The genre that you like the least

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What is your less favorite game genre?

Total Votes : 49
It's a tie between sports and racing. I also don't like playing music/rhythm games. They're just not for me.
Sports, I don't find sport games very fun. I rather go out and actually play the sport, healthier too.
Sports games. I enjoy playing sports, but the games dont interest me :/
I don't like horror because I don't like getting scared.
There isn't an genre that's completely off limits to me.

Sports games are kind of silly. The only sport games I play are the hockey ones and even then I only own two of them. (NHL '12 and NHL Hitz 2003 which is HILARIOUS)

I don't like fighting games though I don't mind playing them when I have a friend(s) over.

Not really a fan of music/rythem games though to be fair I haven't really tried them.

Though if I had to pick I suppose puzzle? I mean, I enjoy games with puzzles in them, but not when it's purely puzzle.
rhythm/music is the genre i like the least. I don't hate it but, dance dance revolution is not my thing. Though Patapon was a really good game.
Honestly, it's hard for me to say. There's atleast one exception for just about every genre, I don't like most racing, but I like Mario Kart and CTR. Probably going to have to go with sports games, mostly because once you've played one of the Madden or Fifa, or whatever games, you've pretty much player them all.
Music. I watch a lot of basketball and even a little football as well as some MMA. However the only way I play these games is when they have the RPG style career mode. I voted music but I'm picking up Rocksmith, or whatever the game is that helps you learn guitar...but beyond that one I hate the music hero games.
Sports is my least favorite because I just can't get into them unless I'm really playing the sport (techmo bowl is a exception)
I also don't really like horror and rhythm because I'm not very good with creepy things and I don't have a sense of rhythm.
Ah... shit I voted wrong... I thought which genra you like the most... and I have no idea how to take it back... :(
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