Monster Hunter Ultimate Thread

Rbz wrote...
63 hours in.

Got full Diablos yesterday. I like the sense of pride that comes with really cool new equipment, which is well deserved since I know that I had to work for that shit, unlike lazy pricks in other games who find Diablos wannabe armor in a treasure chest hastily hidden under a few leaves with a sign next to it that says, "The leaves are sleeping. Do not disturb." It looks just as badass as advertised, and seeing it with the 3D effect warms my cockles. Either fighting Diablos 20 times made me a rape tier monster hunter, or the Diablos armor makes me such a damage sponge that I stopped giving a shit about "safety first." Regardless, I now do the prance gesture next to corpses, which is what I've had to settle for since the game won't let me piss on them. Anyway, I'm almost done with the village and everyone's telling me to go victimize Ceadeus. I assume that's the last boss. I won't be doing high rank because I have 5 other games to play, including Fire Emblem and Pokemon Y. I also still have yet to buy Bravely Default.

I'd say the game was definitely worth 20 bucks and I'm glad I got it. So far, all the "midget fights giant monsters" games I've played recently have been good. Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, and now MH3U. One thing I really appreciate with this game is that, since the whole focus is on giant monsters, the devs created a good amount of variety among them. A lot of them do share similar movesets, however. In fact, I go into battles against new monsters asking, "Who do you fight like?" For example, the Royal Ludroth is just practice for Lagiacrus. Jaggi, Baggi and Wroggi are the same. The Barroth is just a less vicious version of Diablos. Then there's the bear bear, the snow bear and the armadillo bear. This doesn't really detract from the experience as the similar attack patterns are superficial and the monsters typically have attacks exclusive to them; after fighting Diablos, Barroth became a pushover, because Barroth is too much of a pussy to strategically retreat underground before trying to stick a giant horn up my ass like a vindictive prick. Overall, MH3U has provided me with an interesting and unique experience, which is precisely why I came to this thread in the first place.

Final rating: would eventually play high rank/10

Funny thing is, Caedeus isn't the final FINAL boss yet... Have fun.
winter55 wrote...
Funny thing is, Caedeus isn't the final FINAL boss yet... Have fun.

Just beat him. Got lucky, too, since I started going apeshit when I had 5 minutes left. A CG cutscene played, which is rare, so either I'm in post-game, or there's more faggotry afoot and now god himself wants to bitchslap the village. Is this one of those games that doesn't want to acknowledge it's over by never playing the credits? It's telling me about "subspecies," which seems to be moonspeak for "we're out of shit, so how about you fight the same kind of monster on hard mode." I'll play along for now. Misty Peaks is unlocked and that's where I'll get my next sword upgrade.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Rbz wrote...
winter55 wrote...
Funny thing is, Caedeus isn't the final FINAL boss yet... Have fun.

Just beat him. Got lucky, too, since I started going apeshit when I had 5 minutes left. A CG cutscene played, which is rare, so either I'm in post-game, or there's more faggotry afoot and now god himself wants to bitchslap the village.

Nah that's supposed to happen, you can't kill it the first time, After that the Quest to actually kill it will be unlocked.

Is this one of those games that doesn't want to acknowledge it's over by never playing the credits?

Finish The High Rank Village Quests, and you'll get a credit roll, but there's G-rank waiting for you after that in the Guild quests located at the Multiplayer. You can solo it if you want, but all the monsters stats has been raised a bit, since it was meant for Multiplayer.

It's telling me about "subspecies," which seems to be moonspeak for "we're out of shit, so how about you fight the same kind of monster on hard mode."

Besides obvious higher stats, subspecies also have attacks exclusive to them or an upgraded version of an attack.

A good example is the Pink Rathian. Besides needing more hits to kill it, It has 3 different attacks than your usual Rathian. It has a new tail swing, that sorta attacks diagonally. Rather than just plain biting, while doing it it will also spew fire so an increase of range, lastly it's single fire breath (the scatter one) is much wider and longer.
Another subspecies the Gold Rathian it's basically the same (it has more combos), but you need at least White Sharpness weapons to actually cut through it's golden scale.

An extreme difference example is the Agnaktor Vs the Glacial Agnaktor. Sounds simple as in one is fire and one is Ice, but handling their fights is a whole different story.
Kaimax wrote...
Besides obvious higher stats, subspecies also have attacks exclusive to them or an upgraded version of an attack.

Did Purple Ludroth. 25 minutes. Got back to town and saw multiple pages of 6 star quests. Shit ton of new materials, too. Haha, nope. I'm done. That's at least 30 or so more hours of play, assuming I get lucky drops. Moving on to Pokemon.
Ha! Same thing I did. After beating the P.Lud once and the P.Ian once, I took a break from MH3U for like 5 months until AX13 where the Capcom corner booth had like 40 MH3U players seating around asking who wants to go hunt Abyssal Lagi and that one other rare monster.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Rbz wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Besides obvious higher stats, subspecies also have attacks exclusive to them or an upgraded version of an attack.

Did Purple Ludroth. 25 minutes. Got back to town and saw multiple pages of 6 star quests. Shit ton of new materials, too. Haha, nope. I'm done. That's at least 30 or so more hours of play, assuming I get lucky drops. Moving on to Pokemon.

Lol, I already said that you're currently in Low rank and it's not really much of challenge yet. If you really want to compare this to Dark Souls, you need to play at least in High Rank, Where Dodge and timing is crucial.

Just a FYI, G Rank Armor has different appearances.
You bunch of pansies. I blazed thru village quest so fast with just 2 armor sets.
winter55 wrote...
You bunch of pansies. I blazed thru village quest so fast with just 2 armor sets.

>Not spending hours farming for every available material just in case they come in handy some day
>Not spending hours going on free-roam, capturing and killing until you can eventually convert it into 10,000 resources
>Not leveling up chum-chum
>Not going to the farm to snuggle with poogie
>Not fighting Diablos 20 times because of a single rare material
>Not prance gesturing on corpses
What are you, a fucking casual?
Rbz wrote...
winter55 wrote...
You bunch of pansies. I blazed thru village quest so fast with just 2 armor sets.

>Not spending hours farming for every available material just in case they come in handy some day
>Not spending hours going on free-roam, capturing and killing until you can eventually convert it into 10,000 resources
>Not leveling up chum-chum
>Not going to the farm to snuggle with poogie
>Not fighting Diablos 20 times because of a single rare material
>Not prance gesturing on corpses
What are you, a fucking casual?

Did everything except fight Diablos that many times over. I got screwed over by desire sensor so many times till G Rank that my total time clocked to almost 400 hours already.
Got another one:
>not putting the game down and looking at Monster Hunter doujins like this.
Udon-ya makes the best, though.
My favorite pairing in his work to this day is the Kushala girl and Brother Akantor. Also, the Barioth X armor looks sick thats why I made it even though its skills are meh.
winter55 wrote...
You bunch of pansies. I blazed thru village quest so fast with just 2 armor sets.

D: I went through with Hunter's and Peco, and Iron hammer..

Well, up until Ceadeus anyways. Then got 2hard.
Motherfuckers, GET HYPED

winter55 wrote...
Motherfuckers, GET HYPED

I'm losing my shit here haha I'm very excited for the release in the US shame I have to wait till 2015 D:
So i am just gonna go out of my way and complain about the final village Quest
Who's bright idea was it to make it EXACTLY do G rank equivalent damage but make it give High rank drops
When i finished that Quest i went and fisted a new hole in my specially made board and screamed "GOOD JOB CAPCOM YOU MADE A PRETTY BULLSHIT FINAL QUEST." and my brother just dying and slowly clapping
Anyone else just me okay...
ShadyHanZ wrote...
So i am just gonna go out of my way and complain about the final village Quest
Who's bright idea was it to make it EXACTLY do G rank equivalent damage but make it give High rank drops
When i finished that Quest i went and fisted a new hole in my specially made board and screamed "GOOD JOB CAPCOM YOU MADE A PRETTY BULLSHIT FINAL QUEST." and my brother just dying and slowly clapping
Anyone else just me okay...

it's HR HP, defense and drops but G Rank damage. It's a sort of final test or a rite of passage
winter55 wrote...
ShadyHanZ wrote...
So i am just gonna go out of my way and complain about the final village Quest
Who's bright idea was it to make it EXACTLY do G rank equivalent damage but make it give High rank drops
When i finished that Quest i went and fisted a new hole in my specially made board and screamed "GOOD JOB CAPCOM YOU MADE A PRETTY BULLSHIT FINAL QUEST." and my brother just dying and slowly clapping
Anyone else just me okay...

it's HR HP, defense and drops but G Rank damage. It's a sort of final test or a rite of passage

I know and i still beat it but can you imagine what its like for the people who never went to Port and do Mark of the Hero then this?
ShadyHanZ wrote...
winter55 wrote...
ShadyHanZ wrote...
So i am just gonna go out of my way and complain about the final village Quest
Who's bright idea was it to make it EXACTLY do G rank equivalent damage but make it give High rank drops
When i finished that Quest i went and fisted a new hole in my specially made board and screamed "GOOD JOB CAPCOM YOU MADE A PRETTY BULLSHIT FINAL QUEST." and my brother just dying and slowly clapping
Anyone else just me okay...

it's HR HP, defense and drops but G Rank damage. It's a sort of final test or a rite of passage

I know and i still beat it but can you imagine what its like for the people who never went to Port and do Mark of the Hero then this?

I actually know the feeling.
winter55 wrote...
ShadyHanZ wrote...
winter55 wrote...
ShadyHanZ wrote...
So i am just gonna go out of my way and complain about the final village Quest
Who's bright idea was it to make it EXACTLY do G rank equivalent damage but make it give High rank drops
When i finished that Quest i went and fisted a new hole in my specially made board and screamed "GOOD JOB CAPCOM YOU MADE A PRETTY BULLSHIT FINAL QUEST." and my brother just dying and slowly clapping
Anyone else just me okay...

it's HR HP, defense and drops but G Rank damage. It's a sort of final test or a rite of passage

I know and i still beat it but can you imagine what its like for the people who never went to Port and do Mark of the Hero then this?

I actually know the feeling.

eesh how many hours did you invest before you went to port
ShadyHanZ wrote...
winter55 wrote...
ShadyHanZ wrote...
winter55 wrote...
ShadyHanZ wrote...
So i am just gonna go out of my way and complain about the final village Quest
Who's bright idea was it to make it EXACTLY do G rank equivalent damage but make it give High rank drops
When i finished that Quest i went and fisted a new hole in my specially made board and screamed "GOOD JOB CAPCOM YOU MADE A PRETTY BULLSHIT FINAL QUEST." and my brother just dying and slowly clapping
Anyone else just me okay...

it's HR HP, defense and drops but G Rank damage. It's a sort of final test or a rite of passage

I know and i still beat it but can you imagine what its like for the people who never went to Port and do Mark of the Hero then this?

I actually know the feeling.

eesh how many hours did you invest before you went to port

bout 70 hours. Got stuck farming for rath rubies and lagi sapphires for a while. I gave up on brachy gem back then, same for narga medulla. I went straight for G Rank with mostly rath weapons and lagi weapons.
Monster Girl
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