Playstation 4 Confirmed/Speculated Release Date

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shinji_ikari Mustn't Run Away...
Well the time has come and after just 4 years of being in circulation serious plans have begun to begin planning to replace the PS3 by 2012 (as per the unspoken 6 year rule Sony uses). Sony has confirmed the system is in development ,and due to a slip from developers GameInformer Australia has confirmed that launch titles are in work for the system (development of which usually takes 2 years) though no specific date has been given it is safe to assume that 2012 will be the big year. So all that said ,how does everyone feel ? Is it to soon to release a new console ? Are you excited about all this ? What are some new features you'd like to see present on the PS4 ?

Please Discuss :)
Not sure what else they can achieve. I await for further development.
What I would like to know is what the new Nintendo console will look like.
Actually, Sony said multiple times that the PS3 will have a ten year cycle. That report is probably presuming that PS4 will be release according to the previous release cycles. PS4 was in development the day the PS3 came out though - the R&D for new processors and chip sets can take the better part of a decade. I doubt you'll hear about a PS4 until 2012 and it probably wont come out until a year or two later at the earliest.
neko-chan wrote...
Actually, Sony said multiple times that the PS3 will have a ten year cycle. That report is probably presuming that PS4 will be release according to the previous release cycles. PS4 was in development the day the PS3 came out though - the R&D for new processors and chip sets can take the better part of a decade. I doubt you'll hear about a PS4 until 2012 and it probably wont come out until a year or two later at the earliest.


Honestly, the Playstation 3 is still in it's infancy. The price was way too high during it's initial release, which lowered the amount of sales in the beginning. Still to this day, the Playstation 2 is still in production. And so far, the PS3 has not even reached half the amount of games of the PS2 library.

Also, technology is still limited. Even two years from, I highly doubt we'll see a huge leap, therefore, there isn't much that a PS4 can improve on. PS3 can already support 3D, given that your television can as well. More so, Sony just released the Playstation Move. It's hard to believe that they'll dump something they hyped up so much in a little less than two years.

Overall, I believe neko is correct. It's more likely that we'll hear something about PS4 in 2012, rather than it's actual release.
shinji_ikari Mustn't Run Away...
neko-chan wrote...
Actually, Sony said multiple times that the PS3 will have a ten year cycle. That report is probably presuming that PS4 will be release according to the previous release cycles. PS4 was in development the day the PS3 came out though - the R&D for new processors and chip sets can take the better part of a decade. I doubt you'll hear about a PS4 until 2012 and it probably wont come out until a year or two later at the earliest.

A 10 year cycle does not have to mean they won't push out a new system ,it can simply mean they plan to continue shipping the system ,and support it with games ,and software much like they have done with the PS2. I honestly believe the 10 year cycle reports where exaggerations made by Sony to give an incentive to those waiting to buy a PS3 wondering if it would be a sound investment.

Edit: Btw neko on the exact link you offered their where two places basically saying the same thing I did about the "10 Year" plan.
Its only been 4 years? wow, lets hope they do it better than they did the ps3, ill have to keep myself updated on this
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
I'm doing fine with my ps3 now, but I would get ps4 if it did come out 2012...
PS4? I'm still playing on my PS2 O_o
Callonia wrote...
PS4? I'm still playing on my PS2 O_o

This. And I still have loads of rpg to clear. D8
Holy crap, when will it end .. I've only had my PS3 for exactly 1 year, and now they're coming out with a PS4?

I just hope 3D doesn't become a fixed feature/requirement on it. That, and the PS Move.
GODDAMN IT!!! i just got my ps3 during the summer and im really enjoying it. and now they are coming out with a 4.instead of coming out with more stuff how about they improve what they already got, like adding more social features to the PSN.if the ps3 was about 600$ when it first came out i just wanna know how much ps4 will be ,may be 1000$
Why would they make one so early? PS3's doing fine and the games aren't up to speed with the consoles yet...
Jesus Christ... Their just about releasing GT5 and PS3 will be toast in 2 years time?

They'd better not! (PS3s just getting warmed up)
Kaimax Best Master-San
Konami hasn't even planned to make a Suikoden 6 yet... >_> and this now pops out.

Question, is the PS3 on the "decline" Life-Cycle now?

I only had it from last March, so I can't sense it well, other than it's starting to get GREAT games.
Terrible speculation. Sony has been confirming for years they are always researching new tech for the next generation of console. Knowing how the market works, They will announce a new generation by around 2014 and release it two years later by 2016. Announcing something in 2012 is completely meh, releasing by 2012 is immoral.
shinji_ikari Mustn't Run Away...
Yushi wrote...
Terrible speculation. Sony has been confirming for years they are always researching new tech for the next generation of console. Knowing how the market works, They will announce a new generation by around 2014 and release it two years later by 2016. Announcing something in 2012 is completely meh, releasing by 2012 is immoral.
your talking about a company that charged $600 dollars at launch for their latest system,took out the heavily advertised feature that allows you to use an alternate OS (Linux) ,and had the fucking balls to sell a $120 dollar peripheral HD that only supported 1 title...exactly how moral do you think they are ,and do you honestly think they won't fuck us ,the consumer, in their attempt to get ahead in the console war with Microsoft..cause if this last generation proved anything it's that you can sell a poorly constructed product as long as you get it out early ,and offer up some highly anticipated exclusives *cough*360*cough* ._.
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
Its really not a good idea to plan on realease a ps2 within the next years, they should get the whole psn stuff working flawless and without massive lagging sometimes, and continue on work on updates and better support for their users.
(i heard the PS-hotline is really chaotic and not helpful in most cases)
shinji_ikari wrote...
Yushi wrote...
Terrible speculation. Sony has been confirming for years they are always researching new tech for the next generation of console. Knowing how the market works, They will announce a new generation by around 2014 and release it two years later by 2016. Announcing something in 2012 is completely meh, releasing by 2012 is immoral.
your talking about a company that charged $600 dollars at launch for their latest system,took out the heavily advertised feature that allows you to use an alternate OS (Linux) ,and had the fucking balls to sell a $120 dollar peripheral HD that only supported 1 title...exactly how moral do you think they are ,and do you honestly think they won't fuck us ,the consumer, in their attempt to get ahead in the console war with Microsoft..cause if this last generation proved anything it's that you can sell a poorly constructed product as long as you get it out early ,and offer up some highly anticipated exclusives *cough*360*cough* ._.

Except that this time around that is one of the reasons that they aren't going to release on a 6 year basis. Despite being older and less powerful, 360 games still look better for multi-platform titles. It is most likely because the PS3 isn't 100% figured out yet.

However, Microsoft isn't going to come out with a new system anytime soon when they just completely redesigned the 360 and are still beating PS3 in the graphics department. Microsoft probably will be the one to announce in 2012 and I agree with someone who posted earlier: PS4 probably wont come out till 2016 or late 2015.

Biggest reason is that people are just starting to buy it as their main Blu-ray player. No reason to come out with something until the next version of disc format comes out to.
shinji_ikari Mustn't Run Away...
neko-chan wrote...
shinji_ikari wrote...
Yushi wrote...
Terrible speculation. Sony has been confirming for years they are always researching new tech for the next generation of console. Knowing how the market works, They will announce a new generation by around 2014 and release it two years later by 2016. Announcing something in 2012 is completely meh, releasing by 2012 is immoral.
your talking about a company that charged $600 dollars at launch for their latest system,took out the heavily advertised feature that allows you to use an alternate OS (Linux) ,and had the fucking balls to sell a $120 dollar peripheral HD that only supported 1 title...exactly how moral do you think they are ,and do you honestly think they won't fuck us ,the consumer, in their attempt to get ahead in the console war with Microsoft..cause if this last generation proved anything it's that you can sell a poorly constructed product as long as you get it out early ,and offer up some highly anticipated exclusives *cough*360*cough* ._.

Except that this time around that is one of the reasons that they aren't going to release on a 6 year basis. Despite being older and less powerful, 360 games still look better for multi-platform titles. It is most likely because the PS3 isn't 100% figured out yet.

However, Microsoft isn't going to come out with a new system anytime soon when they just completely redesigned the 360 and are still beating PS3 in the graphics department. Microsoft probably will be the one to announce in 2012 and I agree with someone who posted earlier: PS4 probably wont come out till 2016 or late 2015.

Biggest reason is that people are just starting to buy it as their main Blu-ray player. No reason to come out with something until the next version of disc format comes out to.

=_=..k..well ignoring the release date. How about the other questions I asked, no opinion.
shinji_ikari wrote...
your talking about a company that charged $600 dollars at launch for their latest system,took out the heavily advertised feature that allows you to use an alternate OS (Linux) ,and had the fucking balls to sell a $120 dollar peripheral HD that only supported 1 title...exactly how moral do you think they are ,and do you honestly think they won't fuck us ,the consumer, in their attempt to get ahead in the console war with Microsoft..cause if this last generation proved anything it's that you can sell a poorly constructed product as long as you get it out early ,and offer up some highly anticipated exclusives *cough*360*cough* ._.

Yes, going by standard, blue-ray was not the normal thing back in 2006. 600$ for a gaming system and a blue-ray was a good price on a release date (Knowing how Blue-rays were 1000$ back in 2006 and movie were finally starting to make Blue-ray versions). Linux can STILL be use, only need to do a few tweeks, while it was heavily advertised, it was NOT heavily used by commoners. The playstation Move is actually being a huge hit, still sold out in many stores around the world, Kinect being release today, seeing ''launch hype'', Move is doing a better job.

neko-chan wrote...
However, Microsoft isn't going to come out with a new system anytime soon when they just completely redesigned the 360 and are still beating PS3 in the graphics department.

You are joking right? MS still beating in graphic? The only thing the multiplatform game that are ''better'' in quality are games made by Activision/Blizzard. Since they are heavily associated with MS. Games made by EA/Ubisoft are better made on PS3 because those companies are heavily associated with Sony. So using Multiplatform to say who's got the best graphics doesn't work. Sony won, long time ago.

MS and Sony are now ''tied'' in the console war. Unless if you're really specific, Sony is 400k behind (Saw it on some useless Kotaku news)

So anyway
By 2012 PSP2 will be announce. Not a PS4,that's going to be the only thing that's going to come out
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