League of Legends (LoL)

Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Man, Dignitas is just not performing like they use to.

Or maybe the other teams are just performing a lot better now and Dignitas isn't adjusting.
shaaaark wrote...
Cormac wrote...
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1540179-74PKLCT.png

We still won because I'm the best Orianna NA.

Wow.... it's my first time seeing kha'zix and elise not being banned.
They're kinda staple bans here in asia.

I banned those three because they were free and can carry pub games if they get feed. I haven't played for a bit and don't really know who's currently under/overpowered. Although, in retrospect, the Ryze ban was a waste. I should have banned Malphite instead.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1540427-GUFEMPE.png
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
When it comes to bans, Amumu and Malphite are pretty good choices. They're both tanks with strong initiate.

Blitz is common just because of his hook. Though that's mostly for bot lanes who don't know how to play very well. Blitz tends to be for more lower level matches.

Shen is another common. He's one of the tankiest champions in the game. Has his taunt for shutting down and securing kills. He can dish out a decent amount of damage even without too much damage on him. And his global ult has some of most potential power in the game.

It allows him to be a very effective split pusher. The shield can completely save an ally not to mention throwing him into a fight right away. And you can even combine it with a nocturne ult so he can piggyback and now there's two of them right on your adc without even trying.
Cormac wrote...
shaaaark wrote...
Cormac wrote...
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1540179-74PKLCT.png

We still won because I'm the best Orianna NA.

Wow.... it's my first time seeing kha'zix and elise not being banned.
They're kinda staple bans here in asia.

I banned those three because they were free and can carry pub games if they get feed. I haven't played for a bit and don't really know who's currently under/overpowered. Although, in retrospect, the Ryze ban was a waste. I should have banned Malphite instead.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1540427-GUFEMPE.png

I'm more amazed that none of you guys picked him =p
Kha'zix is like two champs in one if you max and upgrade his W first. He hurts a lot in lane and can almost one shot a whole minion wave with a level 4 W.
Only a rumble could potentially shut him down in top lane (so just swap lanes with a ranged ap carry)

Takerial wrote...

When it comes to bans, Amumu and Malphite are pretty good choices. They're both tanks with strong initiate.

Blitz is common just because of his hook. Though that's mostly for bot lanes who don't know how to play very well. Blitz tends to be for more lower level matches.

Shen is another common. He's one of the tankiest champions in the game. Has his taunt for shutting down and securing kills. He can dish out a decent amount of damage even without too much damage on him. And his global ult has some of most potential power in the game.

It allows him to be a very effective split pusher. The shield can completely save an ally not to mention throwing him into a fight right away. And you can even combine it with a nocturne ult so he can piggyback and now there's two of them right on your adc without even trying.

I agree. Every time that I get to be the cap I would always ban both amumu and malphite then pick a j4 jungle, I main as solo top but picking for top lane first would only get me countered. Getting countered at top is really bad, its so easy to get snowballed. A tactic popular here is we make our jungle gank top at the first minion wave. If the enemy dies, the jungle would stay in the lane and hide here
Forum Image: http://www.team-dignitas.net/uploads/tinymce/images/top_lane.png

to set up another kill. If successful, your top laner could pretty much snowball the whole laning phase.

Shen sounds pretty good, guess I'll bu-..... riot changed his ip price?
shaaaark wrote...
Cormac wrote...
shaaaark wrote...
Cormac wrote...
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1540179-74PKLCT.png

We still won because I'm the best Orianna NA.

Wow.... it's my first time seeing kha'zix and elise not being banned.
They're kinda staple bans here in asia.

I banned those three because they were free and can carry pub games if they get feed. I haven't played for a bit and don't really know who's currently under/overpowered. Although, in retrospect, the Ryze ban was a waste. I should have banned Malphite instead.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1540427-GUFEMPE.png

I'm more amazed that none of you guys picked him =p
Kha'zix is like two champs in one if you max and upgrade his W first. He hurts a lot in lane and can almost one shot a whole minion wave with a level 4 W.
Only a rumble could potentially shut him down in top lane (so just swap lanes with a ranged ap carry)

I play Kha'Zix, but I'm much better with Orianna. You're right though, he's quite strong. Rumble is super annoying and a pain to deal with in lane. I dislike going up against him.
I was think of starting to do ranked more seriously recently but im not sure what to ban as my top banns can any one help out there.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
rottencorrupt wrote...
I was think of starting to do ranked more seriously recently but im not sure what to ban as my top banns can any one help out there.

Amumu, Malphite, Shen, Blitzcrank

Those 4 bans are the most common for lower elos just because they can run rampant in a game since so many people don't know how to counter them.

Thresh is another new common ban. Elise, Kha zix, Zed.

Zac hasn't reached the point that he gets banned a lot since a lot of people don't have him atm, and he's somewhat difficult to manage for a lot of people. But I imagine as he becomes more common in people's champion pools and people become more accustomed to him you'll see him shoot up in bans fast as he can be an absolute terror if played correctly.

But right now, I usually don't waste a ban on him. He's usually not the sure threat others are.
rottencorrupt wrote...
I was think of starting to do ranked more seriously recently but im not sure what to ban as my top banns can any one help out there.

You should always ban clash initiators and annoying ap champs like kayle, akali or kassadin. Top lane is pretty much countering picks or surviving an early game powerhouse champ imo. Try mastering rumble, he should get you up to gold.. almost no one below that league knows how to counter him
rottencorrupt wrote...
I was think of starting to do ranked more seriously recently but im not sure what to ban as my top banns can any one help out there.

Depends on your league/rank, amumu is usually banned up till gold, but after that, most people know how to make team comps that counter amumu. Malphite I haven't seen been banned in quite a while, aside from being a meat shield, if the enemy team has more than 1 champ that can jump to your backline, malphite is pretty much useless. Nasus has been really popular recently, and banned a lot, whether he's top or jungle, nasus poses such a huge threat late game. Catching a nasus out isn't even a good idea, he can just ult and chase after your carry while his team runs over to join the fight.

My bans are usually:
Hec -> Nasus -> Thresh(don't ban this guy if your in like bronze or high silver league, as he's purely skillshots) -> Vi -> Xin
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Man, Dignitas is just looking horrible right now.

I can't tell if they are just playing badly, or if the other teams are just stepping up their game that much while Dignitas is stuck at the same level they were before.

But yeah, a 12-0 loss to CLG. Don't get me wrong, CLG is still a strong team. But to have a complete shut out like that when you were expected to be the top team.

And they pretty much lost any chance they had at finishing second.

And TSM is looking like they might even possible pass Curse if given the right opportunity.
Takerial wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
I was think of starting to do ranked more seriously recently but im not sure what to ban as my top banns can any one help out there.

Amumu, Malphite, Shen, Blitzcrank

Those 4 bans are the most common for lower elos just because they can run rampant in a game since so many people don't know how to counter them.

Thresh is another new common ban. Elise, Kha zix, Zed.

Zac hasn't reached the point that he gets banned a lot since a lot of people don't have him atm, and he's somewhat difficult to manage for a lot of people. But I imagine as he becomes more common in people's champion pools and people become more accustomed to him you'll see him shoot up in bans fast as he can be an absolute terror if played correctly.

But right now, I usually don't waste a ban on him. He's usually not the sure threat others are.
well right now im sliver V and i just havent played ranked since i got my placement matches but it is good to know that the bans haven't changed since i stop playing ranked.@shaaaark The thing with rumble is that i feel that he has to much counters top and not enough substin till you pick up your hex tech.
rottencorrupt wrote...
The thing with rumble is that i feel that he has to much counters top and not enough substin till you pick up your hex tech.

What are you talking about. Rumble has no mana and he has great poke. Not to mention he has a free shield. Yeah Silver V makes sense. Also it's "sustain."
rottencorrupt wrote...
I was think of starting to do ranked more seriously recently but im not sure what to ban as my top banns can any one help out there.

Ban Hecarim, that pony will run roughshod through your jungle and snowball his lanes very easily if he's half-way decent.

And as the others have posted, Malphite, Shen, etc.

As for how LCS ended up today, a sweep for coL? Was not expecting that in the least, it seems pr0lly has revitalized his team as Wildturtle is doing for TSM. In TSM's game vs CLG,
I lol'd a bit when Oddone charged in 1v4 at dragon around 14 minutes and noone followed up.
That right there showed TSM still has an issue when it comes to communication, hopefully something that gets patched up soon.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Pennlocke wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
I was think of starting to do ranked more seriously recently but im not sure what to ban as my top banns can any one help out there.

Ban Hecarim, that pony will run roughshod through your jungle and snowball his lanes very easily if he's half-way decent.

And as the others have posted, Malphite, Shen, etc.

As for how LCS ended up today, a sweep for coL? Was not expecting that in the least, it seems pr0lly has revitalized his team as Wildturtle is doing for TSM. In TSM's game vs CLG,
I lol'd a bit when Oddone charged in 1v4 at dragon around 14 minutes and noone followed up.
That right there showed TSM still has an issue when it comes to communication, hopefully something that gets patched up soon.

Yeah, it seems that is their biggest problem and has been the reason for most of their losses.

You can definitely tell the difference between a game where they have amazing communication, and a game when they have shaky communication at times.

I think they are probably the team with the strongest players overall in NA. And if they shore up that they would probably be able to beat any NA team in a best of three matches.

The match that surprised me most, was probably the Curse vs GGU.

When GGU was able to claw their way back to a victory, well that really shows just how much some of these bottom four teams have developed as of late. And with the showing some of these team are showing, the only surefire way it seems to stay is to be first and second.

Which with Dignitas losing twice in a row, well it all but gives that to Curse and TSM.

So unless Dignitas brings their A game, they are going to have to sit content with third.

And since two of their last three matches is against the current top 2, it's not going to be an easy stretch for them.
623 wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
The thing with rumble is that i feel that he has to much counters top and not enough substin till you pick up your hex tech.

What are you talking about. Rumble has no mana and he has great poke. Not to mention he has a free shield. Yeah Silver V makes sense. Also it's "sustain."
The shield is very little flat and its ap conversion is about .4 if my memory serves, and mana is not my main thing i care about top line that is hp return which he has none till like i said he make's a hextech.Also his base hp is in the lower middle and any high burst can keep him out of line.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Brilliant Idea.

Ap Nasus in mid.

Boots of Swiftness

Tons of Damage.
rottencorrupt wrote...
623 wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
The thing with rumble is that i feel that he has to much counters top and not enough substin till you pick up your hex tech.

What are you talking about. Rumble has no mana and he has great poke. Not to mention he has a free shield. Yeah Silver V makes sense. Also it's "sustain."
The shield is very little flat and its ap conversion is about .4 if my memory serves, and mana is not my main thing i care about top line that is hp return which he has none till like i said he make's a hextech.Also his base hp is in the lower middle and any high burst can keep him out of line.

lol nice editing most of that

"if my memory serves" if you mean after looking it up then sure lol. Anyway, sure high burst can keep him out of lane, but high burst champs can keep any non-tanky, no sustain champs out of lane. At least Rumble has the shield and MS boost and spammable abilities(not to mention they get stronger at 50% heat). High burst champs will run out of mana eventually. And any Rumble worth his salt will just poke w/ harpoon, bait abilities, use shield to make some distance and block damage and retaliate with flame spit. Strategy will vary obviously, but I don't think it'd be that hard to farm enough gold for a hex tech on first back.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Rylai's is a better earlier pick up for Rumble than Hex Tech.
623 wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
623 wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
The thing with rumble is that i feel that he has to much counters top and not enough substin till you pick up your hex tech.

What are you talking about. Rumble has no mana and he has great poke. Not to mention he has a free shield. Yeah Silver V makes sense. Also it's "sustain."
The shield is very little flat and its ap conversion is about .4 if my memory serves, and mana is not my main thing i care about top line that is hp return which he has none till like i said he make's a hextech.Also his base hp is in the lower middle and any high burst can keep him out of line.

lol nice editing most of that

"if my memory serves" if you mean after looking it up then sure lol. Anyway, sure high burst can keep him out of lane, but high burst champs can keep any non-tanky, no sustain champs out of lane. At least Rumble has the shield and MS boost and spammable abilities(not to mention they get stronger at 50% heat). High burst champs will run out of mana eventually. And any Rumble worth his salt will just poke w/ harpoon, bait abilities, use shield to make some distance and block damage and retaliate with flame spit. Strategy will vary obviously, but I don't think it'd be that hard to farm enough gold for a hex tech on first back.

You do know some people have good memory and just because this the web doesn't mean everyone has to look thing ups but w/e.Also any top liner who is worth their weight knows how to manage mana/energy and his ms boost mean little when most of league top liners have range closers and at least a slow, and even if you try to poke me with that flame tower i can just poke you back with some abilities mixed with auto attacks can out poke him threw lvl 4 and up also some champ can keep you away from your cs simply by using one ability and running up to auto attack.
rottencorrupt wrote...
623 wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
623 wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
The thing with rumble is that i feel that he has to much counters top and not enough substin till you pick up your hex tech.

What are you talking about. Rumble has no mana and he has great poke. Not to mention he has a free shield. Yeah Silver V makes sense. Also it's "sustain."
The shield is very little flat and its ap conversion is about .4 if my memory serves, and mana is not my main thing i care about top line that is hp return which he has none till like i said he make's a hextech.Also his base hp is in the lower middle and any high burst can keep him out of line.

lol nice editing most of that

"if my memory serves" if you mean after looking it up then sure lol. Anyway, sure high burst can keep him out of lane, but high burst champs can keep any non-tanky, no sustain champs out of lane. At least Rumble has the shield and MS boost and spammable abilities(not to mention they get stronger at 50% heat). High burst champs will run out of mana eventually. And any Rumble worth his salt will just poke w/ harpoon, bait abilities, use shield to make some distance and block damage and retaliate with flame spit. Strategy will vary obviously, but I don't think it'd be that hard to farm enough gold for a hex tech on first back.

You do know some people have good memory and just because this the web doesn't mean everyone has to look thing ups but w/e.Also any top liner who is worth their weight knows how to manage mana/energy and his ms boost mean little when most of league top liners have range closers and at least a slow, and even if you try to poke me with that flame tower i can just poke you back with some abilities mixed with auto attacks can out poke him threw lvl 4 and up also some champ can keep you away from your cs simply by using one ability and running up to auto attack.

Okay I can already tell this will devolve into one of those championselect.net arguments so I'm going to end it now.