It's Shit like this that makes m glad I'm not a republican

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illumi wrote...
Spoken very true.


I hate the IRS.

The sad thing is the American people have been cut out of having a voice in their own government for at least 30 years. Now its all about the two parties pushing their agendas instead of getting what the people want done.
We want smaller government and less interference on how we raise our families or do to our bodies. We get the exact opposite. The govt tells us how to raise our kids otherwise they'll be taken away. I have no kids but, my parents were threatened to have me taken away because I kept getting scrapes and bruises. I was an outdoor maniac. Climbing trees, going into the woods, etc. Of course I would get scratches and bruises

We want lower taxes and the government raises them to pay for some other pork belly projects (bridge to nowhere) or some other stupid government hand out plan (social security, etc)

We want lower gas prices and our senators sue OPEC. Yeah, pissing off the countries who hold all the oil we import. I'm sure they would love to get sued for "price gouging" when they earn only 2 cents on every gallon. Total gouging there.

Sometimes I fear the grass-root movement of the Libertarian party came too late.
wow, i'm simply amazed that all u people drive and worry about gas prices, i'm too scared to drive.

and about the tax thingie, where i live in, Canada charges tax on coffee, how RIDICULOUS is that?

i'd really hope that the government can do something like lowering the tax.
Nate River wrote...
wow, i'm simply amazed that all u people drive and worry about gas prices, i'm too scared to drive.

and about the tax thingie, where i live in, Canada charges tax on coffee, how RIDICULOUS is that?

i'd really hope that the government can do something like lowering the tax.

One of the reasons your taxes in Canada are so high its because of your socialized health care. Every country that has socialized their medicine has a terrible drain on their economies. Though, if America gets much worse I may move to Japan or Canada. I can give up my right to bear arms with all those adorable and sexy Japanese girls running around. Canada have polite people seemed like "America Lite" to me when I visited your country before.
So in regard to the OP, he's blaming republicans on the oil/gas prices? Never mind the fact that the people who don't actually LET the US drill for oil in their own country aren't republican? Or the actual countries that are monopolizing the oil market? Or heck even this little nugget, 2006 democrats took over congress with the promise to lower gas prices. We've seen what, a 200% increase in prices since 2006? Everyone's to blame for something wrong with this political system/economy we have here in the US. Personally i blame Al Gore!!!! He's totally screwing us with the internet.
(Btw serious note, Al Gore's the biggest hypocrite in the world: pushing his Global Warming agenda while flying around in a private Jet and using up enough electricity in a year to power a small town for his private house.)
tsaijo wrote...
So in regard to the OP, he's blaming republicans on the oil/gas prices? Never mind the fact that the people who don't actually LET the US drill for oil in their own country aren't republican? Or the actual countries that are monopolizing the oil market? Or heck even this little nugget, 2006 democrats took over congress with the promise to lower gas prices. We've seen what, a 200% increase in prices since 2006? Everyone's to blame for something wrong with this political system/economy we have here in the US. Personally i blame Al Gore!!!! He's totally screwing us with the internet.
(Btw serious note, Al Gore's the biggest hypocrite in the world: pushing his Global Warming agenda while flying around in a private Jet and using up enough electricity in a year to power a small town for his private house.)

Did you read the link? Yeah, that's what I thought. To give the tl;dr version, Republicans won't fund alternative energy research and think that just increasing the supply [of fossil fuel]" is going to solve all of our problems. The greed and ignorance around oil and fossil fuels is already absurd but reaching levels of stupidity that staggering is...staggering.
blind_assassin wrote...
tsaijo wrote...
So in regard to the OP, he's blaming republicans on the oil/gas prices? Never mind the fact that the people who don't actually LET the US drill for oil in their own country aren't republican? Or the actual countries that are monopolizing the oil market? Or heck even this little nugget, 2006 democrats took over congress with the promise to lower gas prices. We've seen what, a 200% increase in prices since 2006? Everyone's to blame for something wrong with this political system/economy we have here in the US. Personally i blame Al Gore!!!! He's totally screwing us with the internet.
(Btw serious note, Al Gore's the biggest hypocrite in the world: pushing his Global Warming agenda while flying around in a private Jet and using up enough electricity in a year to power a small town for his private house.)

Did you read the link? Yeah, that's what I thought. To give the tl;dr version, Republicans won't fund alternative energy research and think that just increasing the supply [of fossil fuel]" is going to solve all of our problems. The greed and ignorance around oil and fossil fuels is already absurd but reaching levels of stupidity that staggering is...staggering.

Politicians in America are just too old to keep up with the changing times. Young people like me can easily fall behind with new technologies and ideas. Yet, we have the old jackasses who are still stuck in the mindset of the 1960-70's and trying to write laws as if we're still in those times.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
blind_assassin wrote...
tsaijo wrote...
So in regard to the OP, he's blaming republicans on the oil/gas prices? Never mind the fact that the people who don't actually LET the US drill for oil in their own country aren't republican? Or the actual countries that are monopolizing the oil market? Or heck even this little nugget, 2006 democrats took over congress with the promise to lower gas prices. We've seen what, a 200% increase in prices since 2006? Everyone's to blame for something wrong with this political system/economy we have here in the US. Personally i blame Al Gore!!!! He's totally screwing us with the internet.
(Btw serious note, Al Gore's the biggest hypocrite in the world: pushing his Global Warming agenda while flying around in a private Jet and using up enough electricity in a year to power a small town for his private house.)

Did you read the link? Yeah, that's what I thought. To give the tl;dr version, Republicans won't fund alternative energy research and think that just increasing the supply [of fossil fuel]" is going to solve all of our problems. The greed and ignorance around oil and fossil fuels is already absurd but reaching levels of stupidity that staggering is...staggering.

Politicians in America are just too old to keep up with the changing times. Young people like me can easily fall behind with new technologies and ideas. Yet, we have the old jackasses who are still stuck in the mindset of the 1960-70's and trying to write laws as if we're still in those times.

Did you read my post about how i think everyone's to blame? Not just Republicans or Democrats? Yeah thats what I thought. Oh and i don't believe in that researching garbage either. Look at how much it costs to actually produce ethanol to use in cars. If its corn-based, you're gonna basically take enough corn grain that'll feed a family of 4 for 3 months (approx) to power that car for 200 miles? Thats really efficient. You want to cut fossil fuel usage in the world? Stop being all paranoid about nuclear power and start building some nuclear power plants.
Gelmax wrote...
I really hate when people post political threads without thinking, mindlessly RAAAAAAAAAAGEing at the other party in a fashion guaranteed to distract people from the flaws in their reasoning and drop the whole mess into a partisan flamewar within two pages.

Renewable energy is NOT the answer to high gas prices. Investing in renewable energy might help with fuel prices twenty years from now, but with current technology, the answer to high gas prices is to cut down on gas usage and use fuel more efficiently - and that's something the CONSUMER has to do, not the government.

I use little gas as I can, my car gets 28MPG and I fill up a 15 gallon tank once every other Thursday(payday) I do not see why I should have to pay the price at th pump because some jackass in the Oil Compan like to wipe his a with 100 dollar Bills.

Sure, investing in renewable energy research will help in the long run, but the government can't effectively force that either - the lack of investment is closely related to the lack of consumer interest, and bad old "Big Oil" didn't really see much profit in small, energy-efficient cars with maybe solar panels or some crap when most Americans were busy driving everywhere in their big gas-guzzling SUVs, so they put their money into "enormous cars that can hold your entire extended family and all of their stuff and guzzle five gallons of gas every second" because that's what the majority of customers want. If there's a noticable shift in customer desires toward alternative-energy cars, the companies will put money into developing them, but at this point people seem to be more concerned with lowering the price of gas for their fatty cars rather than buying a smaller, more expensive car using less-convenient alternative energies.

With the current technology in the action of Green Fuels such as ethanol and Hydrogen, think about it this way. It is possible to make a engine that runs on pure Ethanol and it would take little to convert a gas engine to run on Gasahol(Gasoline and Ethanol). As for hydrogen the current technology is not a stable market yet, but research into it can be a great use to the economy. Bio Diesel can be mass produced cheaply and it cos little to convert a Diesel Engine to work with Bio Diesel.
tsaijo wrote...
Did you read my post about how i think everyone's to blame? Not just Republicans or Democrats? Yeah thats what I thought. Oh and i don't believe in that researching garbage either. Look at how much it costs to actually produce ethanol to use in cars. If its corn-based, you're gonna basically take enough corn grain that'll feed a family of 4 for 3 months (approx) to power that car for 200 miles? Thats really efficient. You want to cut fossil fuel usage in the world? Stop being all paranoid about nuclear power and start building some nuclear power plants.

And? That gives no indication that you actually read the link. On the whole I think both parties average out to being just as shitty but that has no bearing on the point of the article.

That aside, saying that funding alternative fuels is a waste of money is fucking retarded. Ethanol sucks a lot more than people realise and if it doesn't turn around in feasibility then it's just going to push us into some sort of oil crisis vs. food shortage balance that will just result in an option between how we collapse society in the next hundred years. I agree people shouldn't be so pussy about nuclear power but eventually it will just become another fuck up that will bite us in the ass down the road if we make it our crutch. To properly develop wind and whatever else power they need funding into research. The same goes for replacing gas in cars and pretty much everything else. Running out of fossil fuels means a lot more than not driving and a major reduction in pollution. Once oil runs out, society as we know it is over and we're all fucked for the next 50-100 years until we can get our shit together and redesign all of our industrial progress from the past hundred years.
I like puppies that call you.

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tsaijo wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
blind_assassin wrote...
tsaijo wrote...
So in regard to the OP, he's blaming republicans on the oil/gas prices? Never mind the fact that the people who don't actually LET the US drill for oil in their own country aren't republican? Or the actual countries that are monopolizing the oil market? Or heck even this little nugget, 2006 democrats took over congress with the promise to lower gas prices. We've seen what, a 200% increase in prices since 2006? Everyone's to blame for something wrong with this political system/economy we have here in the US. Personally i blame Al Gore!!!! He's totally screwing us with the internet.
(Btw serious note, Al Gore's the biggest hypocrite in the world: pushing his Global Warming agenda while flying around in a private Jet and using up enough electricity in a year to power a small town for his private house.)

Did you read the link? Yeah, that's what I thought. To give the tl;dr version, Republicans won't fund alternative energy research and think that just increasing the supply [of fossil fuel]" is going to solve all of our problems. The greed and ignorance around oil and fossil fuels is already absurd but reaching levels of stupidity that staggering is...staggering.

Politicians in America are just too old to keep up with the changing times. Young people like me can easily fall behind with new technologies and ideas. Yet, we have the old jackasses who are still stuck in the mindset of the 1960-70's and trying to write laws as if we're still in those times.

Did you read my post about how i think everyone's to blame? Not just Republicans or Democrats? Yeah thats what I thought. Oh and i don't believe in that researching garbage either. Look at how much it costs to actually produce ethanol to use in cars. If its corn-based, you're gonna basically take enough corn grain that'll feed a family of 4 for 3 months (approx) to power that car for 200 miles? Thats really efficient. You want to cut fossil fuel usage in the world? Stop being all paranoid about nuclear power and start building some nuclear power plants.

Actually, I did read it. So the whole tl;dr thing just makes you look like an ass. If your going to try and argue/debate with someone then actually take the time to read the whole thing. This is another long one so please take the time to read everything. You'll realize that ethanol is a horrible idea.

About the "Ethanol is efficient". Go do research champ because Ethanol isn't efficient. 1/4 of all corn grown in the united states is used for Ethanol. 3/4 of our corn is grown for cattle feed and the remaining 1/4 goes towards human consumption. Currently, we are taking the 1/4 for ethanol from the feed corn to make fuel. So prices of feed go up, cost for farmers go up then those increases are past to the consumer in their products (milk,cheese,other cattle related products). If you have filled up a car recently all fuel is a 10% Ethanol mixture. Wow 1/4 of ALL OF OUR FUCKING CORN is only able to mix at 10% into Ethanol? Oh, if you've read the news lately you'd have known there is a growing FOOD CRISIS around the world and guess what

it's because we're burning our food to fuel our fucking cars

To produce ethanol there is actually a net energy loss. It takes more to produce Ethanol than it gives out. Every time you make one gallon of ethanol, there is a net energy loss of 54,000 BTUs. Thats a return of only 70% compared to what it takes to make it.

According to U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates, you can get about 21/2 gallons of it of ethanol from a bushel of corn. An acre of corn could "possibly" produce 30 bushels

So one acre of corn can produce 645 gallons lets say we make a even million acres devoted to growing corn for only ethanol production we could make 645000000 gallons

America has 3,794,066 sq mi in it. 1 square mile = 640 acres

America uses something like 400 million gallons (1.51 billion liters) of gasoline every day.

So a million acres produces 645 million gallons. Gotcha, well we produces enough for ONE DAY. Where are the other 364 going to come from? Lets not even mention the fact that Ethanol gets less fuel efficiency compared to gas. A 10% mixture of ethanol and petroleum does not drop fuel efficiency. They tested a E85 (a 85% blend) the fuel efficiency dropped by a massive 27%. So lets say an SUV gets 10 mpg with gas or E10. With a E85 you'd get a massive 7.3 mpg.

Wow, Ethanol sure is efficient. I can't believe I was so stupid to think it was a horrible idea. /sarcasm

Now on nuclear energy. I agree that it would be a good idea but, political infighting and ignorance/fear of the masses will prevent any new plants because they think of Chernobyl every time you mention a nuclear plant. Currently, only 22% of American electricity is produced via Nuclear energy. 1% is produces from wind farms. 55% is produced from coal. The rest comes from the remaining types such as oil, natural gas, hydroelectric,etc.
I did read it, and if you read my post, you'll see i was being sarcastic about ethanol for car use...But its ok cause i know sarcasm gets lost in online. My "Thats really efficient" line was ment to be sarcastic, hence why i put it out there after saying how much it costs to actually produce it. I agree with you man, the energy debate is pretty stupid and honestly its more of a political stance for votes than actual solution, but what can you do. Btw, i actually also don't believe that its up to the US to be the ones to start this whole energy revolution. Ok we cut our usage of fossil fuel, so what? That just means China and India buy the surplus that comes from our conservation and use it to pump their economy, so its not solving the problem at all.
(btw i think i somehow got a -1 rep for this topic lol, oh well)
tsaijo wrote...
I did read it, and if you read my post, you'll see i was being sarcastic about ethanol for car use...But its ok cause i know sarcasm gets lost in online. My "Thats really efficient" line was ment to be sarcastic, hence why i put it out there after saying how much it costs to actually produce it. I agree with you man, the energy debate is pretty stupid and honestly its more of a political stance for votes than actual solution, but what can you do. Btw, i actually also don't believe that its up to the US to be the ones to start this whole energy revolution. Ok we cut our usage of fossil fuel, so what? That just means China and India buy the surplus that comes from our conservation and use it to pump their economy, so its not solving the problem at all.
(btw i think i somehow got a -1 rep for this topic lol, oh well)

my apologizes. We really should suggest to Jacob for some more smilies so we could show sarcasm since text is a horrible medium for such things.

Since it was a miscommunication I went ahead and used my one rep point to negate the -rep you got. Enjoy
Lol repped back although honestly i wasn't that bothered by it. Better to be able to have some sort of discussion without it just disintegrating into some childish act.
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