Your most recent dream?

Had a dream that America had banned Hentai and Senator Armstrong From Metal Gear Risng was responsible and Alex Jones was reporting that it's all apart of the Illiminati's agenda....

......Last time i eat cheese before going bed....
I was breaking free from a glass tube filled with green fluid then escaping a lab, then trying to survive in underground city governed by communist robotic priests . Quite weird...
I dreamed my best friend's dad was Dwayne Johnson.
I had a dream where I froze time for myself accidentally. When I came back, it was about 30-50 years later, and the world was in complete chaos. No houses, no grass or trees, it looked like a completely different planet. Everything was gray and blue. There was this terrorist group called the Sleep, and they had everyone around me hooked up to machines and weren't allowed to talk or move. There were words from a different language scratched into all of the walls, and I didn't understand it. I saw a friend of mine and asked her what all of this was, what happened, and she couldn't answer me very well, all I could hear from her was a whisper;"We lost" and a single tear fell down her face. Time froze again and nothing moved, everything just stood there as if it were just a picture... I found myself walking around, touching everything, trying to get an understanding of what was going on... and then time resumed, but it was all 30 years later, and things seemed to be back to normal. The houses were back, grass was growing and the trees were tall again, the only problem was, the streets were empty. I couldn't hear anything but the sound of my own screaming. I had no idea what I was screaming, or why, but I was. Suddenly, everything went black and then I was climbing up a ladder. I reached the top and saw this man in a suit holding his hand out to me, I shook his hand and he said "You made it". I asked him what happened, and he explained that everyone was gone, everything had been taken away and that I held the key.I was then standing in my grandparents' house, looking around, and saw nothing but floorboards and doors hanging from unfinished frames, I stepped on a nail and then woke up.
I had a dream where my Brother brought me fighting games that have been wanting for awhile.
I had a dream that me and my brother were about to pose a business venture to a group of people in parking lot. Before we could start however a short and chubby asian man is about to get into a car but a taller and chubbier Indian man says, "You're too old to race that car." The asian man denies the claim and the Indian fellow tells me to get in the driver's seat. I rev the engine and he brags to the asian man "See look at that, that was 7 false starts." As the asian man takes his turn my attention in the dream is turned towards a small party further away from the parking lot. Three anime twin girls tall with black hair make their way to the forefront of the crowd. A french fellow who is also a ghost Rider manages to take them into a motel room. I watch from the window as he tells one of the girls that she has popcorn on the front of sweater and he is going to help her clean it off. I remember a feeling of hurt in the dream as he begins groping and having sex with her while the other two watch with indifference...there was something about a sunny beach in the room also. At this point the dream me made it known that she was my girlfriend and she was getting NTR'd away. After he is finished he climbs out the window I was watching through and completely ignores me as I punch him in his abdomen repeatedly until I leave a hole in his body. At that point I woke up.

The only reason I remember all this is because as soon as I wake up I recall my dreams into a recording. In all honesty I had forgotten the entire dream that same day.
In my most recent dream, I was in Japan, swimming around a river, and I kept saying stuff about that "Swimming Anime" everyone on Tumblr was freaking out about a while ago.
I had a dream that all of the hentai were free, so I bought so much that I had to use a room to store them
kengenerals wrote...
I dreamed about how I was doing all these things to get this really hot girl in bed with me.
I remember in the dream being so pissed not being able to get this girl in bed.

When I woke up I became even more pissed because I realized it was a dream and was playing it out so life like.
Fuck. Most of my dreams has been me fucking up opportunities rather than taking the initiative.
Quite sad.

Oh god I hate waking up in those dreams, in the last one I had I realised it was a dream at the last second and anything that happend after that kind of nullified and I couldn't enjoy it. So annoying.
I was being raped by some of my friends... fairly gruesomely. Though this happened after ~3 days without sleep, and then watching a rape hentai vid... I didn't know it was going to be rape until it was practically goru >
I had a pet house hippo and brought him everywhere... then he got crushed by a waiter at a restaurant. I cried for real and woke up.
My most recent dream was really weird.
It was actually a continuation of another dream that I had, but more like a sequel.
Something happened where some person (male) had gotten lost, and got caught in this place where he was being worked and slaved, then he found the escape, which consisted of floating down a waterfall/pathway.. then getting past these weird moving blocks that almost squished him, but he made it, and then somehow got back over to his home island.. and then leveled up, yeah that's right, I LEVELED UP, and then saved my game :3.. and then I woke up O...o I can't wait for part 3 of this dream hahaha.

I have some pretty intense dreams sometimes, sometimes their so realistic that I can't tell whether it's a dream or not, until I wake up of course, but then even still sometimes it still feels like it all happened. I also happen to remember a lot of my dreams, which is fantastic ^^
Last night I actually had three different dreams that I remember. In order:

I was exploring some sort of massive tree house in a even more massive tree in the middle of an even more massive river. It was dark, the wood was cracking and I remember the image of terrifing old lady grinning at me. I covered my eyes like Danny does in The Shining, the wood floor broke and we fell in the river and the branches of the giant tree became giant green anacondas.

I went to a friend's house to study and his dad was surprisingly young and annoying. We were sitting in three lined up chairs behind the desk in a home office as if we were waiting for the principal or something. Then my friend was gone and I was having fried eggs and toast with his dad in the kitchen.

The last one was much nicer. I dreamed I came home and there was my girlfriend, only she was a famous Youtuber who does COD videos (some of you may know her as GGG). We were really close so when I got home, I picked her up, I took her to the couch and I was admiring her legs (which were amazingin the dream, dunno how they are in real life) because they looked perfect with the dim sunlight coming from the window.
For some reason I dreamt that my ex-girlfriend's dad and my crack-head step-dad were constantly everywhere I went, which for some reason always ended up being an identical Italian buffet. What's really strange was that the area I was in, I'd never been to and the buffet just was every store, it just transformed inside as soon as I opened the door. Shit was crazy.
I went to cirque du sole in a prison camp in the sky... I frll asleep during the preformance but they diliverd quite well on the VIP bundle with human spleens and a key to nowhere.
After a night of drinking I had a dream that involves around Clannad.

But it took place in my old highschool, I was playing my own part, tomoya was playing his and Ushio was already there.

I think she was already there because of a wish Nagisa made or she was originally pregnant. So, short scenes later I was already falling in love with Nagisa but then Tomoya started to get into the picture. It came to a point where the three of us were sitting on rectangular table but it was designed that there would be a seat at the head of one side, so Nagisa sat there while me and Tomoya were sitting at opposite sides in front of one another but next to nagisa. Also, Ushio was sitting next to me, doing her usual cute thang and me hugging her with 1 arm.

Here comes the depressing part. It got to a point where the three of us confronted our feelings. Nagisa asked Tomoya if he loved her, when he said yes, she replied "in what way?". He answered "romantically". She did the same thing to me and I answered "romantically". She then said "Let's just all be friends since we can all love each other!" but then I think Tomoya said something in order to convince her that he loved her the most, but I didn't see at that made her choose him over me.

After that moment Ushio started disappearing. It showed just me and her with bright white all around us. I knelt down trying to hug her in order for her not to disappear, but to no avail. She was still slowly disappearing from the legs up. I asked her "Why are you disappearing?!" and she replied "Because I was the wish you and Mommy made to be together and now it's broken. You don't need me anymore." . As I was mumbling, trying to reason out that things can work out to Ushio, still hugging her, she stopped me. She said "Daddy?" I replied, "Yes? What is it?" and with this she spoke the last sentence that I would ever hear from her. She said "Daddy, I loved you..." after that she fully disappeared. Transforming into Cherry blossoms as the wind swayed her away.

At this point I was completely bawling in my dream. Not sure about it while I was sleeping though. I haven't woke up yet. My eyes kept watering, only to realize that I was brought back to the school and people were looking at me. After that I think I just gave up on life and became really depressed.

I think it meant that Nagisa chose to love Tomoya. If Nagisa would have chosen me then Tomoya would have been the one to leave, but not necessarily disappear.

So in short I got NTR'd and the girl who gave joy and meaning to my life disappeared.
Fucked up dream.
it started out as a generic murder mystery. me and two people I had never met another girl and a guy where stuck in a house. only thing we knew was bad things happend whem the lights went out. everything went dark while we were in the entrance way and the other woman was kulled. me and the guy found a way to get outside and as soon as we steped out I noticed he was putting on a garbage bag. he then started chassing me back into the house with a machette. I kept running and eventually hid in a dark closet. he suddenly stoped and I went out to see what happened and he was dead... so there was someone else in the house.

I never finished it I had to wake up to get my friend up for work. but it wad neat I will give it that.
My mom is terrified of snakes, so my dream was really weird.
I was in my apartment, feeling ill, and my mom was randomly over as I was feeding my cornsnake, when I went to walk into the other room, I was like oh damn my moms scared of snakes, and then realized she was holding my python, I was like woah mom? She was like he's like a tiny aligator (in which I was confused, because the statement was not true) and then my snake turned into a mix between a small alligator and a snake O.o.. and then I went about to feeding them hot dogs?! .. twas quite wierd..

Yeah that's probably one of the weirdest ones yet.
i had a dream about a girl who was like the monkey chick from carnivorous princess yegrinna. I was the hero and I think she was the villain but it worked out somehow and she wasnt evil, so then she became good and the dream ended.
I had a rap battle with a famous designer in Rita Mcneils old house... I do not have anything else to add.