan access event here in Phoenix, sucks that I didn't get to go!

And that Bo Dallas won.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1321612-4RWPYF7.gif
Deftera Mirage wrote...
NXT Competitors will be in a tournament to see who'll get to be in the Rumble.

The competitors are:

- Corey Graves
- Oliver Grey
- Luke Harper
- Xavier Woods
- Conor O'Brian
- Adrian Neville
(Obligatory: Forum Image: http://i.minus.com/ibb6l6Iscp3azL.gif)
- Bo Dallas
- Leo Kruger

Hoping and praying Bo Dallas doesn't win.

holy fuck that finisher is awesome, and your picture... did that really happen lol?
Looks like super Cena won the rumble >_>…waiting on The Rock to win the title. Can't wait to see Cena win the title at Mania now.
Pervy Fatman wrote...
Looks like super Cena won the rumble >_>…waiting on The Rock to win the title. Can't wait to see Cena win the title at Mania now.

-sigh- Fuck the WWE I'm done >:[
Rock vs Cena again? For the title? Jesus christ.

Heart = Broken
Rock and Cena win...


Forum Image: http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g122/red_hurricane/CornetteFace.png
I predicted the entire PPV, even though I wanted Wade Barrett to win. I know how WWE books their bullshit matches. I'm embarrassed that this PPV was even in my state...
I predicted this PPV Months prior! along with other fans on the interwebs. and the finish to this PPV sucked! What the hell, creative!?!?
Man... For me Royal Rumble 2013 felt like "Night of the Corporate Favorites". I felt completely disappointed when Ziggler was eliminated, and all we were left with was Sheamus, Ry-Berg, and Cena. I gotta admit though tonight was (and will be) the only time when I found myself cheering for Ry-Berg, despite him not being the best of both evils (Between Cena and Ry-Back, since I dislike both equally).

As for the title match I felt that it was pretty slow for a Punk match (Obviously not Punks fault), I didn't care if there was an interference or not, I just wanted Punk to not lose the title to a part-timer (Sorry Rocky...), so yeah that re-start of the match was very obvious the second Vinnie Mac's titan tron came on, as well as devastating when he lost to The Rock.

In conclusion I'd just like to end this with 2 memes:
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/734810_335112076604683_91058704_n.jpg
Forum Image: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/74101_10151392891121391_523995983_n.jpg
Can't say I didn't see it coming. Nothing ruins Wrestlemania season like the return of the most overhyped match of the decade.
I was so fucking pissed, throwing away a Royal Rumble win to John Cena when he can get a title shot anytime he wants anyway! Then having The Rock win when he is hardly around, I mean did you guys see that match? Fucking Rock was winded after 10 minutes and Cm Punk was doing all the work!!! god damn it!!!!! >:|