League of Legends (LoL)

Welp it has finnaly happen, I dreamt of League, specifically Garen and got a wet dream out of it. Not sure how to feel.

Yeah that top lane Shyvana shenanigan is getting bit tiring, actually the majority of the user of cinderhulk simply do to much. Seen a game of Sejuani where she manage to kill an ADC within 5 sec.

Wasnt the point of the gromp buff to allow tanks jungle to be more useful late game? So its very redundant making cinder also help them scale late game including the synergy they have with each other.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
TheJackOat wrote...
Welp it has finnaly happen, I dreamt of League, specifically Garen and got a wet dream out of it. Not sure how to feel.

Yeah that top lane Shyvana shenanigan is getting bit tiring, actually the majority of the user of cinderhulk simply do to much. Seen a game of Sejuani where she manage to kill an ADC within 5 sec.

Wasnt the point of the gromp buff to allow tanks jungle to be more useful late game? So its very redundant making cinder also help them scale late game including the synergy they have with each other.

Well, Shyana is more about the %health attack being so strong even with full tank.

With the gromp buff only doing about 5% bonus health instead of the I believe 10% it use to be it's been toned down considering.

Funny enough, the Gromp buff procs liandry's torment.

So, you know what. Elise should be pretty strong right now if you think about it.
Revelation Defender of DFC
Takerial wrote...
TheJackOat wrote...
Welp it has finnaly happen, I dreamt of League, specifically Garen and got a wet dream out of it. Not sure how to feel.

Yeah that top lane Shyvana shenanigan is getting bit tiring, actually the majority of the user of cinderhulk simply do to much. Seen a game of Sejuani where she manage to kill an ADC within 5 sec.

Wasnt the point of the gromp buff to allow tanks jungle to be more useful late game? So its very redundant making cinder also help them scale late game including the synergy they have with each other.

Well, Shyana is more about the %health attack being so strong even with full tank.

With the gromp buff only doing about 5% bonus health instead of the I believe 10% it use to be it's been toned down considering.

Funny enough, the Gromp buff procs liandry's torment.

So, you know what. Elise should be pretty strong right now if you think about it.

Some pros are picking her back up and going cinder hulk, sorc shoes, haunt guise, abyssal and then tank
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
So, I have discovered that I'm not the best laner with Diana. But my jungle with her is pretty spot on.

65% kill participation isn't too bad. I just like her, especially running trail blazer at least early on her. She sustains so well in the jungle and clears it so fast. And her damage with just one or two items is pretty significant given how strong she is late game.

Though the enemy team last game wasn't the brightest.

They kept grouping up against a Diana/Zed team with a Sion tank.

Even if you have Kayle ult, it ain't gonna do shit if 3 of you are squishies that will drop like flies in a team fight.
Risen Fiddlesticks Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/UGb9gUh.jpg

Forsaken Jayce Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/tkfCSwZ.jpg

Master Arcanist Ziggs Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/xhQimC0.jpg

Blood Moon Zilean Splash Art

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/4TAySs2.jpg
That Fiddlesticks and Ziggs splash art looks awesome!
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Apparently I only need to play Diana.

I have a 82% win rate on her after 12 games.
Revelation Defender of DFC
Takerial wrote...
Apparently I only need to play Diana.

I have a 82% win rate on her after 12 games.

Jng or mid?
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Revelation wrote...
Takerial wrote...
Apparently I only need to play Diana.

I have a 82% win rate on her after 12 games.

Jng or mid?

Mostly jungle. I'm ok laning her against certain champions but I'm not quite comfortable enough in lane on her yet to go against certain skill match-ups.
Samsung White Skins Announced!

SSW Singed Skin
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/mJuEyK2.jpg

SSW Rengar Skin
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/7qDSObv.jpg

SSW Talon Skin
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/aUTfeyM.jpg

SSW Thresh Skin
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/kEXfETq.jpg

SSW Twitch Skin

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/YlrMOtn.jpg
Dat Thresh skin though...HNNNG!
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
twitch just wants to roll around in the grass.
Also, video updates on the champions.

Star guardian Lux Skin Preview

Lux has a new dance at 0:29-0:42 with her Star Guardian skin and it's a reference to Dokidoki Precure Dance Lesson's first ending.


0:19-0:23 for the reference dance.

SSW Singed Skin Preview

SSW Rengar Skin Preview

SSW Talon Skin Preview

SSW Thresh Skin Preview

SSW Twitch Skin Preview


Twitch's recall is a reference to Imp's, SSW's ADC, Worlds interview from last year.


2:35-2:47 for the reference.

Ace of Spades Ezreal Skin Preview

King of Clubs Mordekaiser Skin Preview

Wild Card Shaco Skin Preview

Queen of Diamonds Syndra Skin Preview

Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
nothing feels better

Than getting a 4 man vlad ult over the enemy team and cleaning them up for a 5 for 0 when they had been winning team fights prior to that.

Evelynn's not too bad right now. Not necessarily as strong as she use to, but she's not in a bad spot.
SSW Singed/Rengar/Talon/Twitch/Thresh Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/t1S9vmE.jpg

Ace of Spades Ezreal/King of Clubs Mordekaiser/Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate/Queen of Diamonds Syndra/Wild Card Shaco Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/G5hyIm8.jpg

Star Guardian Lux Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/mF5vzGo.jpg

too funny not to post here
chille the elderitch one

I play league, been playing for about 2-3 years but im not very serious about it. My summoner name is Wager im on the Oceanic server.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
That was one of the fastest turn on win I've had.

Went from even gold. Winning team fight at dragon pit. Pushing inner and inhib turret with only one up for their team. Winning a second team fight when they respawned and pushing through to the win. In 2 minutes.
Sandstorm Ekko Skin
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Db00Sff.jpg

Order of the Lotus Irelia Skin

Knockout Lee Sin Skin

Nightmare Tryndamere Skin

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
This was a really long game, but it's probably the most dmg to champions i've done.
50 min game
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/hP2d4/5f297d9da8.png

edit: I once got butt stomped by a support fiddle. It still works.
20 min game
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/hQbts/81996c5202.png