Monster Hunter Ultimate Thread

BloodyWind wrote...
Sounds like you're having a blast.

There I am, on the deserted island, standing toe to toe with Arzuros, wearing full jaggi and holding the only other longsword that's sold at the start of the game. My spirit gauge is full and my sword has a single buff. The bear just finished a triple attack combo, and although I'm not within reach, I begin the spirit combo. It's time for the finisher and the bear is going for a body slam. The scene is reminiscent of two samurai running at each other before one dramatically lands the killing blow. The bear lunges, but I fly past him, completely dodging any damage he might have inflicted, slicing the fuck and earning a yellow buff. The combo forces me to auto-sheath my blade as I stare in the direction opposite of my opponent, making it evident that I never came to this mission with any fucks in my inventory to begin with. My coolness factor was maximum and the bear could be heard crying like a bitch in the background.

That longsword is a miracle worker.
EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...
winter55 wrote...
EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...
I am HR115 @ 700 hrs.

So arone. So badu ruck wih drops and materiarus.


I cannot for the life of me kill g rank alatreon and jenny moron.

So I do failure runs.

I carve ala tails and have chacha with mock melnyx mask get whatever mats he can steal(BASED MOCK MASK GETTING ME EASY AZURE DRAGONSPHIRES).
Same thing with jenny. Mining back and having chacha try to get mohran braces (no luck).

Pls die.

Whut. Me not get you. I'm telling you I'm failing... And arone.


I never get anything rare from mock melynx while you get Azure Dragonsphires
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I gave in to temptation and bought it.

I'll try to get in a few hours to get a basic feel, but I'd like to play with y'all sometime.
cruz737 wrote...
I gave in to temptation and bought it.

I'll try to get in a few hours to get a basic feel, but I'd like to play with y'all sometime.

Don't mind the 50 min time limit at the start. What's important is you learn how the game goes around and learn the attack patters of monsters.
Rbz wrote...
BloodyWind wrote...
Sounds like you're having a blast.

There I am, on the deserted island, standing toe to toe with Arzuros, wearing full jaggi and holding the only other longsword that's sold at the start of the game. My spirit gauge is full and my sword has a single buff. The bear just finished a triple attack combo, and although I'm not within reach, I begin the spirit combo. It's time for the finisher and the bear is going for a body slam. The scene is reminiscent of two samurai running at each other before one dramatically lands the killing blow. The bear lunges, but I fly past him, completely dodging any damage he might have inflicted, slicing the fuck and earning a yellow buff. The combo forces me to auto-sheath my blade as I stare in the direction opposite of my opponent, making it evident that I never came to this mission with any fucks in my inventory to begin with. My coolness factor was maximum and the bear could be heard crying like a bitch in the background.

That longsword is a miracle worker.

I applaud this story. It is badass.
27 hours in. The material farming aspect isn't as bad as previously assumed. I like being able to go anywhere I want on a whim. The more intense monster hunting is reminiscent of Dark Souls, with its combat puzzles that challenge you to solve them by learning what the enemy is capable of and, in the case of MH, preparing accordingly. Just like in DS, if you know your enemy well, the game will be easy. The first fight against a new monster is always the most tedious, yet exhilarating experience in the game. Longsword is best sword.

Rating: so far so good/10
The most tedious farming I needed at the early game was... Plates... It is always the plates. I farmed Ian/Los/Lagi so much the mats from them funded me for the Gold Ian armor.
Hammer Master Race!

I need to start playing again..
Grongigas master race. Nothing feels better than doing super pound with an awakened slime hammer.
Anyone who played Metal Gear Rising knows why the longsword is magic. I made a gif to illustrate:

Forum Image:

Blocking is for losers who can't ninja.
Close range usage of Bow for me! Nah, my main is the GreatSword. Though I can easily own with a poison LS.
Forum Image:

To put it more eloquently, fuck this game and the people who made it.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Rbz wrote...
To put it more eloquently, fuck this game and the people who made it.

Welcome to the "The drop RNG will be an ASS to you" Club.

That's still okay, because it's expected. Majestic Horn has a low drop percentage so it's obvious you won't get it often.

The game really makes fun of you when you're trying to get a very specific shittier item
example: You need 10 "Barioth Lash" to make a Barioth G Armor set.
Here's the facts:
Barioth Lash 56%
Barioth Cortex 30%
Barioth Carapace 10%
Lrg Wyvern Stone 4%
Looks Easy right?
But in the end you'll need to fight more than 10 Barioths for the Lash, because it will troll you around by giving you a Cortex/Carapace. So, it's giving you shitty items you don't "need", rather than shitty items you actually need.

and there's the mythical "Desire Sensor".
>tfw 18 runs to get 2nd Dark Dragongem
>tfw more than 20 runs to get a single Rathalos Mantle even with Capture Expert skill gemmed in
>tfw no A Lagi Dynamo after doing the event A lagi a couple of times
>gets Jho Crook even when I don't even need one
>gets Cloudy Moonshard on 2nd run because I don't want to make any Lucent Narga weapon

yep. Desire Sensor is an ass.
Hunt and expect nothing in the rewards and you will have the rare drop.
Kaimax wrote...
That's still okay, because it's expected. Majestic Horn has a low drop percentage so it's obvious you won't get it often.

Patronize me all you want, but it won't make me any less infuriated over the fact that I've spent many hours fighting one monster, which is the real reason I'm so pissed off. I've turned killing Diablos into a science. I'm such a sadistic cunt that the bitch now regularly drops wyvern tears. However, each fight is at least 20 min. For the most part, I can only do Diablos runs twice every hour. Hours of precious life have been flushed into the time toilet.

I'm going to go torture the little bitch once more and call it a night. My new goal is to always cut the tail in addition to breaking the horns, which Diablos clearly has because of male inadequacy.
Ha! I remember farming Jhen Mohran back in MHTri for that accursed Earth Dragongem which never dropped for me. Hunted it so many times I got all the titles 10, 20 and 30 kills after like 2 days of hunting. Of course after half a day I decided to just do speed runs.

Does MH3U have titles too? nNver really bothered with my guild card.
BloodyWind wrote...
Ha! I remember farming Jhen Mohran back in MHTri for that accursed Earth Dragongem which never dropped for me. Hunted it so many times I got all the titles 10, 20 and 30 kills after like 2 days of hunting. Of course after half a day I decided to just do speed runs.

Does MH3U have titles too? nNver really bothered with my guild card.

Yep. Check your Guild Card to see
63 hours in.

Got full Diablos yesterday. I like the sense of pride that comes with really cool new equipment, which is well deserved since I know that I had to work for that shit, unlike lazy pricks in other games who find Diablos wannabe armor in a treasure chest hastily hidden under a few leaves with a sign next to it that says, "The leaves are sleeping. Do not disturb." It looks just as badass as advertised, and seeing it with the 3D effect warms my cockles. Either fighting Diablos 20 times made me a rape tier monster hunter, or the Diablos armor makes me such a damage sponge that I stopped giving a shit about "safety first." Regardless, I now do the prance gesture next to corpses, which is what I've had to settle for since the game won't let me piss on them. Anyway, I'm almost done with the village and everyone's telling me to go victimize Ceadeus. I assume that's the last boss. I won't be doing high rank because I have 5 other games to play, including Fire Emblem and Pokemon Y. I also still have yet to buy Bravely Default.

I'd say the game was definitely worth 20 bucks and I'm glad I got it. So far, all the "midget fights giant monsters" games I've played recently have been good. Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, and now MH3U. One thing I really appreciate with this game is that, since the whole focus is on giant monsters, the devs created a good amount of variety among them. A lot of them do share similar movesets, however. In fact, I go into battles against new monsters asking, "Who do you fight like?" For example, the Royal Ludroth is just practice for Lagiacrus. Jaggi, Baggi and Wroggi are the same. The Barroth is just a less vicious version of Diablos. Then there's the bear bear, the snow bear and the armadillo bear. This doesn't really detract from the experience as the similar attack patterns are superficial and the monsters typically have attacks exclusive to them; after fighting Diablos, Barroth became a pushover, because Barroth is too much of a pussy to strategically retreat underground before trying to stick a giant horn up my ass like a vindictive prick. Overall, MH3U has provided me with an interesting and unique experience, which is precisely why I came to this thread in the first place.

Final rating: would eventually play high rank/10
Rbz wrote...
63 hours in.

Got full Diablos yesterday. I like the sense of pride that comes with really cool new equipment, which is well deserved since I know that I had to work for that shit, unlike lazy pricks in other games who find Diablos wannabe armor in a treasure chest hastily hidden under a few leaves with a sign next to it that says, "The leaves are sleeping. Do not disturb." It looks just as badass as advertised, and seeing it with the 3D effect warms my cockles. Either fighting Diablos 20 times made me a rape tier monster hunter, or the Diablos armor makes me such a damage sponge that I stopped giving a shit about "safety first." Regardless, I now do the prance gesture next to corpses, which is what I've had to settle for since the game won't let me piss on them. Anyway, I'm almost done with the village and everyone's telling me to go victimize Ceadeus. I assume that's the last boss. I won't be doing high rank because I have 5 other games to play, including Fire Emblem and Pokemon Y. I also still have yet to buy Bravely Default.

I'd say the game was definitely worth 20 bucks and I'm glad I got it. So far, all the "midget fights giant monsters" games I've played recently have been good. Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, and now MH3U. One thing I really appreciate with this game is that, since the whole focus is on giant monsters, the devs created a good amount of variety among them. A lot of them do share similar movesets, however. In fact, I go into battles against new monsters asking, "Who do you fight like?" For example, the Royal Ludroth is just practice for Lagiacrus. Jaggi, Baggi and Wroggi are the same. The Barroth is just a less vicious version of Diablos. Then there's the bear bear, the snow bear and the armadillo bear. This doesn't really detract from the experience as the similar attack patterns are superficial and the monsters typically have attacks exclusive to them; after fighting Diablos, Barroth became a pushover, because Barroth is too much of a pussy to strategically retreat underground before trying to stick a giant horn up my ass like a vindictive prick. Overall, MH3U has provided me with an interesting and unique experience, which is precisely why I came to this thread in the first place.

Final rating: would eventually play high rank/10

Tell me/us when you reach zinogre and brachydios. Oh the fun you'll have.
Monster Girl
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