It's Shit like this that makes m glad I'm not a republican

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I don't know if I should kick the next republican's ass that I see or hug the next Democrat that I see.

Seriously as the News story state Gas prices in he US average $4.04(No Error Jokes I'm serious) USD a gallon, and rising.

Is it me or does every non republican here think that all republican are DUMBASSES?

This is just another reason on the long list of Why I'm Glad to be a democrat. Also I have one other irrelevant note to add. If a republican gets into office after this I'm moving to Canada.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
our prices were around 1.31$ a liter today, not sure how that compares to your gallon? I drive a suv and it costs me about 75$ Canadian to fill up.
Waar wrote...
our prices were around 1.31$ a liter today, not sure how that compares to your gallon? I drive a suv and it costs me about 75$ Canadian to fill up.

1.31 Cad = 1.28 USD

1 Gallon = 3.78li

So your paying roughly 4.83 USD(4.93 CAD) A gallon

But are you filling up with Regular(83) Plus(89) or Premium(93)?

And I feel sorry four you, I drive a little ol type 2 VW Bug 99 model and pay 50 bucks USD(51 CAD) every two weeks to fill up.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
regular; and my car gets me more bitches so i win.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
News Story

I don't know if I should kick the next republican's ass that I see or hug the next Democrat that I see.

Seriously as the News story state Gas prices in he US average $4.04(No Error Jokes I'm serious) USD a gallon, and rising.

Is it me or does every non republican here think that all republican are DUMBASSES?

This is just another reason on the long list of Why I'm Glad to be a democrat. Also I have one other irrelevant note to add. If a republican gets into office after this I'm moving to Canada.

I'm not saying that all Republicans aren't dumbasses, but every once in a while you come across one of satisfactory character. Besides, its not like all Democrats are saints either. You'll find a lot more savory characters among them, but to be honest, its not as if Democrats are much better with the whole hive-mentality factor. Republicans and Democrats are predisposed to bias on certain issues because of the natures of their respective parties. Giving both sides the benefit of the doubt, there are issues that some may stray from the rest of the pack on. However, its just gang mentality applied to politics. Sure, you don't hear about Republicans doing drive-bys on Democrats or vice versa, but in the way of political strategies and actions, they have their own type of banging. They even have their own colors, tags, and other shit.

I'm a free-thinker. I'm not all that interested in politics, but when I do find an important issue, I like to take into account my own beliefs before I check out what the other people are saying to gain a little more insight. Of course that leaves me and people like me in a place where there usually isn't a representative espousing the stances we take, but that just goes to show that the wonderful democratic system we live by isn't as perfect as it is made out to be.
Consumer First Energy Act-would make prices higher. you think you are going to tax the oil people and them not make gas cost alot? it also repeals tax breaks. can yuou say $7 a gallon?(USD)

Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act- got no issue with this from what i read.

in short the dems are fucking nuts for trying to drive up our gas prices and the reps are fucking nuts for trying to kill the environment. wonderful country we live in eh?

Independent for life!(cause noone tells me what the fuck to do)
Waar wrote...
our prices were around 1.31$ a liter today, not sure how that compares to your gallon? I drive a suv and it costs me about 75$ Canadian to fill up.

If I had to pay that much for gas I'd cry at the pump.

In regard to the bills though. I can see what you mean by how the republicans were at fault; I went to the statistics pages and it was rather clear-cut. Before I could judge on any of it though, I'd have to read through the bills and see "what is what" as summaries on bills are typically lacking in a complete picture of what the bill will do. (they are only summaries, after all)

It'd be nice if congressmen could think for themselves and accurately represent their constituency. Maybe it'll even happen some day. (Yeah, right.)
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
News Story

I don't know if I should kick the next republican's ass that I see or hug the next Democrat that I see.

Seriously as the News story state Gas prices in he US average $4.04(No Error Jokes I'm serious) USD a gallon, and rising.

Is it me or does every non republican here think that all republican are DUMBASSES?

This is just another reason on the long list of Why I'm Glad to be a democrat. Also I have one other irrelevant note to add. If a republican gets into office after this I'm moving to Canada.

you should stay in the states...Canadian oil prices is ridiculous these days... I should really move elsewhere...
You crazy Americans, UK fuel prices (converted roughly) are about $11 a gallon

Unleaded petrol, the most common type of gas (don't know what you american types call it) is about 1.10 pounds a litre (diesal is more like 1.20), these prices are rising weekly too.

The current exchage rate is 1.96 dollars to the pound so roughly $2.20 a litre for unleaded. and there are 5.1 litres in a gallon so that makes just over 11 dollars a gallon.

You have it pretty good from where im sitting.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
the prices wont be low anywhere, possibly Saudi Arabia... gl on your move thought LOL.
I really hate when people post political threads without thinking, mindlessly RAAAAAAAAAAGEing at the other party in a fashion guaranteed to distract people from the flaws in their reasoning and drop the whole mess into a partisan flamewar within two pages.

Renewable energy is NOT the answer to high gas prices. Investing in renewable energy might help with fuel prices twenty years from now, but with current technology, the answer to high gas prices is to cut down on gas usage and use fuel more efficiently - and that's something the CONSUMER has to do, not the government.

Sure, investing in renewable energy research will help in the long run, but the government can't effectively force that either - the lack of investment is closely related to the lack of consumer interest, and bad old "Big Oil" didn't really see much profit in small, energy-efficient cars with maybe solar panels or some crap when most Americans were busy driving everywhere in their big gas-guzzling SUVs, so they put their money into "enormous cars that can hold your entire extended family and all of their stuff and guzzle five gallons of gas every second" because that's what the majority of customers want. If there's a noticable shift in customer desires toward alternative-energy cars, the companies will put money into developing them, but at this point people seem to be more concerned with lowering the price of gas for their fatty cars rather than buying a smaller, more expensive car using less-convenient alternative energies.
shit like this makes me glad I still ride my shitty bike and don't pay for fuel at all, but that's prob gonna change in a year
Lucky motherfuckers, down in Cali it's like fucking 4.50, 4.90 >_>.
Gelmax wrote...
I really hate when people post political threads without thinking, mindlessly RAAAAAAAAAAGEing at the other party in a fashion guaranteed to distract people from the flaws in their reasoning and drop the whole mess into a partisan flamewar within two pages.

Renewable energy is NOT the answer to high gas prices. Investing in renewable energy might help with fuel prices twenty years from now, but with current technology, the answer to high gas prices is to cut down on gas usage and use fuel more efficiently - and that's something the CONSUMER has to do, not the government.

Sure, investing in renewable energy research will help in the long run, but the government can't effectively force that either - the lack of investment is closely related to the lack of consumer interest, and bad old "Big Oil" didn't really see much profit in small, energy-efficient cars with maybe solar panels or some crap when most Americans were busy driving everywhere in their big gas-guzzling SUVs, so they put their money into "enormous cars that can hold your entire extended family and all of their stuff and guzzle five gallons of gas every second" because that's what the majority of customers want. If there's a noticable shift in customer desires toward alternative-energy cars, the companies will put money into developing them, but at this point people seem to be more concerned with lowering the price of gas for their fatty cars rather than buying a smaller, more expensive car using less-convenient alternative energies.

Listen to this person my fellow FAKKUZA! They speak the truth!

To actually add something to the thread. Both parties in America suck balls. I'm a third party that takes the pro economic ideas of the republicans (though nowadays they are too busy pushing god down our throats and banning things their dusty old book says is bad). Then the "progressive" ideas of the democrats though they are too busy trying to push their sugar coated socialism on the American people.

The typical American is faced with "Do you want a Christian Theocracy or a big brother Socialism/Communist State"

The third parties like Libertarians are probably the closest to the actual wants of the intelligent American people (I say intelligent as in we don't believe the lies that the politicians are throwing around)
I don't want any of it. I want a king that won't take any guff from anybody. Let's get Longshanks back in here and see how he'll take care of our problems!

Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...

To actually add something to the thread. Both parties in America suck balls. I'm a third party that takes the pro economic ideas of the republicans (though nowadays they are too busy pushing god down our throats and banning things their dusty old book says is bad). Then the "progressive" ideas of the democrats though they are too busy trying to push their sugar coated socialism on the American people.

The typical American is faced with "Do you want a Christian Theocracy or a big brother Socialism/Communist State"

The third parties like Libertarians are probably the closest to the actual wants of the intelligent American people (I say intelligent as in we don't believe the lies that the politicians are throwing around)

What party do you belong to? (If you do)
Waar FAKKU Moderator
yeah, nothing like throwing your votes away...
I'd say that subscribing purely to a party system is just as stupid as thinking we can survive on fossil fuels forever. That's what's wrong with politics: you can't get anywhere without forming a huge group and you can't have a huge group without an ideology to form around. However, that very ideology destroys any ability to reform fast enough to actually get things done in a way that they need to be done. This is why I'm pro autocracy. It's basically an all or nothing system but I'd rather have my country get fucked in 5 years then just spread the pain out over 50 and be able to watch as everything turns into shit.
Tiro wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...

To actually add something to the thread. Both parties in America suck balls. I'm a third party that takes the pro economic ideas of the republicans (though nowadays they are too busy pushing god down our throats and banning things their dusty old book says is bad). Then the "progressive" ideas of the democrats though they are too busy trying to push their sugar coated socialism on the American people.

The typical American is faced with "Do you want a Christian Theocracy or a big brother Socialism/Communist State"

The third parties like Libertarians are probably the closest to the actual wants of the intelligent American people (I say intelligent as in we don't believe the lies that the politicians are throwing around)

What party do you belong to? (If you do)

I'm a Libertarian. Though I would suggest not associating some of my tirades with all Libertarians. I'm just a very outspoken one.

A quick rundown of libertarian principals are
Smaller Govt

Lower taxes (Small Govt less taxes needed)

Less govt influence in the day to day aspect of our lives
(protect the constitutional and civil rights of the people, protect the country from outside forces such as invading armies, etc and make sure the states play nice otherwise govt can GTFO)

Free Market economics (As little regulations as possible. Safety standards and such but, little other regulations)

Removal of the IRS and the income tax system and replacing it with the Fair tax system (a flat tax on money spent on non-necessary items instead of money earned)

Legalization of Drugs (your not a libertarian if you don't support this even if you disagree you can still allow others to smoke up)

Removal of Religion from the govt (I.e separation of church and state)

Foreign policy is non intervention/isolationist. Basically, like America before the world wars.
Spoken very true.


I hate the IRS.
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