Battlefield 3

Kaimax Best Master-San
Lol, my newest is 602m with a M98B. Got that in Kharg, shooting people from the carrier. lol
psbox362 wrote...
Has anyone else been having trouble with the Javelin missiles lately? It seems like I'm waiting longer to get a tone before I can fire a missile. On top of that, the missiles either miss or don't do enough damage to take out the tank before an engineer repairs it to full health. I'd imagine a SOFLAM would greatly reduce those problems, but I almost never see another player actually use them effectively, or at all for that matter.

it kinda does, but at the same time it doesn't. but if you pair it up with a soflam, you might be able to speed up the lock on process. watche da youtube vid of a soflam targeting a heli and a guy locked onto it with a javilin and it was like no avoiding certian death when he fired it.

other then that. I just unlocked the bi-pod for my famas and boy am i loving it. got the ACOG on it and it set to 3-round burts. man it can be a beast

longest head shot I done is 296 metters with the sv98. tring to go past 300 or 400, but it is hard as hell.
GamingNerd wrote...
Longest head shot I done is 296 metters with the sv98. tring to go past 300 or 400, but it is hard as hell.

I've managed a 306 headshot with the L96. M40 netted me a 301 headshot recently too. You really need a good bolt-action rifle and a 12x scope to pull off any long range shots like that.
psbox362 wrote...
GamingNerd wrote...
Longest head shot I done is 296 metters with the sv98. tring to go past 300 or 400, but it is hard as hell.

I've managed a 306 headshot with the L96. M40 netted me a 301 headshot recently too. You really need a good bolt-action rifle and a 12x scope to pull off any long range shots like that.

I already got what I need on the sv98. bi-pod, 12x scope, supressor. unlocked it like a hunting rifle. going up close to kill them. in the precoess of doing the same with the L96. just need to unlock the bi-pod and I might have a chance since it is has low bullet drop for some reason
GamingNerd wrote...
psbox362 wrote...
GamingNerd wrote...
Longest head shot I done is 296 metters with the sv98. tring to go past 300 or 400, but it is hard as hell.

I've managed a 306 headshot with the L96. M40 netted me a 301 headshot recently too. You really need a good bolt-action rifle and a 12x scope to pull off any long range shots like that.

I already got what I need on the sv98. bi-pod, 12x scope, supressor. unlocked it like a hunting rifle. going up close to kill them. in the precoess of doing the same with the L96. just need to unlock the bi-pod and I might have a chance since it is has low bullet drop for some reason

The M40 also has relatively low bullet drop, making it comparable to the L96 for the most part. Also, when you're sniping from the ranges that I am, a silencer or flash suppresor is usually unnecessary as the only enemies that could hit you at such a range would be other snipers with a similar loadout as you. Even then, enemy snipers are often my prime targets as they don't move very often, making for relatively easy headshots. If by some chance, I do get pinned down by another sniper, I have a MAV, which I've successfully managed to use to get out of such situations either by pointing the sniper out to my teammates or by simply going for a vehicle kill with the MAV.
psbox362 wrote...

The M40 also has relatively low bullet drop, making it comparable to the L96 for the most part. Also, when you're sniping from the ranges that I am, a silencer or flash suppresor is usually unnecessary as the only enemies that could hit you at such a range would be other snipers with a similar loadout as you. Even then, enemy snipers are often my prime targets as they don't move very often, making for relatively easy headshots. If by some chance, I do get pinned down by another sniper, I have a MAV, which I've successfully managed to use to get out of such situations either by pointing the sniper out to my teammates or by simply going for a vehicle kill with the MAV.

using the mav to get out of a situation. never would've thought of that. if I don't use a suppersor, I would youthe flash suppresser. at least it would help remove the muzzle flash so I can see where my bullet drop. and I don't have the m40 unlocked yet, still getting there.
Longest Head Shot: 535.33M

Centurion C-RAM = Lol. :D
GamingNerd wrote...
if I don't use a suppersor, I would youthe flash suppresser. at least it would help remove the muzzle flash so I can see where my bullet drop.

The reason I don't like using a silencer nor a suppressor is mostly due to how those attachments mess with the guns damage, bullet speed, and accuracy, something that'll make long-range sniping noticably harder. Considering that most enemies won't be able to get to you without passing through enemy lines, you'll likely be safe enough to not even need to bother with such attachments. However, if you plan on sniping from a closer range, that'll be a different story.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Yes, Silencers and Suppressors are useless if you're sniping from +500m, and people won't be able to see you light up in the radar anyways since they're far away from your position. Just be careful of your scope glint.

So, don't use it if you're "sniping".
Man those Engineer Assignments are just out of this world. When am I ever going to kill a vehicle with my repair tool?
Heaven2k4 wrote...
Man those Engineer Assignments are just out of this world. When am I ever going to kill a vehicle with my repair tool?

if you spawn on the russian side. repair tool the heck out of the amtrac. its what I did.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Heaven2k4 wrote...
Man those Engineer Assignments are just out of this world. When am I ever going to kill a vehicle with my repair tool?

If you can get knife kills , then it's pretty much the same, target those campers and start burning faces.

I haven't got it myself though, since I don't use Engineers as much as the other classes.
Heaven2k4 wrote...
Man those Engineer Assignments are just out of this world. When am I ever going to kill a vehicle with my repair tool?

I actually pulled it off once. Unfortunately, I didn't have the challenge unlocked at the time, so it didn't count. What you do is burn away at a vehicle as you have teammates shooting rockets at it. Since the repair tool rapidly chips away at vehicles, there's a good chance that you'll get the killing blow on it and earn the credit for the kill. Amtracs are easier targets, but are also quite dangerous due to the fact that enemies can easily spawn off of it. If you're going for a vehicle kill, be prepared to deal with a few enemy engies, as they commonly trail behind vehicles to repair them as they take damage.
Kaimax Best Master-San
So, I managed to get my Repair tool kill in TDM, just now. I got it twice, good thing is, "I got it twice on the same guy"

Lol Campers. I feel like Dexter when using it like that. All the blood~~~
I killed 4 guys with a repair tool in one go, and they were all facing me.

I gave all of them corrective plastic surgery.
Ive always been a dogtag collector since Bad Company One. Sure this game is fun but it doesn't have as much destruction as the Bad company games plus I cannot stand the knifing animation. Sure its cool but damn it gets in the way. When I role up into a building with my knife drawn and see three guys just chilling I should leave with all three of their tags not just one before Im shot :| But still it is a solid game and I do enjoy playing it a lot.
Now I'm just waiting for RYu to post how Awesome his BF on PC work now his new video card arrived lol
Shawn2005x wrote...
Now I'm just waiting for RYu to post how Awesome his BF on PC work now his new video card arrived lol

It's awesome.
I love my new video card (GeForce GTX570 HD) plays a whole lot smoother then on console. Sniping is also so much easier.
Dejitaru Ryuu wrote...

I love my new video card (GeForce GTX570 HD) plays a whole lot smoother then on console. Sniping is also so much easier.

That's one pricey ass card. Mine was only $150. :(
tried an 64 player server. Holy crap that's intense combat.
Also going to mouse and keyboard from console controller is harder then it looks.
Monster Girl
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