The genre that you like the least

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What is your less favorite game genre?

Total Votes : 49
Opposite to your favorite game genre.
Personally i don't like Real time strategy that much, most of the times i just can't bring myself to keep up with the pace of this kind of game, and in the long run then i start to find them boring...
Sports. I have nothing against the genre but it's just not for me.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Rhythm/Music in my case, it's the one genre I've never had even the slightest interest in.
Sports still.

It was cool for benchmarks back in the day, but the genre has done its job moving away from actual fun stuff in the name of realism. I mean, even if we boycotted all of EAs non-sport offerings, the sports section would keep that company in the top megabucks alone.
Sports I guess? The only "sports" games I like are Mario [insert sport here].
raichama Audio Technica Fanboy
Horror, I don't play games to be scared of them, and I really hate intense buildups in those games, its worse than it is in a movie, since you actually need to move and stuff.
RTS. I cannot, in any way imaginable play RTS.

LoL is a MOBA which is why I can play it. I can control one thing and do a fucking fantastic job at doing it, but not a battalion. Sports is right next to RTS.

Why EA Sports games are one of the top selling/preordered games in the US is always baffling to me.

I never understood the value of sports games. No story-line, no depth other than actual matches, no interesting skills, nothing. Maybe it's because I grew up with other genres that I feel no appreciation of the sports game genre.

(I do play Mario Strikers, Mario Tennis, and shit like that, I even had a frisbee game that was played air-hockey style, and Super Dodgeball Advance and that was the shit!)
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I don't like FPS. Sports is second.
Good question. After going through the poll list, I realized I don't dislike anything lol.

RPG/JRPG: So many of em
Action-Adventure: Recently Tomb Raider
FPS: Recently Sniper Elite: Zombie
Fighting: Last I played was Tekken on the PSN
Racing: Grid 2
Rhythm/Music: Osu!
Sport: FIFA
Horror: I LOVE HORROR, but I can't bring myself to play one on my own.
Platform: Let's say Rogue Legacy
Strategy: Civ5
RTS (Real-Time-Strategy): Used to love them back in the days, hardcore BFME player!
Puzzle: CATHERINE and a tons of other iOS games
MMO: Maybe I do get tired of MMOs now.
Sports games. I don't like sports anyway and playing them as a video game doesn't make them any more interesting for me.
I don't enjoy sports in general, so playing a game about sports doesn't make it any better.
Tactics, mainly.

I'm no good at them, and I always stress over which action I should take this turn so I can make sure none of my characters die. When I mean tactics I mean mainly the weird sideways perspective like in Disgaea or Tactics Ogre, not the top down perspective of Fire Emblem or Advance Wars.

I don't like RTS a lot either (though real-time strategy can apply to a lot of things) but that's mainly due to not wanting to spend the time learning hotkeys and using macros.
Sports games.
I have never understood the appeal of sports game,when you could just play the sport yourself (except for the volleyball minigame in Mario Party 4).

It's a helluva lot more fun to actually go out and play.

So unless you're handicapped or something, I don't really see any reason for them.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Sports and racing games.

That is, unless it's got some wacky rule-breaking and incredibly violent twist to it, like Mario Soccer or any other Mario-related sports game.

Otherwise if I wanted to play a fucking Sports game, I'd go outside and play sports.

[color=blue][i]This reminds me of something that happened at a cafe I go to where you're allowed to hook up your game system onto a walled HDTV so long as you order something. We were taking turns playing Sin and Punishment 2 on Hard mode. Everyone was having fun and shouting tips like "Go Left, Watch Out, Kill that N-word over on that bridge."

Then this one skinny black dude walked in, saw us playing and said to me "Yo son, it'd be tight if you had NBA up in here."

We all stopped. Somebody paused the game. And stared at him.

Then we all busted out laughing at him. He walked out. Wait, no; he came back and played with us when we started playing Brawl.
Sports. My disinterest for them during P.E. in high school carries on in the virtual world.
Can't stand sport games, I'd rather go outside and kick a ball around myself than watch a bunch of virtual avatars doing it.
Quite expectedly, sports games are dominating the poll.

Voted sports, but I might have even less interest in rhythm/music. Rarely play fighting/racing, simulation is a broad term and depends on the game (usually like them, though) and I probably wouldn't play horror games if my cousin didn't bug me (watching Let's Plays is fun).

Favorites would be RPG, action-adventure and strategy. Play FPSs often, but nearly all of them are action RPGs, or Half-Life.
I Don't Like Rhythm and Sports Games (Unless its Racing Games) They just don't Peak My Interest
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