Playstation 4 Confirmed/Speculated Release Date

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They just came out with Move. They'd be rushing to kill their own console if they were to release a PS4 in 2012.

Wasn't it a similar decision that got 3rd-party developers pissed at Sega, causing the failure of the Dreamcast and forcing Sega out of the 1st-party market?
Yushi wrote...
neko-chan wrote...
However, Microsoft isn't going to come out with a new system anytime soon when they just completely redesigned the 360 and are still beating PS3 in the graphics department.

You are joking right? MS still beating in graphic? The only thing the multiplatform game that are ''better'' in quality are games made by Activision/Blizzard. Since they are heavily associated with MS. Games made by EA/Ubisoft are better made on PS3 because those companies are heavily associated with Sony.

Thats not correct. You can look at any game news site and see comparision of Assassin Creed or any EA Sports title and the writers and screen shots both point out that the 360 wins every time. Same is true for other companies, such as Take Two. Rockstar's GTA IV was notorious for having a inferior version of the game on the PS3.

This isn't because of the systems - obviously the PS3 beats the 360 everytime hardware wise - but it is because developers are just better at getting the most out of the 360 right now. This will change in the future no doubt.

Yushi wrote...

So using Multiplatform to say who's got the best graphics doesn't work.

Yes it does. You can be a fanboy about the graphics and who has the better [/i]potential[/i] or better exclusives. But the fact is when I had to sell the system at gamestop, people would go with 360 because their Madden - you know the same Madden made by EA, the one you say is closer to Sony - looked better on it.

You can say "Oh, well thats just a bunch of douche bag frat boys" and you'd be right. But those douche bag frat boys are still a large part of the buying public.

You may be pointing out that games like Uncharted have amazing graphics that the 360 just can't compete with, and you'd be right. There are some games on the PS3 that are just plain better, but there are more instances like the one I mentioned where since Call of Duty looks better on the 360, that douche bag is going to tell his friends, "Dude I totally saw CoD at Jeffs house and he uses a 360. Lets get it for that, I'll just get a PS3 later. My step-dad will probably get me a blu-ray player for christmas anyways so I don't really need one. The 360 looks awesome and it has Halo."
shinji_ikari Mustn't Run Away...
Yushi wrote...
Yes, going by standard, blue-ray was not the normal thing back in 2006. 600$ for a gaming system and a blue-ray was a good price on a release date (Knowing how Blue-rays were 1000$ back in 2006 and movie were finally starting to make Blue-ray versions). Linux can STILL be use, only need to do a few tweeks, while it was heavily advertised, it was NOT heavily used by commoners. The playstation Move is actually being a huge hit, still sold out in many stores around the world, Kinect being release today, seeing ''launch hype'', Move is doing a better job.

!.Having to "tweak" something is bullshit ,the fact is that essentially Sony told us to go fuck ourselves,and blocked it. Whether theirs a way around it our not doesn't matter because it didn't come from Sony.
2.I'll concede that at the time of purchase $600 was a good deal, but doesn't change the fact that the $600 dollar price tag stuck around for quite awhile ,even after the price of dedicated blue-rays dropped.
3.In response to the stuff you said about the Move all I have to say is "guncon2", "eyetoy",and lastly "playstation mouse" what killed all those things? lack of support..Sony is pretty fantastic as not following up on their products for the PS , I wouldn't be shocked if the Move suffers the same fate
neko-chan wrote...
Yushi wrote...
neko-chan wrote...
However, Microsoft isn't going to come out with a new system anytime soon when they just completely redesigned the 360 and are still beating PS3 in the graphics department.

You are joking right? MS still beating in graphic? The only thing the multiplatform game that are ''better'' in quality are games made by Activision/Blizzard. Since they are heavily associated with MS. Games made by EA/Ubisoft are better made on PS3 because those companies are heavily associated with Sony.

Thats not correct. You can look at any game news site and see comparision of Assassin Creed or any EA Sports title and the writers and screen shots both point out that the 360 wins every time. Same is true for other companies, such as Take Two. Rockstar's GTA IV was notorious for having a inferior version of the game on the PS3.

Wait what? Using all the top reviewers site (Kotaku,GS,GT,etc), for GTA IV, they all said that the xbox360 had poping issues, where tree/pole would not render fast enough. While on the PS3 versions, things we're better.

Bayonetta on the other hand, performed much better on the 360. Ps3 version was abysmal, then later patched by Platnium games, which nearly put it up to par, but still 360 still better version.

Madden 360 better on xbox? Please, don't make me laugh. They are equally the same. Madden is extremely popular on 360 because it heavily advertised has being a 360 game. An American sport on an American console, wow, see the connection. Also seeing how the Original Xbox Live used Madden has a source of : ''Play againts people and trash talk on who's better''.

It's like saying NHL game are better made is better looking on PS3 because it sell's more on the PS3. Madden looks the same on 360 and Ps3, UNLESS you're talking about 2006,because the Ps3 was new tech and they had problem with it, ill give you that year when the 360 was the better version. Nowadays the game are the same graphic quality.

CoD look's better on 360, thats true. Like Badcompany 2 look's better on Ps3.

shinji_ikari wrote...
3.In response to the stuff you said about the Move all I have to say is "guncon2", "eyetoy",and lastly "playstation mouse" what killed all those things? lack of support..Sony is pretty fantastic as not following up on their products for the PS , I wouldn't be shocked if the Move suffers the same fate
I won'T even need to say much for this. Companies dropping Accessories because the didn't work? OMG never would of thought. Every company does it, even nintendo did it, a LOT back in the SNES days. Christ, nintendo still doing it, freaking plastic sport accessories costing 30$. Wii motion plus (should of been originally in imo), Vitality Sensor? really...., WiiFit platform? Hardly use for gaming, just those ''Get Fit games''.Wii Zapper? for 1 game, thx. COMPANIES TRYING TO GET MORE MONEY? WOW NEVER WOULD OF THOUGHT!

For Kinect, honestly, after seeing E3, I felt slightly retarded or a pedophile.
Yushi wrote...
neko-chan wrote...
Yushi wrote...
neko-chan wrote...
However, Microsoft isn't going to come out with a new system anytime soon when they just completely redesigned the 360 and are still beating PS3 in the graphics department.

You are joking right? MS still beating in graphic? The only thing the multiplatform game that are ''better'' in quality are games made by Activision/Blizzard. Since they are heavily associated with MS. Games made by EA/Ubisoft are better made on PS3 because those companies are heavily associated with Sony.

Thats not correct. You can look at any game news site and see comparision of Assassin Creed or any EA Sports title and the writers and screen shots both point out that the 360 wins every time. Same is true for other companies, such as Take Two. Rockstar's GTA IV was notorious for having a inferior version of the game on the PS3.

Wait what? Using all the top reviewers site (Kotaku,GS,GT,etc), for GTA IV, they all said that the xbox360 had poping issues, where tree/pole would not render fast enough. While on the PS3 versions, things we're better.

Bayonetta on the other hand, performed much better on the 360. Ps3 version was abysmal, then later patched by Platnium games, which nearly put it up to par, but still 360 still better version.

Madden 360 better on xbox? Please, don't make me laugh. They are equally the same. Madden is extremely popular on 360 because it heavily advertised has being a 360 game. An American sport on an American console, wow, see the connection. Also seeing how the Original Xbox Live used Madden has a source of : ''Play againts people and trash talk on who's better''.

It's like saying NHL game are better made is better looking on PS3 because it sell's more on the PS3. Madden looks the same on 360 and Ps3, UNLESS you're talking about 2006,because the Ps3 was new tech and they had problem with it, ill give you that year when the 360 was the better version. Nowadays the game are the same graphic quality.

CoD look's better on 360, thats true. Like Badcompany 2 look's better on Ps3.

I'm not sure if you were arguing against or for what I said... I agree with everything you said (GTA did have better loading textures on PS3, but the overall look was better on 360 because of the lighting and tones).

As for Madden, thats debatable. But the important thing is that, and I probably caused a misunderstanding here, the PS3 has the better hardware and capabilties for better graphics. However, the 360 still has more games out for it that contain better graphics (albeit not THAT better) when you include every game released to this point. You can't just compare games made this year or that are coming out soon because people are still buying games that came out in 2006.
Alright yeah i agree.
Yushi wrote...
Alright yeah i agree.

Alright! High-five!
lollercookiez wrote...
neko-chan wrote...
Actually, Sony said multiple times that the PS3 will have a ten year cycle. That report is probably presuming that PS4 will be release according to the previous release cycles. PS4 was in development the day the PS3 came out though - the R&D for new processors and chip sets can take the better part of a decade. I doubt you'll hear about a PS4 until 2012 and it probably wont come out until a year or two later at the earliest.


Honestly, the Playstation 3 is still in it's infancy. The price was way too high during it's initial release, which lowered the amount of sales in the beginning. Still to this day, the Playstation 2 is still in production. And so far, the PS3 has not even reached half the amount of games of the PS2 library.

Also, technology is still limited. Even two years from, I highly doubt we'll see a huge leap, therefore, there isn't much that a PS4 can improve on. PS3 can already support 3D, given that your television can as well. More so, Sony just released the Playstation Move. It's hard to believe that they'll dump something they hyped up so much in a little less than two years.

Overall, I believe neko is correct. It's more likely that we'll hear something about PS4 in 2012, rather than it's actual release.

I support the above statement; isn't it a bit too early to be speaking about the PS4, hell we don't even know how might the years ahead of us be in gaming.
Necrobump'd the thread just to say that Sony has started the development of the PS4.

Don't get too excited, the ps4 is planned to see daylight not before at least 3 or 4 years.
Interesting, think I'll keep myself up to date with this besides the NGP. Although Sony really should be more concerned about their current console, rather than trying to rush a whole new one so soon.
Hentanize wrote...
Don't get too excited, the ps4 is planned to see daylight not before at least 3 or 4 years.

Probably more as Sony recently said that they consider the Ps3 to have atleast 5 more years in it before they'll start thinking about releasing something else.
This is a difficult topic. Of course, Sony will keep saying, that the PS3 is still a quite young console and won't face it's successor yet, but why do they say this? Of course, to sell the PS3 better. Once they announce the PS4 officially, many people won't bother spending their money for the PS3 any longer, in case they haven't already got one. Instead, they'd save their money and wait for the PS4 launch.
Having this strategy, Sony is milking the customers twice. One person may buy a PS3, while believing it's still a fresh console, and once the PS4 comes out, the person may also buy the successor, because it's new and stuff.
I actually don't know what to think about this issue. I'm about to buy a PS3 myself and I think I will go for it, because it CAN still take some years, until Sony releases the PS4. On the other side, the PS4 may also be released in the end of 2012. If Microsoft would force a Xbox 720 release, due to what kind of issues ever, Sony would probably wait a bit release the PS4.
Another point, which indicates to a rather early PS4 release, are the hardware specifications. Square Enix is/was struggling, to make Final Fantasy 14 work on the PS3. I've read, that they had trouble to even run it on the lowest settings possible, because it's far to performance hungry or maybe just... up-to-date?
It may not sound to fine, but the PS3 is already outdated, in my opinion. Consoles have to keep up with the gaming possibilities of the PC, graphic-wise. I think that Sony and Microsoft are very aware of that and will act accordingly.
Here's some news that should interest those who want a PS4.

Looks like the next Sony console isn't too far away.
EpicPfail wrote...
Here's some news that should interest those who want a PS4.

The statement does seem to contradict what Sony exec Kazuo Hirai publicly insisted just a few months ago. At the time, Hirai stated that the PS3 lifecycle has barely reached the halfway point, meaning that a PS4 would still be at least 4 to 5 years away. But with the mounting negative press, slowing of PS3 sales, and the excitement rivals are generating, such as with the Nintendo Wii 2, teasing a upcoming PS4 may be a good distraction.

So Sony went from saying that they haven't even thought of beginning developing the Ps4 and that the Ps3 have atleast 5 years left on it's lifespan to saying that the Ps4 is already under development in just a few short months.

Sony confused R U?
mibuchiha wrote...
Callonia wrote...
PS4? I'm still playing on my PS2 O_o

This. And I still have loads of rpg to clear. D8

^ Lol, this.
Still trying to find/play games I wanted too.
I expect nothing but the badass from the PS4!
If Sony releases the PS4 any time within the next 4-5 years, I'm done with them.
Gaia wrote...
Another point, which indicates to a rather early PS4 release, are the hardware specifications. Square Enix is/was struggling, to make Final Fantasy 14 work on the PS3. I've read, that they had trouble to even run it on the lowest settings possible, because it's far to performance hungry or maybe just... up-to-date?

A valid point, bring it up again when they have this issue with a good game lol :D
(Sorry if you like that game XD).
I dont think they will rush out the PS4 because we are eagerly awaiting one of the biggest FF flops of all time.

Gaia wrote...
It may not sound to fine, but the PS3 is already outdated, in my opinion. Consoles have to keep up with the gaming possibilities of the PC, graphic-wise. I think that Sony and Microsoft are very aware of that and will act accordingly.

The second any console is released, it is already outdated, just like the computer you just bought. Thats why there is such huge graphical leaps between each console, because they each take a good deal of time to be released. If consoles were released every 6 months, not only would there be hardly any games for them (since by the time you started developing a game for a console, it would already be last gen) but everyone would just play on their computers instead (not very buisiness savvy for any of the consoles). I understand what your getting at though, just Consoles cant compete graphically with something you can upgrade at a whim.

This has been an utterly terrible year for Sony so far, with earthquakes, tidal waves, and hackers leading to millions of customers with shaky loyalty, so it's fair to assume they could use any press they can get that shows them moving forward. While I do think it probably won't be a while till the next Sony console will be officially announced, let alone released, it's always good to see what they have in store down the track.

All I can see them doing, however, is just upping the processing power. We have reached a point where we are almost at photo realistic, with games like Uncharted, Killlzone and L.A. Noire pushing the boundaries of the tech, just to name a few. It stands to reason the only step beyond what we have now is photo realistic (no man land and other problems aside).

For the sake of argument, say the next set of consoles live up to the high expectations, what is there left? We already have 3D available (arguments aside to its validity as a legitimate avenue of entertainment). Are we going to be looking into some sort of VR technology? It's all farfetched right now, but tech evolves so fast I can't see how we wouldn't go past where we are now, but the medium has a limit when it comes to games you play on a screen, and that will most likely be reached with the PS4.

I really do wish Sony all the best and urge them not to rush with a release for the next console just to compensate for the issues they have been having. I'm sure when 2014-2015 rolls around and the PS4 is released it will be worth the wait (that is unless we all die in 2012 :P).
And heres the info on the processor on the ps4
HokutoCorpse wrote...
And heres the info on the processor on the ps4

"Sony, who announced a $3 Billion plus loss last, week is pinning their future on a brand new processor which some are speculating will lead to a new Playstation 4."

"The new 32nm Cell processor is tipped to be capable of up to 16 SPEs which is twice as fast as the current Cell processor according to IBM leaks...But in terms of what sort of technology we'll be using, it's far too early to say yet because we're only half way through the lifecycle of PS3- there are many years to come on that machine"

So they have tipped at the tech they will be capable of soon, but there is still quite a while til the next consoles release.
But if they are saying they are capable of a processor twice as fast as the current one, imagine the improvements a few years from now O.O;
I still laugh that they are carrying on like 'you hear that? we are bringing out the SUPER processor! Microsoft, your ass is grass!'
Ill still wait till we get official word from Sony on actual specifications before I get too excited though.
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