Gaming Aggression

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Total Votes : 51
On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your gaming aggression.

I'm usually at a 2-3, but if I get pissed enough I can max out at 5 saying things like, "come on... come you little f**ker, move your f**ken ass and beat that f**ken son of a bitch already!" Not to others personally, just to my character... my 5 is when I know that I need to take a little break (^^)>
I play to win... at whatever cost.
My gaming aggression kicks in when i play with spammers, or anybody that plays unfair. But on the scale i vote for 2. I quit out before i get any more frustrated. BTW Misaki_Chi, you spelled "Aggression" wrong. You forgot to add the other "G".
Half Man Half Amazing! wrote...
My gaming aggression kicks in when i play with spammers, or anybody that plays unfair. But on the scale i vote for 2. I quit out before i get any more frustrated. BTW Misaki_Chi, you spelled "Aggression" wrong. You forgot to add the other "G".

Ah I didn't even notice! Thank you Half-san, just fixed it (^^)
Im about the same. I am at 2-3. BUT if at like online games and such, you know lag, crappy opponents. I will reach 5. I yell like crazy, I talk to myself alot when I reach 5. It sucks when I reach 5.
Misaki_Chi wrote...
On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your gaming aggression.

I'm usually at a 2-3, but if I get pissed enough I can max out at 5 saying things like, "come on... come you little f**ker, move your f**ken ass and beat that f**ken son of a bitch already!" Not to others personally, just to my character... my 5 is when I know that I need to take a little break (^^)>

you sir or madam are just like me, and have explained how I am multiplayer, cept I kinda do yell at my teamates if they too are pissing me off. >.>
2, 3 on a bad day
Are they using tubes, if so...MUTHA FUCKIN 5 ALL THE WAY!!!!!
I usually keep a solid three as my default depending on the gameplay. However Ive been known to scale way past 5. An example is when I got lag killed a few months ago, & I lost it so bad I smashed my tv tray(and the tea cup resting on it unfortunately) in half & threw the bits across the room.
2-3 normally will go to 4-5 on a bad day especially when teammates are worthless and I get stuck in a losing streak.
I play it friendly and cool

just i want it.. calm and easy..
3-4 normally, but when things start pissing me off, i start pinging on 5's.. eg, deus ex, when i tried to sneak into the police station and kept getting caught and dying, got my rage on and was yelling at the game x.x
I only rage when I don't have a mic. I might rage at the game but not at other players... not really... if I say anything its usually not that bed and not really a threatening way at others...

if you camp I get mad. if I shoot you while your standing still and not get a kill I call bs

if you shoot me fair and square I say good job...

the other day I played a game I won FFA 30/15

when I was 28 kills I got a heli... I put it up at the corner of the map so it wouldn't kill anyone but I'd still get the points

some fucker ran to the corner of the map and got himself killed and it ended up being the last

said aloud "My god who does that?! Dude your are the smartest person I have ever played with. Like srsly I don't know if anyone is as smart as you. I like you man... I like you"

I rage so fucking hard, fist fly, tables knocked over, sofas set ablaze, friendships(and bones) are broken, I play to win DAMMIT. Some people say I take monopoly to seriously, but they can all BURN IN HELL.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
I'm usually a 1-3 person. Only would hit 3 if a little kid trash-talks too much. I would be the sarcastic guy and say, " Does your mom hear you talk like that?" Then the kid would either be quiet or rage and cause the other people in chat to rage about him. Lol good times.
I'm usually good humored with the games I play. Though, my level of agitation can build up if there's a constant stream of shit hitting the fan. As my agitation or excitement rises, I tend to become more aggressive.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
I show symptoms of 1 almost all the time, but inside, I feel a maximum of 3.
I usually run two or a three, but if I play something team-based online and my team sucks it hits 5 fast.
i'm about 3 but 4 or 5 on bad days, funny how everyone has a little aggression :P
so much for just a game.
Cant really vote on this cause I play on a sliding scale of 1-5.

All depends on who im playing with, If anything 'Heinous' happens ETC. Basically if you circle my fucking base on BF3 im coming for you!!! (5) If all my teammates are sniping and NO flags are getting capped then 1. (I just dont get bothered in those games and do something 'fun' instead like jihad jeeping to pass the time) xD
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