League of Legends (LoL)

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Revelation wrote...
Today i discovered the sheer amount of bullshit of Sivir in URF. Fucking boomerang half a second after she gets it back

I played one game of Urf the night it was released and ran into Vladmir....I'm done with this game mode.

Revelation Defender of DFC
Tsujoi wrote...
Revelation wrote...
Today i discovered the sheer amount of bullshit of Sivir in URF. Fucking boomerang half a second after she gets it back

I played one game of Urf the night it was released and ran into Vladmir....I'm done with this game mode.

Vladimir is raid boss
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
He wasn't even in his final form yet.

Though those people were just kind of awful at dealing with him. I don't think they really understood the timing of his pool.

So banner of command rush is a thing on urf.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Sooo..... beacuse of reasons I kind of started playing this. But I really really don't want to just do matching with random people so I was wondering if anyone here would be cool with me friend requesting them in game. Then probably playing some, keep in mind that I am a total newb, just starting out.
echoeagle3 wrote...
Sooo..... beacuse of reasons I kind of started playing this. But I really really don't want to just do matching with random people so I was wondering if anyone here would be cool with me friend requesting them in game. Then probably playing some, keep in mind that I am a total newb, just starting out.

Need your summoner name and availability time.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Zeriam wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
Sooo..... beacuse of reasons I kind of started playing this. But I really really don't want to just do matching with random people so I was wondering if anyone here would be cool with me friend requesting them in game. Then probably playing some, keep in mind that I am a total newb, just starting out.

Need your summoner name and availability time.

echoeagle3 and most any time on the weekend is good and later in the day any other day should be fine. Have my LoL status to say message me on skype if you want to play. Skype name is the same name too
echoeagle3 wrote...
Sooo..... beacuse of reasons I kind of started playing this. But I really really don't want to just do matching with random people so I was wondering if anyone here would be cool with me friend requesting them in game. Then probably playing some, keep in mind that I am a total newb, just starting out.

I'll be happy to play with you, need to take a break from ranked anyways, been playing horribly. Pm me your name or something because if you said me a request i'll probably decline it since I've been getting a lot of bot friend requests.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Cpl. Nyu wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
Sooo..... beacuse of reasons I kind of started playing this. But I really really don't want to just do matching with random people so I was wondering if anyone here would be cool with me friend requesting them in game. Then probably playing some, keep in mind that I am a total newb, just starting out.

I'll be happy to play with you, need to take a break from ranked anyways, been playing horribly. Pm me your name or something because if you said me a request i'll probably decline it since I've been getting a lot of bot friend requests.

I don't know your summoner name.
Introducing Chroma Packs aka pallete colors.

Lucian Classic Skin
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/4YlaCVh.png

Dragon Fist Lee Sin

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/PGlQqTy.jpg

They're 3 pack color swap palettes for classics and skins and each set will cost 590 rp.

These are the only two on the pbe for now because they're taking feedback request on this to see if it's worth keeping around.†‹
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Blizzard gives Chroma Packs for free, you just need to play the Champion you want the Chroma with.

Riot creates "Chroma Packs" and ask for money for them.


I am all for personalization, but... I find this a poor rip off for League Players when the competence is giving this away for the exact reason you might want them, playing that Champion... Too bad ppl will just "Shut up and take my money".
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
idmb22 wrote...
Blizzard gives Chroma Packs for free, you just need to play the Champion you want the Chroma with.

Riot creates "Chroma Packs" and ask for money for them.


I am all for personalization, but... I find this a poor rip off for League Players when the competence is giving this away for the exact reason you might want them, playing that Champion... Too bad ppl will just "Shut up and take my money".

fyi, the price is on the beta client right?
There's speculation that the chroma packs will be linked to the new mastery system.
Oh course, Rito could go the greedy route though.
As tsu says this is what has been said so far.

"All options are still open in the future, including earning additional chromas through champion mastery."
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Ey guys, do not take me wrong.

If Riot goes the greedy route, good for them, I do not have a problem with that at all.

On the other hand, as the quote states, and I am going to bold the key words, "All options are still open in the future, including earning additional chromas through champion mastery."

Why are those important? Because despite it is PBE Feature & Price, they have already stated they are going to make this a Paid Feature (which again is OK), and additionally, they might offer others through mastery system in the future.

The only thing that makes me consider this move by Riot a rip-off for players is the fact that they did not go the "free route" from the beginning like Blizzard did with theirs and then, offer Paid Chromas, not sur if the point is clear.

TL;DR: Good for Riot, IMHO, not good for players.
Risen Fiddlesticks Skin

Forsaken Jayce Skin

Blood Moon Zilean Skin

Master Arcanist Ziggs Skin

Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Too much URF, so little time.
Am I a try hard for really just only wanting to play Fizz and Ez in URF?
It's just so fun jumping around all the time as Fizz. And Q's for dayz as Ez.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
So Cinderhulk Shyvana's been really popular.

I wonder if this will shift over to Shen. He has similar aspects that benefit like Shyvana, but with a little more global pressure than her and a little bit more lock down.
echoeagle3 wrote...

I don't know your summoner name.

Sorry for the late response, took a break from league then picked up adware from work apparantly. Anyways...
Lt Streko

Add me.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Takerial wrote...
So Cinderhulk Shyvana's been really popular.

I wonder if this will shift over to Shen. He has similar aspects that benefit like Shyvana, but with a little more global pressure than her and a little bit more lock down.

I don't think so, Shen doesn't really clear jungle camps that fast, does he?

The purpose of cinderhulk is to clear jungle camps when you're pushed in/pushed out, correct? Or is it just to get the passive/stats?

Does anyone know if the Elixir of Sorcery works with Cinderhulk? I assume it does.
Revelation Defender of DFC
Tsujoi wrote...
Takerial wrote...
So Cinderhulk Shyvana's been really popular.

I wonder if this will shift over to Shen. He has similar aspects that benefit like Shyvana, but with a little more global pressure than her and a little bit more lock down.

I don't think so, Shen doesn't really clear jungle camps that fast, does he?

The purpose of cinderhulk is to clear jungle camps when you're pushed in/pushed out, correct? Or is it just to get the passive/stats?

Does anyone know if the Elixir of Sorcery works with Cinderhulk? I assume it does.

The cinder hulk Shyvana is top lane with smite, not jungle. Because cinder hulk gives bonus % health tanks are running it top to get even more tankiness
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Revelation wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...
Takerial wrote...
So Cinderhulk Shyvana's been really popular.

I wonder if this will shift over to Shen. He has similar aspects that benefit like Shyvana, but with a little more global pressure than her and a little bit more lock down.

I don't think so, Shen doesn't really clear jungle camps that fast, does he?

The purpose of cinderhulk is to clear jungle camps when you're pushed in/pushed out, correct? Or is it just to get the passive/stats?

Does anyone know if the Elixir of Sorcery works with Cinderhulk? I assume it does.

The cinder hulk Shyvana is top lane with smite, not jungle. Because cinder hulk gives bonus % health tanks are running it top to get even more tankiness

And because of the way the Gromp buff works off bonus hp makes it so you can take down even ADCs while being super tanky.