Nostalgic Gaming

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Playstation One had given me some fond memories of true gamership, 70% of the games I played on the PSX were PSOne titles, especially Vagrant Story and XenoGears, my two most personal favourites. I still have the save file for the two (with XenoGears having been played over a second time until I maxed out all the characters this time around) while I still have some titles to unlock in VS through multiple playthoughs since I had started back in the year 2000.

Also, getting to play Metal Gear Solid for the first time on that system during that time was one of the best experiences I could ask for, its story and voice acting blew me away none like any other PSX title for its time.
My PS2 for all of my RPG games, its always fun to go back and play those.
HokutoCorpse wrote...
PlayStation holds all of my nostalgia. All of the best rpgs ever.

And SNES for me.
I still have Pikmen for the Gamecube.

Havest Moon 64, For the Nintendo 64.

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, For the Xbox.

Star Ocean: Till the end of time, and Shadow Of The Collosus for PS2

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite For PSP.

and countless other games lost becuase of time...

Oh.. if i could just find a emulator of one of these games..


WAIT! Shadow Of The Collosus has a HD Remake... forgot about that.
Every once in a while, I plug in my N64 and play Star Fox. So many fond memories...
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