Lord of Walkure(Valkyrie)

How long does it usually take to max out a card's level(knowing that higher rarities have higher max cap)? I know there are things like books but I'm not sure where to get them.

It's going really slowly for me, I'm considering transitioning to using my lottery gold for cards since my last three lottery gold items resulted in three armors.
From what I heard, currently it'll be quite awhile to max leveling cards using lv.1 Common cards only if you're impatient. Higher Dungeons give you lv.4-lv.6 cards, so they can be more helpful to level up Rares (though not Stamina friendly). Books are from Silver Doragon Mega Boss and login bonus for now.

They said that Events and Investigation will be good chance for leveling up, though I don't know the details.

I've spent 6 Gold Lotteries before I got my good weapons here, so better stay in Gold Item Lottery in my opinion.


Here's the base stats for weapons in Gold Lottery. Might be helpful for those who wondering to upgrade their weapons (quite sad that my weapon is only moderate dmg):

Right Hand

Haunted Soul: 5000patk | 300MP | 7% critical | 20% balance
Rafah Glass: 5000patk | 140MP | 150pdef | 150mdef | 10% critical | 20% balance
Tiger Dragon Sword: 6000ptak | 23% critical | 15% balance
Dragon Slaughter: 6000patk | 180MP | 175pdef | 175mdef | 8% critical | 10% balance
Skeleton Sword: 6200patk | 18% critical | 15% balance
Dark Blade: 7200patk | 12% critical | 30% balance


Shiva's Rod: 5000matk | 300MP | 7% critical | 25% balance
Fracture: 5000matk | 140MP | 150pdef | 150mdef | 9% critical | 24% balance
Seven Star Jewels-Hades: 6000matk | 23% critical | 15% balance
Dominion Zephyr: 6000matk | 180MP | 175pdef | 175mdef | 10% critical | 13% balance | Wind50
Hundred Eye Mystic Staff: 6200matk | 18% critical | 15% balance
Dark Rod: 7200matk | 12% critical | 30% balance
Asklepios Staff: 8000matk | 8% critical | 10% balance
[color=#993300]On the matter of levelling things up, pay attention to the levels of books, as they usually are not leveled to their max, usually around 10 or 20. Knowing exp curves and with experience of similar games in the past, it is worth to max level these before using them as combination material because of the concept of fodder exp. Though exact values are not known, the concept of fodder exp is that each character has a set exp value, which is multiplied by the level of the character. The product of the two values gives the total exp gained from the card. Books will naturally have a high exp value that makes feeding them a worthwhile investment in respect to their exp curves (obviously it takes more exp to level up at higher levels but the total investment will be greatly outweighed by the total exp granted).

Now if anyone is willing to talk about the matter of EVOLVING books, let me know cause I have two of a kind....
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
I have two R++ cards, one fire, one earth, and one SR card water as my line-up.

I have another SR card that's water but doesn't have near as good of stats as the one on my line up.
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
SneeakyAsian wrote...
[color=#993300]On the matter of levelling things up, pay attention to the levels of books, as they usually are not leveled to their max, usually around 10 or 20. Knowing exp curves and with experience of similar games in the past, it is worth to max level these before using them as combination material because of the concept of fodder exp. Though exact values are not known, the concept of fodder exp is that each character has a set exp value, which is multiplied by the level of the character. The product of the two values gives the total exp gained from the card. Books will naturally have a high exp value that makes feeding them a worthwhile investment in respect to their exp curves (obviously it takes more exp to level up at higher levels but the total investment will be greatly outweighed by the total exp granted).

Now if anyone is willing to talk about the matter of EVOLVING books, let me know cause I have two of a kind....

Pretty sure it says you can't evolve them somewhere....or maybe Azelle told me that...

My main line up is a R+ lvl 43 Hyouka, R++ lvl 27 Sophie, and a R++ lvl 25 Luca.

Books can't be Evolved, but they come with different rarities (C and UC for now) and yes, they can be leveled up.

Mind you that when feeding a card with cards that are not lv.1 will also increase the gil(a) cost. Combined with the amount you spend for maxing the fodders beforehand, you might lost quite alot there (unless if you have 300k++ gil already).

Come to think about it, I don't think my kitten sister already told you how many exp a card give. Here's a FAQ about it (credit for ShinVeritas):


Each card gives a base amount of exp according to rarity.
C = 1, UC = 2, R = 5, SR = 20, SSR = 50
Starting at level two, every other level gives 1 extra exp. In other words, the exp given rises by 1 every even level.
lv2 C = 2exp, lv3 C = 2exp, lv4 C = 3exp
If the card it is being combined with is the same element, it gives 1 additional exp.
lv2 same-element C = 3exp
Each card may randomly give bonus exp. This is calculated per card. No card has a higher chance than another of giving bonus exp.
If bonus exp is triggered, then the total exp given is 150% of normal.
lv2 same-element C w/ bonus = 4.5exp
Decimals are dropped after adding all the exp from a single combination session (up to 10 cards).
Combining with 10 cards at once is cost-effective, but does not reduce the exp needed to max a card.
Evolutions do not increase the amount of exp a card gives. A C+ will give the same exp as a C.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
So, how's everyone doing on the ++cards?
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/elD65/a09c740252.jpg

And stats for me so far

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/elDzn/6d266ab52e.jpg

Also, me and my kitten sister don't really have main deck, as we usually change the deck in spot based on Mega Bosses we face. Although, in PvP, we favor using R+ Sophie (Max level), R+ Luca (lv.27), R+ Marin (lv.34). We also have 3 copies of Sandra Bul-- I mean Prisoner of War. One of them is lv.32, other two are lv.5. Also have several R+ cards to fill the shoes during Mega Bosses battle.

Oh yeah, we don't have ++ cards aside of Miu from tutorial, btw.

EDIT: I was mistaken on my explanation about exp. Fixing it with data my kitten sister found (above post). Sorry for that...
Really tempted to use gold lottery but afraid of getting another shield/armor.

I need weapon so bad.
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Really tempted to use gold lottery but afraid of getting another shield/armor.

I need weapon so bad.

You must believe in the Heart of the cards! >.
Sabers Praetor wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Really tempted to use gold lottery but afraid of getting another shield/armor.

I need weapon so bad.

You must believe in the Heart of the cards! >.<

I'm content with my Rares. But sometimes I want to win at matches.

I regret raising rank to Rank 8.
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Sabers Praetor wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
Really tempted to use gold lottery but afraid of getting another shield/armor.

I need weapon so bad.

You must believe in the Heart of the cards! >.<

I'm content with my Rares. But sometimes I want to win at matches.

I regret raising rank to Rank 8.

Just try every once in awhile for a weapon, as soon as you get one you suddenly start winning at...everything
Xeno84 Im constantly fighting mega bosses lol force allowing

Sanada-Kun wrote...
Really tempted to use gold lottery but afraid of getting another shield/armor.

I need weapon so bad.

I have no idea if Event will gives you free weapon, so better give up and use those goldie for item lottery. A weapon from it is still better than weapons dropped by Silver Doragon, anyways.

@Arcad84: Mind to tell your level and equipments?
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Speaking of Lv and Status.

I think I probably messed up distributing the Status points (or not). I put quite a few points on Force and less on Stamina, and I am not sure if that was a wise decision.

Any advice? http://gyazo.com/908854b3ac2d7dbfdf3046c326022687
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
idmb22 wrote...
Speaking of Lv and Status.

I think I probably messed up distributing the Status points (or not). I put quite a few points on Force and less on Stamina, and I am not sure if that was a wise decision.

Any advice? http://gyazo.com/908854b3ac2d7dbfdf3046c326022687

You got more stamina than I do, not by much though

Depends on how often you play each day, you might want to spend less to Stamina now and use more for Force (and Charisma). Given the fact that the recovery rates are 1 point per minute, you often can go back again in 1-2 hours later. More faster if you have 30 Comrades already (they also help in recovery, not only boosting your Sta-Force).

Not to mention that higher level Mega Bosses will force you to spend 40-50 Forces, you basically will want like, 120-150 Forces ready (50 for inital battle against the Boss, 50 for finishing blow, remaining 20-50 to help other Comrades of you in the meantime). But again, depends on how often you play each day.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Damm, now that I have a clearer idea about Cards and Leveling, I really regret using Books at Lv 20 as they came... instead of leveling them. Oh well, shit happens.

Is there any place I could check that info about "Mission" and "Leveling"? I am still confused about what the system will be about, help with or reward for using it.

On another note, is it worth saving and upgrading elemental items?
Right Hand: http://gyazo.com/e16d1b71a92e06c8f6fb3a99ffe592ea
Left Hand: http://gyazo.com/b1b0e11a94d79fc3a097152a9ed23442
Body: http://gyazo.com/dfb8181a0d449a983b22047144d4fe5f

Regarding Rings and Necks, is it just me I have not reached that part of the game they are given or are they Lottery exclusive?
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
idmb22 wrote...
Damm, now that I have a clearer idea about Cards and Leveling, I really regret using Books at Lv 20 as they came... instead of leveling them. Oh well, shit happens.

Is there any place I could check that info about "Mission" and "Leveling"? I am still confused about what the system will be about, help with or reward for using it.

On another note, is it worth saving and upgrading elemental items?
Right Hand: http://gyazo.com/e16d1b71a92e06c8f6fb3a99ffe592ea
Left Hand: http://gyazo.com/b1b0e11a94d79fc3a097152a9ed23442
Body: http://gyazo.com/dfb8181a0d449a983b22047144d4fe5f

Regarding Rings and Necks, is it just me I have not reached that part of the game they are given or are they Lottery exclusive?

Rings and Neck are not implemented yet

For elemental gear, you only need one of each weapon for mega bosses. Armor and shields are only for pvp so you don't really need element variants there.

idmb22 wrote...
Damm, now that I have a clearer idea about Cards and Leveling, I really regret using Books at Lv 20 as they came... instead of leveling them. Oh well, shit happens.

Is there any place I could check that info about "Mission" and "Leveling"? I am still confused about what the system will be about, help with or reward for using it.

On another note, is it worth saving and upgrading elemental items?
Right Hand: http://gyazo.com/e16d1b71a92e06c8f6fb3a99ffe592ea
Left Hand: http://gyazo.com/b1b0e11a94d79fc3a097152a9ed23442
Body: http://gyazo.com/dfb8181a0d449a983b22047144d4fe5f

Regarding Rings and Necks, is it just me I have not reached that part of the game they are given or are they Lottery exclusive?

I don't know what do you mean about "Mission" and "Leveling" there. If you refer to place where I and my kitten sister obtain these info, Hongfire has thread dedicated for this game (although we rarely venture there due to existence of annoying dickheads there). There's also wiki about this but in moonrunes, so yeah...

Ring and Neck equipments are not implemented yet.

Actually, you only need either left hand or armor for each elements, whichever has higher elemental points. You don't need to keep elemental weapons unless they're more powerful than your normal weapons. The moment you wear elemental left-hand or armor, your attack (physical or magic) becomes such element (so it's not only if you wield elemental weapon). If you wear armor that grants you 50 fire points, for example, your character deals extra 50% fire dmg against wind-type Bosses and takes 50% less dmg from wind attacks. Mind you that only 1 element actives at given time, even if you wear multiple elemental equipments.

I don't think wear elemental equipments are wise in PvP, given that you can't change your equipments after choosing an opponent. Unless, of course, if those equipments are the best equipments you have...

Oh yeah, no need to upgrade your elemental armor or left-hand if you only use them against Mega Bosses, since their elemental points will not increase anyways.