Nostalgic Gaming

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We all have had that kind of moment where we get out our old consoles for a blast from the past. Does anyone have a particular system that is not a next-gen console that they like to play?

For me, like to play my Super Nintendo.
N64. Reasons: Super Smash Bros, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye, Mario Kart, StarFox 64.
PS1: Metal Gear Solid
Xbox: Jet Set Radio Future, Halo 2
Dreamcast: Sonic Adventure, Mortal Kombat Gold, Dead or Alive 2, Jet Grind Radio
Gamecube: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Capcom vs SNK2, Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2
I got PS2, with Skygunner, RE4, DMC, and Time Splitters 1-3.

For my Xbox, Halo 2, Burnout revenge, and Panzer Dragoon Orta(My personal favorite).
N64- Goldeneye, Orgre Battle 64, battle tanx (and battle tanx global assualt), super smash bro's, guantlent legends, perfect dark. Brings back sweet memories.
My 11 year old PS2, which I still have.

Resons: Ratchet and Clank series, FFX, FFXII, KH series, P4, Dark Cloud, Star Wars Battlefront I and II, Gundam: Journey to Jaburo, Star Ocean: Till The End of Time, and Mana Khemia.

And before getting a PS3, I was able to enjoy Legend of Mana, Valkyrie Profile, and FFVII. (Luckily I own copies of these games too.)
PS One: Megaman Legends series and Harvest Moon. Reason? Because they're awesome. And old.
Still, Mario Bros is my favorite retro game though.
PS2 (which I still have) and Gamecube (which I don't ç_ç).

Reasons = many of the best games ever were on those consoles IMHO.
A blast experience? Of oourse it is my blast processing machine here. Sega Genesis Streets of Rage series. Space Harrier, After Burner, Sonic Series, Gunstar Heroes, Golden Axe is probably the best experience i had in my childhood times^^
SNES - Super mario world.
Gamecube - Pikmin, Metroid prime, Super mario sunshine and Mario kart double dash.
N64 - GoldenEye 007 and Doom.
I don't even have to write down my reasons, the games says it all.

Metroid prime was a pain in the ass to beat.
I still have my GameBoy SP with Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Fire Emblem and Advance Wars 2... but when I wanna go more modern, I bring out my PS2 and boot Valkyrie Profile, Front Mission 3 and all the .hack games. :)

Unfortunately my PSOne took a dump a few years ago... the sentimental value can't be replaced. :( But at least I still have my old PS2 alive and kickin', so it's all good.
Mello wrote...
I still have my GameBoy SP with Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, Fire Emblem and Advance Wars 2... but when I wanna go more modern, I bring out my PS2 and boot Valkyrie Profile, Front Mission 3 and all the .hack games. :)

Unfortunately my PSOne took a dump a few years ago... the sentimental value can't be replaced. :( But at least I still have my old PS2 alive and kickin', so it's all good.

This, I still play my Gameboy advance, and I still play Advance Wars on it.
Gameboy SP playing Megaman. So good.
N64 Majoras mask, I've actually been playing this for a few day and it's still fun. ocarina of time, super smash bros, super Mario 64, pokemon stadium 1&2

GC super Mario sunshine, smash bros melee, sonic advenrure 2 battle, shadow the hedgehog, sonic heros, pokemon XD gale of darkness and collesium, four swords adventure, o crap almost forgot about this game the legend of Zelda wind waker

GBC dragon ball z legacy of goku 2, dragonball z buu's fury (kid boys is awesome XD). Finding nemo, megaman zero 1&4 ( played 2&3 on the collection for the DS.
Fire Emblem, on GameBoy Advanced!

Damn that game was is good.

And hard><. Keep losing Link.
Gameboy: Pokemon Red
N64: Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Snap
Just downloaded a PlayStation emulator and got FF7, bloody roar 2, soul reaver and klonoa.
Gameboy: Pokemon Yellow
Gameboy Advance: Megaman Battle Network.

God, I miss those days
PC: Space Quest VI, Duke Nukem 3D, NBA Jame: Tournament Edition
Atari 2600: Jungle Hunt, Pole Position, Pit Fall
NES: Blades of Steel, Double Dragon II, Maniac Mansion, Super Mario Bros. 3, The Legend of Zelda
PlayStation holds all of my nostalgia. All of the best rpgs ever.
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