The "Last Game You Beat" Thread

Finished (in one streak) Gunpoint, Steamworld Dig and LuftRausers. The Humble Bundle was good.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (fan subtitled as Prosecutor's Path, known in Japan as Gyakuten Kenji 2)

Pretty well done game. I liked a bigger percentage of the songs in this one than in the previous installment. New characters were pretty cool and well made, the dickish ones became sympathetic enough and the real antagonists were hated as they should be.

8 out of 10 OBJECTIONS! it's okay
My brother, a friend, and I 100%ed Mario 3D World for Wii U a few days ago. Was really fun, but damn that Champion Road stage is a pain.
Tales of Xillia 1(both pov Milla and Jude's) and MGS Peace Walker(completed everything)
(Brutal) Doom 1 & 2

Doom 1 was classic - Doom 2 was outstandingly better... For the first half.

I felt like Doom 2 sort of dragged on, with the final boss being bullshit: I don't know if this was just an error with the Brutal mod, but you had to flip the switch and then instantly get on the platform - and I mean instantly.
So instantly, that if you didn't sprint and jump with pixel perfection, you wouldn't make it and get torn up by all the enemies - making for a frustrating boss fight.

But overall: It's fuckin' Doom. How could it be anything less than hall of fame worthy.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Medzy wrote...
(Brutal) Doom 1 & 2

Doom 1 was classic - Doom 2 was outstandingly better... For the first half.

I felt like Doom 2 sort of dragged on, with the final boss being bullshit: I don't know if this was just an error with the Brutal mod, but you had to flip the switch and then instantly get on the platform - and I mean instantly.
So instantly, that if you didn't sprint and jump with pixel perfection, you wouldn't make it and get torn up by all the enemies - making for a frustrating boss fight.

But overall: It's fuckin' Doom. How could it be anything less than hall of fame worthy.

That... doesn't sound like something I encountered when I last played vanilla Doom 2. Then again, it has been years...
[color=#993300]100% Metroid Prime 3 Hypermode FINALLY
Just beaten Tales of Xillia using Jude, now in the process of cleaning up character/treasure trophies before going to New Game + with Milla soon.
Metal Gear Solid 3.

It was my first run, so I was clumsy as fuck and save scummed. I know I killed 1 guard thanks to The Sorrow scene, probably accidentally or in a blind rage, I can't remember. I only remembered to stamina-kill two bosses, Volgin and the Boss. I got very shotgun happy with everyone else, and I knifed The Fury to death to prove that I could. I ate 25 animals, saved 28 times out of paranoia, and triggered 15 alarms because AI is a crapshoot. My favorite weapon was the Tranq/Hush Puppy. I got Codename: win this round, game.

Managed to get EVA out without triggering an alarm despite her being stupidly trigger-happy thanks to smoke grenades and patience.

Playing the Legacy Collection, And I'm playing in Chronological order. Since I bought it pre-owned, it didn't come with the digital copy of MGS1. But since I have the GameCube remake, I'm not too broken up about it.

Next up, Peace Walker.
I think the last game i beat was Grand Theft Auto V for the 360. That was 3 months ago.

My gaming life is dyeing, and i am doing nothing about it.

Por Que?
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Beat Mass effect 1 and 2. Had to replay the second one because fucking failed
thane mission.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Beat Mass effect 1 and 2. Had to replay the second one because fucking failed
thane mission.
Beat Fatal Frame 1 today. Dear Christ, these voices are so bad LOL.

The worst part, the "normal" ending is the canon ending, and it's a better ending than the one you get from beating the game on Nightmare difficulty.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Beat God of war: coo. Good game, I'll finish GOW 1&2 sometime in the future.
Star Fox 64 3D on the 3DS.

Sure it's a short game, but I felt it warranted a post since I went through the trouble of complaining about its price when I bought it. I truly appreciate some of the old actors coming back to voice their characters, although the hamminess didn't go down in the least. This game is still great and is still the apex of the franchise. The Gyro controls were mostly fun, but I preferred to keep the traditional controls for simplicity's sake.

I love every Star Fox game, minus Command for canon ambiguity reasons. I even enjoyed Adventures and Assault when no one else did. But there are just so many things about 64 that the others just don't have.

  • A war between two conventional factions in 64. In Assault and Command you were fighting sentient bioweapons, and everyone was banding together to stave off extinction or assimilation. Sure, Andross used bioweapons he created, and there was one unexpected enemy who turned out to be a living fossil that was on a planet the government never went to. But the fact was that Andross is a mad scientist who experimented on himself to the point where he became a floating head and a pair of hands, so I'm generally expecting to fight an abomination or two among the legions of ships and carriers Andross has built up in his army.

  • 64 had some very satisfying explosions from the enemies you killed. Enemy fighters fell in a streak of fire when you shot out their engines or killed their pilots, and if they didn't explode in mid-air they would skip like rocks on a river as they hit the ground and burst into a geyser of flame and debris. Bosses died in an even more dazzling spectacle, with the first boss's aircraft carrier crashing into the ocean, its pilot screaming in shock, terror, and frustration and its crew scrambling to evacuate before it sinks into the clear depths and detonates in a gigantic series of booms like sunspots. I always enjoyed watching a good vehicular explosion, preferably with the pilot and passengers still inside.
    Assault's explosions were a fairly sad disappointment to me, with flying enemies exploding in a twinkling flash and disappearing in midair. Weak stuff compared to watching a pilot's life flash before his eyes before he is consumed by fire.

  • 64 had an exotic variety of ships to admire and then kill. We had the Invader Fighter series and Butterfly Fighters found throughout Lylat, whose strength lay in their numbers. The Shogun/Gundam mechs in Sector Y, who relied on their speed, versatility, and shields to get the job done. The Goras relic from Titania, which even I don't know what the hell it is. Mechbeth in Macbeth, whom I railed into a weapons and fuel depot just to kill him in as sensational an explosion as possible. Then there was the Spyborg mech in Sector X, the crazed AI destroying the nebulous secret base it was created in to find its creator. I didn't have to club the same medieval dinosaurs to death, or shoot the same alien bug over and over.

  • The Blue Marine was awful to handle and terrifying, but I still remember it better than the blur that was the Volcanic Force Point Temple.

To note, 64 was the last Star Fox game I played. Adventures was my first, then the SNES one, then Assault and Command. Then I traded my friend for Star Fox 64. So hopefully I'm not biased by nostalgia goggles. I also know too much about the Star Fox franchise/codex/mythos/whatever. [size=8]Along with Mega Man, Earthbound, Eternal Darkness, Mortal Kombat, and Skies of Arcadia.[/h]

I get the feeling I wanna play Adventures next, but in all likelihood I'm going to play Saints Row 3 for funsies.

1176 kills out of 10, would barrel roll into the Hudson for it.
My buddy and i laso'ed halo reach about two weeks ago.took most of a weekend
I recently beat hyperdimension neptunia rebirth 1. It's much better than the original PS3 version in terms of battle system but I still love both for it's funny charm and video game references.
Resident Evil Revelations. Great story and decent gameplay for a port.

But it still feels like some generic shooter. At least the aiming actually works in this game compared to 6.

I enjoyed this title very much compared to 6 which is rotting on my PS3.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Shadow of Mordor. Pretty good game, story can be a little confusing about the concepts if you haven't read/watched anything related to Tolkein's universe but it balances itself out well by not overloading the player with information tied to the story thanks to the a menu that has all the lore categorised for those who haven't immersed themselves in Tolkein's universe before.

Gameplay wise it was very fun, a little repetitive at times but I enjoyed the actual feel of the game, like the Arkham series of games but a little more magical. Abilities are fun to use and the way the 'Nemesis' system impressed me and looks pretty cool. It can be frustrating at times since some Captain/Warchief Uruks can have a list of abilities that can make you seem...pathetic I guess? Although there's always work-arounds.

Overall it was a pretty enjoyable game, I'd recommend it to people who are on the fence over buying it.
If flash games count, then Meet 'n' Fuck Star Mission. Otherwise, MGS 3.
Monster Girl
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