Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
so just a question, what is your favorite Champion? im becoming a big fan of Druid and Warlock.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Ok, I have been playing today some HS just to see if my luck continues or not. Well... I am in a 12 loses streak... Some games lasted 17 turns, but the majority from 5 to 8 turns... After this, I still think HS doesn't require skill, just "high cards" and tons of luck to get them at te right time.

Yeah, I am frustrated... I am trying to do the "Win 3 games"... and I simply can't... and it is retardedly frustrating since I am getting stomped by Rare/Epic/Legendary cards in the against my shit decks... -.-u
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
idmb22 wrote...
Ok, I have been playing today some HS just to see if my luck continues or not. Well... I am in a 12 loses streak... Some games lasted 17 turns, but the majority from 5 to 8 turns... After this, I still think HS doesn't require skill, just "high cards" and tons of luck to get them at te right time.

Yeah, I am frustrated... I am trying to do the "Win 3 games"... and I simply can't... and it is retardedly frustrating since I am getting stomped by Rare/Epic/Legendary cards in the against my shit decks... -.-u

i know that feel, its shows just how unbalanced a balanced card game is. your winning, your winning, oh you lost all because of 1 card drawn last turn.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
MrTickTock wrote...
idmb22 wrote...
Ok, I have been playing today some HS just to see if my luck continues or not. Well... I am in a 12 loses streak... Some games lasted 17 turns, but the majority from 5 to 8 turns... After this, I still think HS doesn't require skill, just "high cards" and tons of luck to get them at te right time.

Yeah, I am frustrated... I am trying to do the "Win 3 games"... and I simply can't... and it is retardedly frustrating since I am getting stomped by Rare/Epic/Legendary cards in the against my shit decks... -.-u

i know that feel, its shows just how unbalanced a balanced card game is. your winning, your winning, oh you lost all because of 1 card drawn last turn.

Yup, That every card game ever.

But as for my favorite Hero it's got to be Valeera(rogue). It's always funny going, that a nice 7/6 you got there, then playing Assassinate. :P
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
To be honest, in my opinion at least, Hearthstone is far from balanced and ironically, I am not the only one saying it, Blizzard admit that some Priest cards are out of hand, same for Rogues combos (nerfed a few times and probably will be nerfed again soon) or some "Free Mana" Cards that just give some "Key states" to minions "for free" and can just flip the game.

/* start rant */
And yeah, what I hate the most is when I am winning, I made good decisions, I managed my cards and then I am, literally stomped, by something like a "Brewmaster + Golem + Charge Card" combo, which consists mainly on:
- Charge Cards normally cost 0 Mana. Some minions provides it as an Aura for less than 4 Mana.
- Wait until your Hero is "low on health" (actually below 20).
- Keep your 2 Young brewmasters and Older brewmaster in your hand.
- When you have, at least, 10 Mana.
- Play Golem + Attack + play Brewmaster.
- Repeat last move until you run out of Mana or your opponent dies from 20+ Health.

Yeah, if someone is wondering, I got beated today with this retarded strategy several times and I always lost in 1 turn when I was going to win in the next one. It is tremendously frustrating. xD

/* end rant */

I know, if they use it, why don't you do the same? Honestly? I feel like cheating when using certain cards, even if it seems stupid saying it. Another reason why I don't use is... because I don't have them. XD

Tsamari wrote...
But as for my favorite Hero it's got to be Valeera(rogue). It's always funny going, that a nice 7/6 you got there, then playing Assassinate. :P

Perfect example of a "balanced" card. xD
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
True some cards are stronger than needed, but there is no meta like in other card games like yugioh with E-Dragons or Spellbooks being the deck to play and auto win. Right now its every class has those cards you just hate, but they all have them.
This game gets better when you die before turn 8 more frequently. Combo is severely overrated. The almost ubiquitous use of Dark Iron Dwarf is a testament to how aggressive the game is right now. Honestly, unless you play warrior stall, your best bet is to pick strong creatures that are hard to spot remove and just race people to death.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Dark Iron Dwarf is not the only card used ubiquitously. Another good example is Argent Commander.

There are a bunch of cards that are extremely "efficient" by themselves alone without needing a combo, but getting them is not "easy"... just luck... on in any case, tons of Dust to craft it, but crafting is very expensive.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
I love top decking that one card that wins you the game :P
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
yeah, crafting was a good idea but the cards you really want are just to dang expensive. you have a better chance with the packs i thing. but you could just get that 1 more ironbeak owl you needed or w/e
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Thing about crafting is... it is aimed at players that play 1 Class, so they can disenchant other Classes card and get Dust.

Right now, disenchanting a normal Card gives 5 Dust, Rare cards requires 100 Dust, Epic 400 and Legendaries (I dont remember), but mainly you need to disenchant A LOT of Cards if you want to craft something, if not, you know "Pay", because Gold is hard to get too.

I totally understand why they did it this way, but this only reinforces my believe that HS is a P2W, not directly since Cards from Packs are random, but paying accelerates a lot the process of getting "Those Cards" to have a "Good Deck" to compite at a high level in Ranked Queue.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
well remember it is a free to play game, so the micro transaction of buying pack is the main way the game can net them some coin, so of course they would make it the fastest way to win. A lot of ftp games do it like that, LoL does it in a way too. You can play a lot of games to earn IP or buy RP to get more champions faster. Its how free games really work, sacrifice money to move faster.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Won 8 games in a row as Rogue and 5 as Priest over all a good to play.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
just had a bug, 33/30 cards in my Priest deck, sounds legit.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
If they ever make Death Knight a deck it needs to be Arthas that your playing as. I would main that deck. :)
I've wanted it for quite some time and finally got it a few days ago, I really like it. Today I played against some bots to try to make as strong a monster as possible.

The result?
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/5GUve.jpg
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
GreenZero wrote...
I've wanted it for quite some time and finally got it a few days ago, I really like it. Today I played against some bots to try to make as strong a monster as possible.

The result?
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/5GUve.jpg

Overkill is that best kill.
I enjoy the game, but lately I see nothing but Priest and more Priest. =[

And wish there was an easier way to earn some gold so the constant quest grinding doesn't seem so tedious =/

Woo, go Pally
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
GreenZero wrote...
I've wanted it for quite some time and finally got it a few days ago, I really like it. Today I played against some bots to try to make as strong a monster as possible.

The result?
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/5GUve.jpg

and mind control gg
MrTickTock wrote...
GreenZero wrote...
I've wanted it for quite some time and finally got it a few days ago, I really like it. Today I played against some bots to try to make as strong a monster as possible.

The result?
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/5GUve.jpg

and mind control gg

Well this is Paladin, and I wouldn't exactly try this against a real player.
Monster Girl
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