Gaming Aggression

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Agression Scale Options

Total Votes : 51
All my rage stays within me. The most I'll do is a low growl under my breath.
I can range from 2-4. Usually gets to 3-4 when I play League of Legends or some fps.

I do not rage much. The only times I really rage if I have many consecutive losses, the frustration mounts and I'll get pissed off. Usually though, I can vent to a friend I'm playing with if that happens.
I start off at 2, everything is going fine, both teams are putting up a good fight (things are usually neck-to-neck) then when things either start going downhill or when we're so close to victory, I instantly turn into a 5.
I'd have to say mine is 1-2, but it varies.
Like if I'm playing a game online, I'm usually pretty calm, unless on the rare instance that your team is just so painfully bad they can't seem to get anything done without you being which point it's probably a 4. (Not to sound arrogant, I'm a moderate player at best, and that's why it annoys me.Dang it, they should all be better than me!)
almost always calm and collective (which is at 1)
but depends on the situation,
specially on close calls.
I'm at about a 4 usually unless it gets to be the last few minutes of the game and we're only down by 5 or so kills that we can make up.
I'm a 1-2 most of the time. A couple of my friends are the raging types, and I've saved more than a couple of controllers (and possibly TVs) by snatching the controllers out of their hands when they get pissed.
I'm always at a 1 unless I see a hacker or a bot. Then I usually hit a 5 and have to restrain myself from cracking some passwords and screwing up someone's computer. If I hear a little kid bein' all shittalk, I usually just mute them or troll them so hard they bleed.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
1-3 Most of the time. I've only gotten real pissed when my team was doing nothing, and the other team was filled with hackers/bots.

I know IamnotChrisHansen rages a lot. :3
psbox362 wrote...
I'm usually good humored with the games I play. Though, my level of agitation can build up if there's a constant stream of shit hitting the fan. As my agitation or excitement rises, I tend to become more aggressive.

[color=red]1 if I playing multiplayer with friends

3 if I playing online with anonymous. Flaming is essential to control my teammates or enemies. Sometimes I go to 4th level if my plan is crumbling down, like trolling my own teammates or stealing their kills.

And when I reaches 5th scale, all I can see is CAPS LOCK and only able to hear loud typing noise from my keyboard.

I hate to admit it but I'm kinda hardcore pc gamer lol xD (just for DotA and HoN, console games only bring me to 2-3 )
I'm usually at the 1-3 range. However if a game is starting to go bad because some twit (or several twits) decide they want to afk the rest of the game or start doing stupid stuff no player in their right mind would attempt causing an otherwise decent game to hit the crapper.. I hit 5 real fast.
I try to keep calm when I play games, but it can get foul sometimes.
I'm typically a 2 most often when I play.
I randomly jump to 5 when I'm either playing shooters, get stuck on something that is giving me problems, or have bad lag issues.
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
I'm at "2". I'm fairly patient and enjoy a little competition. I may drift into the "3" zone, but if I go any further, I stop playing immedietly. It's not good for me or anyone else if I get mad. The only game where I exploded to "5" are the Call of Duty games, most often in Modern Warfare 2, since I can't stand the arrogant children who play it. I've made at least two of them cry for setting me off.
If there are people around me, I'm at a 1. When I'm alone, I take it up to 6 (start breaking shit).
Depends on the game i'm playing, i trash talk like a 12 year old on occasion, mostly when i'm playing FPS games. When i was playing WoW i got a bit psychotic during PvP.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
1 - Clan training
2 - Clan Training
3 - Pissed of in RTS games. and Multiplayer FPS
4 - Multiplayer FPS. K/D ratio suffers. because of anger.
5 - Multiplayer FPS. Pissed off beyond reason. Next roun a nuke is dropped by me. :P
Depends on game. 2 almost everywhere. 4 if stupid kids are on server. ALWAYS 5 IN DOTA.
And if stupid kids are on DOTA server shit goes up to eleven.
FreeThought wrote...
If there are people around me, I'm at a 1. When I'm alone, I take it up to 6 (start breaking shit).

Exactly true, anyone who's played Dark Souls knows where we're coming from.
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