Battlefield 3

psbox362 wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
psbox362 wrote...

Btw, I've been trying to figure out how to kill people with the MAV without the use of C4, but haven't been able to get it to work properly. I've seen people getting crushed by the things, but couldn't figure out how to do it myself.

Also, also, at what point in the recon class do you unlock the M40 sniper rifle?

Well, to insure you get a MAV roadkill, you need to ram it like a vehicle. You must not touch anything else or it will slow down, and it won't be a killing roadkill. Some MAV users just swoop down from air, some choose to drop down on top of the enemies head.

I've been trying to crush people by landing in on their heads, but it didn't seem to work. I'll try simply ramming them and see if that fares any better.

Kaimax wrote...

You'll get the M40 at your 6th Recon level, after getting your SKS.

Good to know. I think I'm just a few hundred points away from unlocking the SKS.

it's extremely hard to crush them from landing on them, since it has to be at top speed and be exactly on them, the best way to do it is to pretend like you're bowling and just fly parallel to the ground and straight into them at top speed, and just practice that until u can gauge exactly how far you can get away with doing the dip/swoop motion for a kill
where is teh BTR-90 in battlefield 3 for the 360? I need it to unlock a weapon in my assignments.

also where is the Skid Loader at too? need it for an achievement.
Kaimax Best Master-San
GamingNerd wrote...
where is teh BTR-90 in battlefield 3 for the 360? I need it to unlock a weapon in my assignments.

also where is the Skid Loader at too? need it for an achievement.

Did you buy the "Back to Karkand" DLC? All I know is it's in the new maps. I Haven't bought it.
Kaimax wrote...
GamingNerd wrote...
where is teh BTR-90 in battlefield 3 for the 360? I need it to unlock a weapon in my assignments.

also where is the Skid Loader at too? need it for an achievement.

Did you buy the "Back to Karkand" DLC? All I know is it's in the new maps. I Haven't bought it.

uh yeah, I own the back to karkland dlc. otherwise I would not ask bout the locations of these vehicles. >.>
Guy t-bagged me in a round of squad deathmatch, so I rammed a MAV up his ass. Then, in the next match, I knifed him twice and later ran him over with an IFV.

Btw, I figured out how to kill people with the MAV.
im on xbox 360 im foreruner0
Started messing around with the L96. Gun is insane. There's very little bullet drop at extreme ranges. With a 12x scope, I rarely find a situation where I even have to go down a full notch. I've been using this rifle to headshot enemies from ranges where only other bolt-action rifles (or vehicles) have a chance of effectively killing me.
Kaimax Best Master-San
I love it when I have a great Gunner/Pilot

Gunner, while I was piloting the Venom the entire game. (Gunner named Auny) (Gunner named Solemnfish)

Pilot, While I was a Gunner in the Viper. (Pilot named hawkskaneki)

There was also a funny/awesome moment, where all my squad members who are all using engineers including me, spawned into one scout heli at the same time. lol
Just trolled my first victim in battlefield 3 with the mav. Was flying around and spotted a sniper laying down ontop of a building in strike at karkland. so I just pushed him off of the building while singing "trolololololol" and watching his body hit teh ground.

Also, finally played co-op with some dude in pubic game who turned out to be cool. played all cept 2 missions on hard. on teh final co-op mission the game froze. >.> I was surprised co-op on hard was sooo easy.
I was killed by the repair tool for the first time today.

My face when it happened:
[spoil]Forum Image:
Kouki wrote...
I was killed by the repair tool for the first time today.

My face when it happened:
[spoil]Forum Image:

Be ashamed of yourself.
I got a guy with the repair tool to unlock the HK-53 a while ago and he probably had the same face as you do now but consider this... He missed out on your tags! Im still pissed that I didnt get that guys tags... :(

Every cloud...
Just pulled of a monster headshot on firestorm lol from the RU spawn on the mountain to the crane near the US spawn lol and maxed my rank also 230000 for next lvl lol wtf
Kaimax Best Master-San
So, just got B2K DLC, Any tips or tricks for B2K Maps?
Kaimax wrote...
So, just got B2K DLC, Any tips or tricks for B2K Maps?

Engineer+AT mines= Multi-kills like hell lol

Also the new wpns to unlock are fairly easy except the 2 I haven't unlocked : /

the mk.23 shotgun and the Chinese assault rifle are annoying
Kaimax wrote...
So, just got B2K DLC, Any tips or tricks for B2K Maps?

I will tell you what I can from what I played. This applies to the 360 since it is the only version of bf3 I own for now. However, I got a friend who plays teh pc version adn tells me the same things I listed are to be expected on the pc version.

Back to Karkland:
you can always find a sniper ontop of a tall building. they mav up there. this applies to Conquest. check yrou coners, and use wepons of medium to long range if you can on this map.
Note: the tallest building (as ref. it is the tall building next to the first set of mcoms) on this map can't be reached on the 360 version since there is a hight limit on the mav.I dunno bout the pc version of bf3 since my friend has yet to try to do so.
(Sqd Deathmatch) the vehicle is useless on this map since it can be outflanked and killed from above. avoid the roads on foot if you can.
(Rush) don't know what to say bout tactics since it can either go smoothly or you end up hitting a brick wall of defence. again watch for snipers on them tall buildings.

Wake Island:
(Rush) the tunguska is a beast if it is in teh right hands of teh defender, try to take it out as fast as you can before it tears you and yrou team a new one.
(squad deathmatch) you are playing at teh airfield of wake island. stay away for teh runway or you will get gunned down fast.

Gulf Of Omen:
(rush) it can be a b***h to attack the first set of mcoms, but after you get them, flank around the sides and take teh rear mcom at teh contrustion site, then do your best to take teh 3rd set. snipers will appear ontop of the building nearest teh gas station once teh 3rd set of mcoms appear. there is a ladder to the rear of that building or you can mav up there.
(Conquest)it can get hectic sometimes. watch out for snipers who maved to teh top of the building in the construction site. if you are playing as russia, the BTR-90 will spawn at teh base beside teh aa gun, and at the construction site after russia captured it.

Sharqi Peninsula:
(rush) stealth is your best weapon here, alway check your corners, shoot when nessacery. when you get to teh final set of mcoms, flank left to teh building and plant a spawn beacon there so you and yrou team can spawn close to the objective. if you take teh mcom inside the building first, it will be easier to take the one outside. if not. the defenders (if they are well organized) will be camping there and it will be hell to get in and arm it.
(Sqd. Deathmatch) this map is perfect for just this game type. again check your corners, the IFV is somewhat decent on this map with the right equipment.
So who on this thread can claim the longest Headshot? I got a 932m headshot today!
Shawn2005x wrote...
So who on this thread can claim the longest Headshot? I got a 932m headshot today!

I still do.


With the 870MCS.

Give a a headshot farther than that with a shotgun, then lets talk.
ExESGO wrote...
Shawn2005x wrote...
So who on this thread can claim the longest Headshot? I got a 932m headshot today!

I still do.


lol ok I'm guessing you used the sabot rounds? Those where the best in BFBC2 with the saiga :D but lol ok Challenge Accepted.

With the 870MCS.

Give a a headshot farther than that with a shotgun, then lets talk.
Shawn2005x wrote...
ExESGO wrote...
Shawn2005x wrote...
So who on this thread can claim the longest Headshot? I got a 932m headshot today!

I still do.


lol ok I'm guessing you used the sabot rounds? Those where the best in BFBC2 with the saiga :D but lol ok Challenge Accepted.

With the 870MCS.

Give a a headshot farther than that with a shotgun, then lets talk.

Yes I do.
Monster Girl
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