League of Legends (LoL)

hmmm it seems there are only few people who play on euw servers in fakku

if any1 is interested


just send me a request and PM if you want to hang out with me

P.S. i am so going to get that Arcade MF Skin
Tegumi wrote...
Err have you ever gotten Platinum before?

Highest rank last season for me was Gold IV.

Dino Gnar Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/tVoZjDg.jpg

Garen and Katarina figures are a nice touch.
I just started playing. Still haven't done any ranked, but I'm loving playing ARAM. Heimerdinger and Kayle are my two favourite champs so far. Hopefully I'll get better, but for now, I think I'm gonna stick with bots and ARAM.
New Arcade Miss Fortune Grievous Wounds and Death Animation

Grievous Wounds Screenshot
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/bfwnh74.jpg
Tegumi "im always cute"
Zeriam wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
Err have you ever gotten Platinum before?

Highest rank last season for me was Gold IV.

Ouch, tough break. I don't mind playing normals every now and then.
Tegumi wrote...
Ouch, tough break. I don't mind playing normals every now and then.

Getting to platinum isn't difficult for me.

It's that I hate playing with randoms who have no idea what they're doing 85% of the time when it comes to map awareness.
Tegumi "im always cute"
Zeriam wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
Ouch, tough break. I don't mind playing normals every now and then.

Getting to platinum isn't difficult for me.
It's that I hate playing with randoms who have no idea what they're doing 85% of the time when it comes to map awareness.

Wow, you sound pretty confident about that. The problem is you can't blame the team for all losses, unfortunately there's a lot of luck involved as well as playing to serve your team's weaknesses if you're not good enough to carry them. (What I have to do a lot)
Anyway, my IGN is Sadaki.
Tegumi wrote...
Wow, you sound pretty confident about that. The problem is you can't blame the team for all losses, unfortunately there's a lot of luck involved as well as playing to serve your team's weaknesses if you're not good enough to carry them. (What I have to do a lot)
Anyway, my IGN is Sadaki.

I can if 3 of my junglers, all different games, go into the enemy's jungle numerous times without no ward coverage and constantly keep feeding the enemy jungler. I won't blame them if they're not doing good in their lane, but I will blame them if they constantly keep doing the same thing, that got them screwed in the first place, and not learn from it.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Zeriam wrote...
I can if 3 of my junglers, all different games, go into the enemy's jungle numerous times without no ward coverage and constantly keep feeding the enemy jungler. I won't blame them if they're not doing good in their lane, but I will blame them if they constantly keep doing the same thing, that got them screwed in the first place, and not learn from it.

[color=#ff69b4]Always try to point out what they did without coming off like an ass when you can to see if it helps, but that easier said than done. Most people what to kill you if you even try and tell them something.
Tegumi "im always cute"
Zeriam wrote...
I can if 3 of my junglers, all different games, go into the enemy's jungle numerous times without no ward coverage and constantly keep feeding the enemy jungler. I won't blame them if they're not doing good in their lane, but I will blame them if they constantly keep doing the same thing, that got them screwed in the first place, and not learn from it.

Hmm I guess they were trying to counterjungle, but if they got caught by the enemy jungler then yeah I don't know what they were thinking. You should only counterjungle if a.) the enemy jungler is not there (ie ganking a lane) or b.) you know you can duel them or c.) you know you can easily get away / one of your lanes is doing really well and can come help
Tegumi wrote...
Zeriam wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
Ouch, tough break. I don't mind playing normals every now and then.

Getting to platinum isn't difficult for me.
It's that I hate playing with randoms who have no idea what they're doing 85% of the time when it comes to map awareness.

Wow, you sound pretty confident about that. The problem is you can't blame the team for all losses, unfortunately there's a lot of luck involved as well as playing to serve your team's weaknesses if you're not good enough to carry them. (What I have to do a lot)
Anyway, my IGN is Sadaki.

Also the mental game. MOBAs, just like fighting games, winning and losing can all depend on the mental state of the player. Getting killed by being outsmarted and outthought, getting ganked and dying, and/or making a mistake they wouldn't usually make can lower the mental state of a player. Which in turns makes that player continuously commit more mistakes as game goes along until they do something positive.
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...

Also the mental game. MOBAs, just like fighting games, winning and losing can all depend on the mental state of the player. Getting killed by being outsmarted and outthought, getting ganked and dying, and/or making a mistake they wouldn't usually make can lower the mental state of a player. Which in turns makes that player continuously commit more mistakes as game goes along until they do something positive.

The tilt is real.

I personally just never play a ranked game first thing in the day, and never play more than three ranked games in a row. Also, sometimes the better thing to do is skip the current queue so you're not with the same pool of players all the time. I know I find it annoying when it's a certain time of the day and I get the same douchebag 2-3 matches in a row. It's not even SUPPOSED to work that way, dammit. >:
This whole page seems dedicated to the idea of duoing with a competent jungler or joining a ranked 5s team.

You can't control yolo queue entirely, but through the power of not being an insufferable cunt, you can mitigate its dire effects.
Tegumi wrote...
Zeriam wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
Err have you ever gotten Platinum before?

Highest rank last season for me was Gold IV.

Ouch, tough break. I don't mind playing normals every now and then.

Teggie, play normal with me! It's lonely only playing solo most of the time

IGN: Archerko
Yeah, I was gonna say play with Ero. She's a Diamond V if I remember right.
I just want to log in and be greeted with an invite/get to invite a full team of people i know ;____;

most i'll get is a duo or trio.
The rank you have is the rank you belong in, we all get our fair share of feeders, afkers, players who "don't know how to play."

If you cannot impact your games enough so that you win more than you loose, there for you don't rise in rank, i would say you simply are not a good player.

You can only improve your self as a player. Whining and complaining about other players is pretty pointless, because it doesn't achieve anything except makes you rage more.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
i need some new friends to play with, my old group is just to toxic and talk a lot about things that dont interest me. Anyone feel like having a good time, hit me up.
Summoner name: MrTickTock
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
MrTickTock wrote...
i need some new friends to play with, my old group is just to toxic and talk a lot about things that dont interest me. Anyone feel like having a good time, hit me up.
Summoner name: MrTickTock

[color=#ff69b4]I still don't know why you play with them.
MrTickTock wrote...
i need some new friends to play with, my old group is just to toxic and talk a lot about things that dont interest me. Anyone feel like having a good time, hit me up.
Summoner name: MrTickTock

Where do you play, EU or US?
Monster Girl
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