Holocaust Denial

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Arizth wrote...
Sorry. Article was a tl;dr for me.

Anyway, my thoughts: I neither believe nor disbelieve the Holocaust.

Now, before anyone get's ornery and tries to eat my soul or anything, let me say that I come from a Jewish family.

Now, with the Race-Card-Cockblock in play, let's continue.

Personally, I doubt anything that happened in recent and verifiable history that I did not witness with my own eyes, and even then, things I do see are often suspect anyway.

Any event in recorded "History" has, to me at least, equal potential to be a truth and a lie. Sure, it could have happened, and been recorded faithfully. Else, Sure, it could be a lie/propaganda/whatever, and not have happened. I don't know, and without a way to check, I don't think I ever really will.

Are you fucking kidding me!?

1. How can you not believe in the Holocaust!? Your lucky you didn't see it with your own eyes. I'm so sorry... let me rephrase that for myself... I've only heard the real gruesome stories, watched real war videos, seen many of the museums PROVING the holocaust! How can you not believe something like that?

2. you being Jewish does not excuse from denying genocide. Your religion doesn't excuse you from anything. I fucking hate that! I hate how certain religions or "groups" think they can do or say something just because they belong to that religion or group. I'm going crazy here so i'm gonna stop.

All i can say is... Read your HISTORY BOOKS
Wow. Apparently kids from a middle school nearby were present at the shooting that occurred a few days ago at the holocaust museum. They were watching a movie and in the movie they started shooting and at the same time so did that old man so they didn't know what was happening until someone ran in and told them to run for cover.
You know what's realy sad? in more 5-10 years there will be no survivors alive and then all these who deny the Holocaust will say: "show me a living proof"
... >.>
xXMegaBoneXx wrote...
Arizth wrote...
Sorry. Article was a tl;dr for me.

Anyway, my thoughts: I neither believe nor disbelieve the Holocaust.

Now, before anyone get's ornery and tries to eat my soul or anything, let me say that I come from a Jewish family.

Now, with the Race-Card-Cockblock in play, let's continue.

Personally, I doubt anything that happened in recent and verifiable history that I did not witness with my own eyes, and even then, things I do see are often suspect anyway.

Any event in recorded "History" has, to me at least, equal potential to be a truth and a lie. Sure, it could have happened, and been recorded faithfully. Else, Sure, it could be a lie/propaganda/whatever, and not have happened. I don't know, and without a way to check, I don't think I ever really will.

Are you fucking kidding me!?

1. How can you not believe in the Holocaust!? Your lucky you didn't see it with your own eyes. I'm so sorry... let me rephrase that for myself... I've only heard the real gruesome stories, watched real war videos, seen many of the museums PROVING the holocaust! How can you not believe something like that?

2. you being Jewish does not excuse from denying genocide. Your religion doesn't excuse you from anything. I fucking hate that! I hate how certain religions or "groups" think they can do or say something just because they belong to that religion or group. I'm going crazy here so i'm gonna stop.

All i can say is... Read your HISTORY BOOKS

I think I understand where Arizth is coming from. It's skepticism, and there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, people could stand to be a bit more skeptical.

He's not denying that the Holocaust happened or even saying that there isn't sufficient evidence to prove that it existed. He is simply more skeptical than most people. I'm the same way with some things. If I go anywhere with a bag or backpack, I hate leaving it anywhere, because if I can't see the bag, then I'm not certain that it exists anymore. Anything could happen that could result in my bag being stolen or lost. So, while others are fine with leaving their bags somewhere "safe," I never let it leave my side. I also check my pocket for my wallet every ten minutes, for similar reasons.

Also, saying "read your history books" is not good at all. Most history books are filled with lies, even on the college level. The stories of Christopher Columbus and the Pilgrims are prime examples, as a lot is often left out in typical history books. It is completely understandable that a person would not believe a single thing written in a history textbook, since you cannot be sure what is true and what is not.
ShaggyJebus wrote...

But of course, if one reads enough books on a certain subject, enough real documents from the time and gathers enough data for themselves then they may have proved it and are no longer sceptical. So being sceptic is all well and good, as long as one does not go as far to say "I believe nothing of this, it's all crap" without having any evidence or something to back it up. That's just a general statement however, so don't think I'm calling anyone up about it. So perhaps the other user should have replied "Then research it if you don't believe what other people take for general knowledge". Insightful regardless! I don't often think about my belongings, since most of them are worth little to me.

Boy I go off-topic these days : x
Logically, I don't see how the Holocaust could be a fabrication.

Consider how difficult it would be to fake something like this. All the pictures, the videos of so many people. Eyewitness testimony by Jewish people, German people, etc. Physical evidence such as prisoner fatigues, burial grounds, etc. Trials based on the atrocities where I don't think anyone stepped forward and said "The Jews are lying, this never happened."

I could go on...

I don't think history could become so distorted in so short a time frame. At least, it seems illogical to think that it's possible.

ShaggyJebus wrote...

I think I understand where Arizth is coming from. It's skepticism, and there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, people could stand to be a bit more skeptical.

Holocaust denial is far too extreme to be called "skepticism." There's nothing wrong with skepticism, there is a major problem with denying overwhelming evidence in favor of preconceived notions.

I can't check if most of what I read in a physics or chemistry book is real. Is nuclear fission real or just a sham? I'll never find out directly, I can only assume it's real based on overwhelming evidence and little reason to believe it's not.

Would disbelieving in nuclear fission make me a skeptic? I think there's another, harsher word that it would make me.

Just an example.
"I ate an apple today"

"I don't believe you ate an apple today"


"I don't believe the Holocaust happened."


"They Jews are behind a conspiracy relating to the supposed "Holocaust"

Completely insane

In order to be skeptical there much be a reasonable amount of evidence (don't start with "what counts are reasonable?" bullshit) to the contrary of the supported claim.

There is a greater opportunity to be skeptical about evolution than the Holocaust because there are a reasonable amount of holes in the entire theory and the improbability of chance.
Has anyone read Maus by Art Spiegelman? Its a graphic novel that is about Art's father Vladek Spiegelman, who was a survivor of the holocaust and an inmate in a concentration camp. I read it a few years back and it really showed me the brutal nature of the full extent of the holocaust and how it even effects people generations into the family. It is counted as a new classic by many
I don't want to speak for Arizth, but I think what he was saying is, he's 99% sure that the Holocaust happened, but he's not 100% because he needs to see something to believe it. That's not denying that the Holocaust happened; that is simply taking the adage "you have to see it to believe it" to heart.

That's understandable in our society, where people can create fake videos and pictures that look real. In this day and age, I'm pretty sure that a 13-year-old, with the right technology and enough time, could create realistic-looking documents and convince people that some horrible event happened, when really the kid just made it all up.

Of course, saying that, I'm talking more about being skeptical about current events, but still - our current environment breeds mistrust and paranoia. Then again, it may have always been that way. How well could you trust the news delivered by a man on horseback, knowing that it took him over a week to get there?
It happens for the same reason that the Flat Earth Society was founded. People are unwilling to believe that which will do them no good. These are the members of society that simply refuse to accept proof as truth.
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