"Meet your Meat"

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I for the most part an a vegetarian, but I will eat meat and eggs on one condition, I have met the slaughtered animal before I consume it. Meaning I know where the meat is coming from. i only eat meat when my uncle gives me part of a beef that he's raised, same goes for chickens and eggs.

As for milk I drink soy milk.
That's a bit funny, whales are also animals, the animal killing is the problem isn't it?
Gentlepervert wrote...
That's a bit funny, whales are also animals, the animal killing is the problem isn't it?

Heh, if we were like this back in the prehistoric days we'd be eaten by the next lion or wolf.
I personally don't see the problem with humans killing animals for food, if we didn't do it we would be prey for other meat eaters.
I don't think most people realise we're pretty damn low on the food chain.
The only reason we've gotten this far is because we have the brains to develop tools to compensate for our lack of raw strength and endurance.
Ugh, PETA, they are meddling in my plans to take over the world again, aren't they?

On a more serious note, i doubt i have anything to say that hasn't already been said.

So i'll just sum it up:

-PETA members are just..... Sure, a group that would make sure that animals don't get too much abuse would be great and all (and china prolly has some explaining to do at that point, but not my problem) but picking on meat consumers is just.... sad (pointless as well)

-I'm not gonna comment on vegetarians, what you eat is your own choice (and your wallet's), just leave the meat eaters alone

-Same to the omnivores

-These documentaries should be ignored. Let them produce as much as they want, they're just bulls#!t, and if all the smart people ignore them, then just let them waste their money producing them.

-While modern "meat factories" are not THAT bad, it's true they are generally disgusting, and should be replaced. Sides, meat ALWAYS tastes better from a farm.
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