Sengoku Rance

Kaimax Best Master-San
Kaimax Best Master-San
okmol wrote...
Is there a hack or a code to recruit more that 30+ commander. It seem the computer can have more than 30 commander but the player only have a limit of 30 commander.

I dont think that there would be such a thing ,since managing 30 commanders is already a pain IMHO. And you wouldn't want to get that many resulting to a long game on any routes either believe me...

The Demon king route as mentioned in the forums is probably the most epic route that i have played... Its fucking difficult you know... and it doesn't have a good ending either... Been playing this game for a year I think, and uh Im trying to make my way defeating Orochi which is LVL 99 (Woah!)

BTW, i noticed something cool about the splash screen. Well you see, its changes its background according to the season...
Kaimax Best Master-San
Monster Girl
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