Negative long term effects of indulging one-self in hentai?

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Has anyone experienced any harmful side effects from being exposed to hentai for a long period of time? I'm concerned for myself because I've been a hentai fan for 4 years. I watch/read hentai 5 days a week. How much is too much?[color=red][/color]
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I'm not sure if this are meant to be in SD.

OT: Well, not that I've been reading Hentai longer than you have, but I read hentai once a day, and it's not only one or two chapter, it's like 10-15.
I don't think it's bad, as long as it doesn't affect you in real life if you get what I mean.
I can say that reading hentai is like a hobby for me, I read hentai from Vanilla to NTR.
Well, so far, it hasn't affect me in any way, still the same person as I used to be before I know Hentai.
Probably these days I tend to watch Anime more than usual, but as long as it doesn't affect me and my surroundings, I don't find a reason why I should stop.

My point is, as long as it doesn't affect you in a negative way, you shouldn't worry about it.
Think of it as a hobby..
My hands got really hairy, but other than that, I'm the same.

I also have a strange fixation with octopi...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
It gets too much when you think things that happen in Hentai happen in real life.
Gravity cat wrote...
It gets too much when you think things that happen in Hentai happen in real life.

Like hot chicks wanting to have sex with you... haha as if!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
KittenIgnition wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
It gets too much when you think things that happen in Hentai happen in real life.

Like hot chicks wanting to have sex with you... haha as if!

More along the lines of this.

Edit: Lolwhoops, the link was directed at the comment I posted on that manga. I shouldn't post links when half-asleep. Fix'd.
Gravity cat wrote...
KittenIgnition wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
It gets too much when you think things that happen in Hentai happen in real life.

Like hot chicks wanting to have sex with you... haha as if!

More along the lines of this.

I think the question is more related to this:
Gravity cat wrote...
KittenIgnition wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
It gets too much when you think things that happen in Hentai happen in real life.

Like hot chicks wanting to have sex with you... haha as if!

More along the lines of this.

Other than very vivid dreams and me laughing when people say lines I've read in them, Hentai hasn't had that big a recoil on me.
Hell and I read it at least once a day, right befor I sleep......its for sweet dream. XD
I think it's the same thing with every hobby. As long as it doesn't spark the downward spiral of your life, it is acceptable. x]
Now, I can't say how much is too much, but five days a week doesn't sound bad in itself. However, it depends on how much time you invest for it every day.
Addiction can be viewed as a continued involvement with a substance or activity despite the negative consequences associated with it. Pleasure, enjoyment or relief from actual or perceived ailments would have originally been sought; however, over a period of time involvement with the substance or activity is needed to feel normal. Some psychology professionals and many laypeople now mean 'addiction' to include abnormal psychological dependency on such things as gambling, video games, food, sex, pornography, computers, internet, work, exercise, adrenaline, idolizing, watching TV or certain types of non-pornographic videos, spiritual obsession, self-injury and shopping.

Hentai per se is not dangerous. It's a question of how mentally stable you are.
This thread topic has been done before.

littleRED wrote...
Addiction can be viewed as a continued involvement with a substance or activity despite the negative consequences associated with it. Pleasure, enjoyment or relief from actual or perceived ailments would have originally been sought; however, over a period of time involvement with the substance or activity is needed to feel normal. Some psychology professionals and many laypeople now mean 'addiction' to include abnormal psychological dependency on such things as gambling, video games, food, sex, pornography, computers, internet, work, exercise, adrenaline, idolizing, watching TV or certain types of non-pornographic videos, spiritual obsession, self-injury and shopping.

Hentai per se is not dangerous. It's a question of how mentally stable you are

I agree with you. People can argue that a person can be addicted to anything and everything a person does will have negative effects. What defines addiction is when a person has a need (physical, emotional, etc) for a desired substance and in the absence of it suffers from symptoms of withdraw. How "substance" is defined there can include anything. I don't feel there is such a thing as "too much" of anything, when it comes to things that aren't immediately life-threatening. So anything that can kill you in one use are not in this group. The issue is more of whether you can control yourself with it.

Take hentai for example. There is nothing wrong with watching it instead of hollywood porn because of personal preference. There is nothing wrong with watching it everyday of the week for all of your hours spent awake. I would not call someone who does that addicted to hentai.

If that person was to go on vacation for a week and be fine both mentally and physically without hentai I would have no problems with that. I would say the person is addicted if on vacation they have a mental breakdown or their body does something unusual without it. In addition, if the person is unable to say "there are things more important than hentai" I would call them addicted as well. So what I'm saying is that when watching hentai becomes the most important thing in the world to that person and without it they are unable to function I would say they are addicted.

So to the OP. Go ahead and watch hentai all you like. If you ever feel like you would prefer hentai over food (when you are hungry) I would recommend taking a break.

Certainly someone could say I am a Fakku addict because I spend a copious amount of time around these forums. But I would never go to Fakku when driving a car or write "Fakku member" on a resume. When there is something to be done, like sleeping or exams, I'm not here. If I was to lose internet connection for a month I would be bored but not wrapped up in a bed sheet in the fetal position muttering "Hey Gravity, OP is a faggot. Haha IB is soo awesome". That would be a very clear sign of addiction.
Too much is when you feel psychologically different. the reality you see right before your eyes is the truth, and when you deny this truth and accept the fantasy of man-made comic books then it is too much and need to back off of Fakku and other hentai sites for a while until you can get used to accepting the difference between reality and fantasy.

I LOVE hentai but it doesn't mean I have to deny the truth what is in front of me.

I had a temporary side effect from watching hentai too much and it's called isolation my friend. I cut off all social elements from me and got trapped behind my own door, it took a while to realize this and after that, I am back to normal and enjoying life.

So don't worry about TOO MUCH, just take it easy and enjoy other things in life than just hentai.

ToyManC Forgot my safe word
How many decades constitute overindulgence? The answer might be important to me. I'm already getting carpal-tunnel. XD

Seriously, though, I would guess it depends on the individual and how they are able to separate their normal and hentai lives.
Well, the only negative side effect is a boner around 3:30 p.m. But, that is only for me I hope.
Damoz ~Not A User~
As long as you can still differentiate between real life and "stuff that only happens in hentai" i think you would be fine. As far as i know most people can do that much.

In my opinion you do tend to get a little desensitized to normal porn after a while but that isn't much of a loss considering the quality of porn these days.
[font=Courier New][size=12]I see after reading the post before mine. I now understand that I am not addicted to hentai since I like to watch hentai everyday or read hentai, but whenever Im out I never feel the urge to read or watch it, so this is a relief.

But I can't say the same for anime or manga though, I mean Im not sure whether or not Im addicted. This is how I feel - Everytime I read or watch anime/manga I feel that my life sucks especially if I watch a drama/romance/comedy anime - even though I know its not true, especially if the story is based on school-life animes.

I know that the reason I feel this way is because I never enjoyed my school life like I did when I was in philippines and I sought for that life and anime gave me a look at that but with a price that after I stop looking at it I would then feel that my own life sucks, and at some point my life is useless. This symptoms however only shows whenever I see animes with such blissful school life or life in general.

So reading that I'm not sure If Im addicted or just sad.[/h][/font]
I use it so I loose the negative health effects of regular interaction.
I would think - and correct me if I'm wrong - that it's a very real risk that it could negative effect your "IRL" sex life? (God I hate the term "IRL".) Me, I only ever jerk off to macrophiliac hentai and art, and it's resulted in an issue where I can't... get it up... without it. It's become an issue. I'm not even addicted, it's just the more I read of it the more nothing else turns me on. At all. And it, well, extends into real-life sex. Last time I had someone over I had to catch up on a few mangas while getting ready for them just so I could get a boner! AND THEY WERE RIGHT THERE SUCKING MY COCK AND I HAD TO THINK OF HENTAI! yes. I could very well be a one in a million case, but hentai has had that nasty little side-effect on my life. Could very well end up being the same for you.
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