Most creepiest moment that ever happened?

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I don't really play any horror games but the Tower of Latria level in Demon's Souls had a fairly creepy vibe to it.
Surprised no one mentioned the bathroom stall part in SH2 (Alternate world). Knocked on the stall door just joking around and got a knock back (Me: WTF). I turn to leave the bathroom and hear the stall door open then someone runs out screaming. Scared the hell out of me you know.
"Cry of Fear" everytime something shows up on the screen for half a second and runs away.
Khorinthian wrote...
Creepiest thing that happened to me in gaming was playing Cho-Aniki alone in my room with all the lights off

Although playing the Cthulu games are as creepy as fuck as well

I +rep you!
Hanasaku i should just die
Playing LSD on PS1.
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