Minimum Age for Hentai Viewers?

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Well tell me if u find it ok dude.
If you can fap it's the good age.
For the movie thing I'm not sure if you can draw too many conclusions from the reaction of the high schoolers because something such as porn which has a sort of stigma among many people will cause people to respond in a way that doesn't represent their actual feelings
(and if i was a new freshman at some decently good and respectable school I would be careful in answering a question related to such a topic and maybe not say what I really want to for sake of reputation)

but back too the topic I believe it just depends on the person and his/her maturity/psychological (think this is the right word) development.

however its hard to know for sure because we have no real means of measuring whether its ok or not.

Its easy to say "Its okay because I started at 12 and turned out fine" but you fap every few ours and have/are wasting so much time doing it that it might be considered bad or an addiction

and its easy to say "No because this medical crap states other crap that says no" but if the person who started at an early age is doing very well in life (albiet maybe spending a lot of time fapping) then you might say that it had no effects or even positive effects seeing as he/she is doing so well

however since you don't and will never know how he/she would've done if he/she was never introduced to porn you can't really say much
(other than the crap I just said)
I don't see a problem if people fap every few hours as long as they don't suffer from it. I presume more people suffer from sexual guilt than from sex addiction. And the concept of "wasting time" is doubtful. Enjoying masturbation is not so different than enjoying any other activity, as long as it's pleasant I don't see why it would be wasted time. Wasted time is when the activity don't give you anything valuable and sexual pleasure is as valuable in my eyes as any other pleasure.

By the way I highly doubt porn directly induct sexual addiction.
It's probable that a highly sexual individual who don't feel guilt in masturbation will more commonly use porn as a way to release his sexual urges, in the meanwhile a highly sexual individual repressed will more commonly lay off for the night (don't know the exact english expression). Probably a more satisfying way to release sexual tension, but more stressful and frustratring if the attempt fail (brothel would be another way to go but it would be a totally other subject).
Well pornagraphy addiction is a very real and horrible thing. People will be late to work or ignore other parts of their life because of it. Ideally, you wouldn't be addicted to porn if you had a sexual partner, but that is easier said then done for most people.
If only there was a machine that could estimate the maturity of someones brain. Well, I'd say 13.
Eh, 13 is pretty young. That is like when you first enter puberty.
@randummonkey - I wasn't making any points with the video just wanted to point out that it was on tv a couple days ago and that is what their reactions were. And I'd have to say they were being fairly honest, not that they didn't have any reservations but they said what was on their mind - even if the girls couldn't help but giggle as they said it.
razama wrote...
Well pornagraphy addiction is a very real and horrible thing. People will be late to work or ignore other parts of their life because of it. Ideally, you wouldn't be addicted to porn if you had a sexual partner, but that is easier said then done for most people.

Just pointing it's probably more often sex addiction leading to watch porn than the contrary. Not that I presume it's a 100% rule but I don't like the idea of repressing the liberty of the majority to deal with the problems of a minority.

Getting a girlfriend won't solve the problem if the guy is sex addict and his girlfriend is not. He'll probably masturbate and get many other girlfriends to fulfill his needs (or force his girlfriend having sex multiple times a day, which is even worse).
I started watching porn when I was 14. All I remember is being really irresponsible. Once, I cost my dad around 60 bucks for creating an account on a pay site. I had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted to see some porn. Needless to say, he was pissed, and things were really awkward between us for the next few weeks.
I dont think there should be any limit at all.
I remember when I was a child, like 7 or 8, I found one of my dads porn movies, and I watched some of it, but when my dad found out I got sent to my room. The point is that I had no idea why it was wrong to watch that particular movie, because I did not understand what they were doing, and that is my argument for why there should not be a limit, since if you are too young you wont "get it" and be "damaged" anyway.
jenslyn wrote...
I dont think there should be any limit at all.
I remember when I was a child, like 7 or 8, I found one of my dads porn movies, and I watched some of it, but when my dad found out I got sent to my room. The point is that I had no idea why it was wrong to watch that particular movie, because I did not understand what they were doing, and that is my argument for why there should not be a limit, since if you are too young you wont "get it" and be "damaged" anyway.

Anybody too young to understand what's going on should not be aloud to view pornography. Trust me, it can do its harm.
Smegma wrote...
jenslyn wrote...
I dont think there should be any limit at all.
I remember when I was a child, like 7 or 8, I found one of my dads porn movies, and I watched some of it, but when my dad found out I got sent to my room. The point is that I had no idea why it was wrong to watch that particular movie, because I did not understand what they were doing, and that is my argument for why there should not be a limit, since if you are too young you wont "get it" and be "damaged" anyway.

Anybody too young to understand what's going on should not be aloud to view pornography. Trust me, it can do its harm.

maybe for some kinds of special porn, but if you just see two people having sex, and you got no clue what they are doing, you would probably just think that is some wierd gymnastic activity.
I'd say that people should hit puberty before viewing hentai or at least have a decent sense of common sense and responsibility. I find younger kids lack the mental capacity for something like hentai. They would most likely end up thinking something is wrong with themselves, as they would be fappin' their heads off.
Ha ha ha I started Looking up porn at 12 And Found out about hentai the very same day. So personally I think the 18+ is just to buy it. I mean... I'm not gonna lie I'm 18 right now. I've been Fapping since 12 and I'm about as mature as a Fucking monkey.
animepimp92 wrote...
Ha ha ha I started Looking up porn at 12 And Found out about hentai the very same day. So personally I think the 18+ is just to buy it. I mean... I'm not gonna lie I'm 18 right now. I've been Fapping since 12 and I'm about as mature as a Fucking monkey.

If you don't want an age limit on reading/watching, why do you feel the need for a limit to buy?
gibbous wrote...
As far as personal ethics go, whenever they're genuinely interested in it, I guess. 14 would be an okay age with me, although possibly not the harder stuff.

Yeah like guro and all the other hardcore stuff, i mean it really can mess up your mind.
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
I don't think you need "maturity" to look at hentai. It's just pr0n, and everyone uses it for the same purpose.
I'm not saying this should be on national tv or anything, but it shouldn't be deprived of us either or out of our reach (wich is what seems the government is trying to do).

Intrestin' idea of mindset. I find myself ingraved in the subject "sexual arrousal" at "Eight" years old. Paid a dearly price in my early school the subject at hand they called me a freak. To be sexualy fruastrated at that age is hard bearing and not knowing anything about the changes and why my ...erhrm.... "penis" grew larger when I saw a cute girl etc. I was ridiclous aggresive aswell.

I find it needed for allowance for looking into Hentai/porn since it's only something you will experiance later. It's just dumbfounded to hide the crucial matter at hand.

True I have matured from that time it makes me "fourteen" now since it was six years ago. I was mostly confused and shit. I was embarrased for my family and keept it for myself and started to search the net on search tags for sexual matters. I'm fine now I understand what I couldn't I find myself contemptet. Just stupidity would keep the young one against something they will try to experiment with.

Bah I should do a own add on the forum about this topic at hand aswell.
I think it depends on which type it is if it is a normal sex type then i think it is kool for 13- any to read. Now for the other like rape or stiff like that i think 18 would be fine, but it depends on the kid.
Scion in chains The Forgotten Faggot
La_Mangouste wrote...
If you can fap it's the good age.

Words containing infinite wisdom.
I think that 12-14 years old kid already can watch hentai without any problems. If we co beck to history exactly at this age the sexual relationships began during Medieval times. The great example is Romeo and Juliet, where Juliet is approaching her fourteenth birthday, and at the same time is told by her mother, that at that age he already was pregnant.
12-14 years is exactly the age, when the person somehow needs if not sex, but at lust such a simple things as porn and hentai. So I think, that it is absolutely ok, to view hentai at this age.

And also... I really think, that there is no such a thing as minimal age... When the person already can understand what he sees, and if he can get from it some moral or physical pleasure, he is ready to watch hentai.
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