Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
GreenZero wrote...
MrTickTock wrote...
GreenZero wrote...
I've wanted it for quite some time and finally got it a few days ago, I really like it. Today I played against some bots to try to make as strong a monster as possible.

The result?
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/5GUve.jpg

and mind control gg

Well this is Paladin, and I wouldn't exactly try this against a real player.

it would be funny though, highest legit attack ive seen was a Questing Adventurer with 39/39, i was a priest, doubled enemy's health then had his health match it. Then i won with holy nova.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Give me a quest.
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1866255-GBRWKSR.png
I signed up for beta too late. Fuck I want this game.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
nacho wrote...
I signed up for beta too late. Fuck I want this game.

All in do time.
Key was easier to get than I thought. Now I demand GLORIOUS wan versus wan.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Got my 1st legendary card, got Bloodmage Thalnos. Two cost legendary that a 1/1 >_>

I just want Sylvanas Windrunner! :(
When two friends come together to make a powerful beast, this can happen.
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/5UPRF.jpg

We tried a different tactic, went pretty well.
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/5URRr.jpg
While my interest has varied at times with this game I am glad I got into the beta.

Pretty good job making an entertaining card game. Have definitely opened a lot of packs and gotten some decent cards out of them.

Am enjoying the "blow everything away" aspect of the mage. Explosions and fireballs, good times.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
SUPERHELL wrote...

Just got my beta key after waiting for almost half a year, I have a feeling I will hate giants with a burning passion.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
WideEyedMan wrote...
Just got my beta key after waiting for almost half a year, I have a feeling I will hate giants with a burning passion.

[color=#9400d3]You never know till you play, And fun playing.
Tsamari wrote...
You never know till you play, And fun playing.

Just came out 4-3 in an arena, really bad but thankfully first was free. Also I now have a confused relationship with giants since they single-handedly turned around my most recent arena, enemies have to sack everything against a double giant combo or die in two turns which is probably why charge got nerfed?ish for warriors.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Charge at 0 Cost was retarded.

The Minion who gave Charge too all Minions at low Cost was equally retarded.

The combo Smoldering Giant + Young Brewmaster x2 + Old Brewmaster x2 was te top of no-brainer combos because it did not have any kind of counterplay since it was possible to kill make 1 player go from 30 to 0 in just 1 turn when you have 10 Mana.

I am really glad they nerfed those things. They are now options to play, but no longer "if I get this I win, no mater how bad I played the rest of the game and that I am at 1 Health".

If someone is wondering... yeah I got very frustrated after suffering that combo over and over and not being able to finish my opponent and then being defeated in 1 turn.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]Hearthstone is now in open beta!
Kaimax Best Master-San
Something Ironic has happened to me relating to HS.

I signed up for the close beta way months before when it was just available. Tried getting some Beta keys but no avail, and then just said fuck it I'll just wait for open.

and now it's OPEN BETA, yaaay.
But I kinda forgot my Login ID, so I checked my other email (not my main) which I used for game accounts, to find this

Date 16 January 2014
"Welcome to the Hearthstoneâ„¢: Heroes of Warcraftâ„¢ closed beta test! "

Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Kaimax wrote...
Something Ironic has happened to me relating to HS.

I signed up for the close beta way months before when it was just available. Tried getting some Beta keys but no avail, and then just said fuck it I'll just wait for open.

and not it's OPEN BETA, yaaay.
But I kinda forgot my Login ID, so I checked my other email (not my main) which I used for game accounts, to find this

Date 16 January 2014
"Welcome to the Hearthstoneâ„¢: Heroes of Warcraftâ„¢ closed beta test! "


[color=#9400d3]That story just made my day.
But oh well not a lot you can do about.
Just have fun and play. You can come here anytime, we have tea :D
Kaimax Best Master-San
Lol, got my first "You can't kill me, I Kill Myself!" battle. Was dominating the field and I'm just one hit away from winning. but he deiced to concede first, before I click one of my Minions.
Still waiting on a key
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
elitemage101 wrote...
Still waiting on a key

[color=#9400d3]It's in open beta now.
I just started playing. It's really fun.