Pokemon X & Y

For the unlucky folks that can't get a Shiny Diancie code;

https://hola.org/ - Download this IP Blocker so gameplanet.com thinks that you're a fellow Mexican.
https://gameplanet.com/customer/account/create - Register an account and confirm it in your email.
http://gameplanet.com/pokemon-d/ - Use hola flame in your toolbar to pretend to be a Mexican and enter registered email.

You should get an email like this that links you to the code. Make sure you're using the Proxy and it's set to Mexico or it'll block you.
Forum Image: http://a.pomf.se/yhemgk.jpg

This code is only valid until November 16th. And this site ran out of codes a few days ago so make haste.
If anyone has trouble I'll try to find a code in my local area. I don't think people outside NA can redeem it.

EDIT: Not working anymore. Either they ran out of codes or somehow figured out a way to make non-locals piss off.
Anybody want a Diancie code? The clerk at Gamestop gave me two extra code cards and I have no real use for them. Send me a PM if you're interested. I believe they expire on the 16th. I'll send the codes to the first two that message me.

As a heads up, the codes appear to be region-locked to North America or possibly just the US.

Edit: There is still one code left, for those that want it.