League of Legends (LoL)

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
idmb22 wrote...
Yeah the video from Blakinola was really good, the other one was kind of "meh" for me, but Blakinola really nailed it. xD

I am expecting one from VideoGameDunkey.

speaking of...

idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Ok... it was not bad... but I was expecting better to be honest. Nevertheless... the "I like where this is going" and "Guardian Angel" jokes were good enough, let alone Katarina's personalitits and the slow moves. xD
The cinematic was overall awesome, and i would say we can see the live-action motion picture some where in the future! For DEMACIAA!
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Goodbye LMQ Sharon :(
I hope riot or another team hires her.

Also, lol @ CW being so salty from losing to a mejais kass/elise and soto irelia.
Debonair Ezreal Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/NkRQ1X8.jpg

Debonair Vi Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/go8xB71.jpg

According to the community the two women behind Ezreal are Caitlyn and Jinx as waitresses.

Also, love Katarina and Garen in the background.†‹
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Zeriam wrote...
[align=center]Debonair Ezreal Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/NkRQ1X8.jpg

[color=#ff69b4]Ok I have to say it, but damn Ez looks hot in that Splash Art just saying.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Well, he does not look like a kid and looks like an adult young man... there is a bg difference.
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]Ok I have to say it, but damn Ez looks hot in that Splash Art just saying.

It's the second splash art that makes him look more like a man than a kid.
I haven't won a single Doom Bot game because people keep leaving...

On a side note, saving up for Braum. Hopefully he doesn't get nerfed to oblivion like Sona.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
yummines wrote...
I haven't won a single Doom Bot game because people keep leaving...

On a side note, saving up for Braum. Hopefully he doesn't get nerfed to oblivion like Sona.

On NA servers? I'm always up for doom bots.
I haven't played a single game vs. the Doom Bots. Are they like actually really hard or is it just like for fun thing only?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Coconutt wrote...
I haven't played a single game vs. the Doom Bots. Are they like actually really hard or is it just like for fun thing only?

They're kind of hard if you don't know how to split push. It's mostly for fun though, i mean, I don't think anyone would rage in this mode.

If anyone wants to fool around in doom bots on NA server add me.

ign tsujoi

also, I like the match history thing. Too bad it doesn't open in the league client.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Is there a way to see other players "normal" games? Because I can only see Tsujois Ranked Games on TT.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
idmb22 wrote...
Is there a way to see other players "normal" games? Because I can only see Tsujois Ranked Games on TT.

Ah, I guess you need to be logged in and on my friendlist to see my normal games.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Zeriam wrote...
New Champion Preview - Gnar

A new yordle is on the way.

Looks like Velkoz related lore.

Frozen in ice from ages ago....he must be the last airbender.
Gnar Preview

Dino Gnar Skin

Arcade Miss Fortune Skin Preview

Her guns are literally NES Zappers and her recall is her playing Duck Hunt on the tv and Gangplank is the laughing dog! Day one buy.

Riot Kayle Skin Preview
I'm glad they decided to go with the Arcade MF skin. I might get it xD
That new champion Gnar looks so cute and awesome and a must buy :D, is it coming in the patch 4.14, anybody know?
Arcade Miss Fortune Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/5cCIrt0.jpg
Monster Girl
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