So PS4 is confirmed, but what about the new XBOX???

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So PS4 can play used games, thank god for that. But i'm so highly worried about the new X-BOX. It's said that the new X-BOX can't play games without the internet, it needs the internet to play games......I- I'm gonna pretend that this rumor doesn't exist.
Rumors... don't. believe until Gates does.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I don't care about the new xbawks, unless it turns out to be better than the PS4(meaning none of the rumors have to be true), in that case it be fun to see the bitter sonyggers and xbots fight over who's the "better" gaming platform.
Microsoft should announce something soon if Sony just did, it will be interesting to see what they have to bring to the table.
They actually just planned their own announcement for soon has been registered.
Never underestimate Microsoft and remember, most of the stuff at that event was either not final or just hype. I am a Sony-boy but Microsoft probably has something in the works to try and blow Sony out of the water. They know how to get idiots to buy their stuff so they should be ok.
They can use blu-ray now, so they probably will. Not sure what that means for backwards compatibility. It'll also have a slightly less shitty, but equally useless Kinect. I think PS is gonna have better launch titles than MS. Seems like MS is just a bunch of FPS with a few gems when I look back at it, so I could possibly go with PS, but we'll see.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'm a sony fanboy, but I'm not mentally prepared for a PS4. Mainly because I was unsatisfied with the PS3 (Final Fantasy Versus 13 not making it was a big blow for me). I'm not getting the next gen system as soon as I did the last one. I'll wait until the game selection is at a tolerable level.
mangaka350 wrote...
So PS4 can play used games, thank god for that. But i'm so highly worried about the new X-BOX. It's said that the new X-BOX can't play games without the internet, it needs the internet to play games......I- I'm gonna pretend that this rumor doesn't exist.

actually the internet connection thing is for online play. a consistent connection is needed and would most likely make lag switchers a thing of the past.

One big ass rumor I am worried about is the "the new xbox will not play used games without the purchase of a code"
FinalBoss wrote...
Mainly because I was unsatisfied with the PS3 (Final Fantasy Versus 13 not making it was a big blow for me).

I feel you bro, though I believe the PS4 will do much better than the PS3 and the probability of "Versus" to come out on this system is pretty high too. Wait and See at E3.
I have been waiting for versus for years. That and FF13 were the reasons I got a ps3.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
I hope it comes out soon so i can start watching the show called "Flame wars: The Eighth Generation".

Should be fun. I think.
I heard a rumor that the XBOX720 is coming soon in 2015 maybe,but we'll gonna find out @ the next E3 this year or next year.
Heard rumors that the Xbox will not be focusing on games as much.
mangaka350 wrote...
So PS4 can play used games, thank god for that. But i'm so highly worried about the new X-BOX. It's said that the new X-BOX can't play games without the internet, it needs the internet to play games......I- I'm gonna pretend that this rumor doesn't exist.

that was the same thing with the ps4, but that also added that they weren't going to be selling games anymore just rentals, with option to buy(at stores) or you buy them online. the rumor is that E3 is where Xbox is going to try and outshine ps4, but that was only if they could get enough of the parts that they are using for their next gen console(i think it was a graphic chip problem)and that they want to remove normal storage on the HDD and only use cloud storage.
Huge playstation fanboy, so I'll probly get PS4 reguardless, but there are some pretty bad rumors going around about Xbox, one of the creative directors at microsoft recently got into it with his followers defending the idea of always online link not to mention tons of gaming websites are reporting on it. Microsoft is already seeing how people react to this, so nows their chance to fix it, hopefully they make the right decision.

As for games, most of the big exclusives on xbox are usually shooters, and i couldn't give a fuck less about shooters. Which is why I'll probly stick with PS4, I'll probly get a Wii U eventually too if anything decent ever gets announced for it.

There only rumors, but he gives excellent insight why they're bad. As for Microsoft, I wouldn't put it past them, They charge for online play after all. "Whats the problem with being connected, most of our users already pay to play online anyways". Yes I am pissed off, I bought Dark souls for xbox360 and realize half the game is in multiplayer... I have to constantly pay to maintain half my game's function. Why wouldn't I have to constantly pay (by being constantly online) to maintain all of it now?

I don't really expect anything new, other than a more social box with needless functions and higher graphics (in the beginning). By the rule (launch titles) set by extra credit, I do expect PS4 to do better thanks to Naughty Dog. As well as easier programing, will mean more titles. What I am interested in is in cloud gaming. If Sony skips over backwards compatibility again... ugh. (Hope they don't charge for it though...)
I just hope the ps4 wont be as expensive as the ps3 when it first dropped. If so then I have to wait awhile and patience is not a virtue I possess
fgd49 wrote...
I just hope the ps4 wont be as expensive as the ps3 when it first dropped. If so then I have to wait awhile and patience is not a virtue I possess

Sony said it will be priced competitively so that is highly doubtful.
bakapink wrote...

There only rumors, but he gives excellent insight why they're bad. As for Microsoft, I wouldn't put it past them, They charge for online play after all. "Whats the problem with being connected, most of our users already pay to play online anyways". Yes I am pissed off, I bought Dark souls for xbox360 and realize half the game is in multiplayer... I have to constantly pay to maintain half my game's function. Why wouldn't I have to constantly pay (by being constantly online) to maintain all of it now?

Your first statement and the Extra Credits thing are pretty much exactly how I feel.

I've never really need a Xbox guy, but the always-online DRM sounds like a console killer to me.
What is the benefit to always being connected to the internet? You can't trade games with your friends, you can't torrent games to see if you actually want to buy it or not, you can't rent games, if a storm or something comes by and knocks out your internet for a week, you can't play ANYTHING...

The next Xbox console isn't even confirmed yet, but if these rumors are true (which it seems like they are), it's gonna fail.
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