What VN are you playing? What do you think about it?

Finished Ikikoi. I guess moege just isnt my cup of mayo. The imouto and maid route was pretty good though.
I'm caught up on Majikoi, including the fan discs. Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai should not be taken seriously..ironically enough. Reading Majikoi is akin to being injected with a year's worth of caffeine and being told to run around the world with 20lb weights, it's inspiring and makes anyone who reads it excited. This is attributed by the exceptional action scenes and the overwhelming guts feeling that you get from watching people persevere when beyond the point of no return. It's also incredibly hilarious, my favorite comedy character is still Inoue during the Monshiro route. Speaking of Mon-sama I always feel a bit happier when I hear her "Fuahahaha!", it's a cute VN full of elder and younger sisters roles who definitely sell in the moe department. Lets talk about Yamato's Sword of Kusanagi and it's amazing ability to turn any virgin into a slut; the H content is lengthy, numerous and eroticism really hits the roof once you get to the later H-scenes. Each installment can carry on the Majikoi name with pride even the fandiscs, though some routes in S were disappointing like Iyo, Kosugi, etc. where they were pretty much there for sex. Yamato's personality gets more transparent the farther down you get in the Majikoi series, it feels like he takes less initiative. Majikoi is very accessible, with plenty of pop out windows that can affect window size, skip functions and much more, there is also this amazing function introduced in Majikoi S that lets you rewind to ANY scene so long as it's in the text history. Majikoi does well in many areas and I look forward it's future releases.

Onto Grisaia no Meikyuu: Return of the Perfect Housewives and Makina.
I am impressed with 赤さんと吸血鬼。 To be honest I actually have zero confidence in this VN due to the fact that it was produced by the sister company of Debonosu something Works, which had some pretty cool and challenging 2D side-scrolling action games (like the Dragon Girl one), but HORRENDOUS storytelling presentation otherwise. The art wasn't particularly appealing either, and I almost always drop them after halfway through simply because I couldn't stand the terrible storytelling.

赤さんと吸血鬼 is different though. Despite sharing the same system sounds and so (scared the shit out of me at first, since I thought I've downloaded yet another dud). The art is FANTASTIC. Each character, with exception to the MC of course (though he makes sufficient amount of appearances in CG) have at least 4 outfits I think, and that's honestly impressive considering its quality. This was also the only Love Comedy VN I've read in year 2013 (though to be honest, I didn't even download much of this genre) that has a male side character who ISN'T a fool design wise. In fact, he's extremely good-looking and could easily be a protagonist himself - imagine Deardrops' protagonist, but with an upgraded and higher quality sprite.

The music is fine too. This is the kind of OST that you could listen for the whole day and not feel tedious about it, simply because it's meant to be soothing and casual, with a lace of quality. It is by no means cheap quality, and for that I am grateful.

Plot thus far is interesting. The art and music helped a lot (don't think I could've stand the same plot if these were downgraded to the generic as fuck level), but they handled the pacing and transition pretty damn well I'll say. There were some parts that were pretty abrupt just like DWorks LOVE to do (sudden Ingot sex scene, much random), but overall it's pretty fine and dandy. Perhaps the only qualms I had was that the suspenseful prologue was kind of wasted, but every now and then it would introduced bits and pieces of the main plotline just to remind the audiences that it hasn't forgotten about it lol. Recommended to anyone who loves a good Love-Comedy, or just a relaxing reading experience.
Grisaia no Meikyuu was pretty much a huge tease for Grisaia no Rakuen. I feel kinda cheated but in the end I did learn more about the Kazamis' past. Which gave the family more weight.

Oh and for people interested in Super Dangan Ronpa 2 and Dangan Ronpa Zero, I have a translated version of both!...sorta. It's more like they took the game's scenes and translated it so you can read it: http://danganronpa2mirror.tumblr.com/post/55269573689/table-of-contents . On that note I am considering hooking the text ingame from the translation. I have seen someone do it before but that would take some time, as well as spoiling the story for myself.

So I'm having trouble with the VN Ourai no Gahkthun ~What a Shining Braves~ and if anybody could help I would appreciate it. Resolved by Amorim, who used common sense and reminded me that sukebi.nyaa is for more than downloading dubious flashgames.
Yeah, I'm reaffirming my previous rating for 赤さんと吸血鬼。 This is definitely top class Love-Comedy Visual Novel. It knows exactly when to end a plot before it gets stale, to transist between scenes almost seamlessly and without waste, with top notch art (seriously, I wouldn't mind AT ALL reading a Baldr Sky-ish or Dangan Ronpa-ish story with this kind of art - in fact, it would be an honor) and BGMs that I really want to download and put in my phone.

I must say that this is almost epic - ALMOST, because I certainly did not regret reading it, but I do regret that it could not be say, Maji de Watashi Koi Shinassai! level of epicness nad length. But this is certainly one of the most enjoyable Love Comedy VN I have read this year.

Like, I'm almost sad I can't see an Akatsuki no Goei - no wait that's a TERRIBLE example - I mean, a Muv Luv Alternative kind of super twist, where everything turned into hell just to see more of their special Abilities. The battle scenes are actually one of the weak points of this VN because they couldn't balance the Sound Effects properly here to be louder than the BGM (I had to turn it down myself), and the choreograph was generic at best. Still, I get to see some really cool CGs, and I really appreciated the effort put in it. 8.8/10 I'm giving this!
Finished up Grisaia no Rakuen. My immense enjoyment of Grisaia no Rakuen boiled down to is how well it caters to people who stayed with the series. By this point, assuming the player is sane and decided to play the entire trilogy, the characters are as familiar as the back of the player's hand, knowing this Frontwing brought out what fans expected from a Grisaia sequel: tons of inside jokes, old scars from the past brought back for nostalgia, gratifying and exploitative H with the non-canon scenes and a decisive end to the trilogy. Well there is quite a bit wrong with Rakuen. Pacing is slow, even for a visual novel, conversations will drag out simply because they want to make sure everyone puts in their two cents and it's a bit annoying. Some side characters like Zoi felt like they were thrown in as disposable plot devices rather than real characters. The after-story was silly, felt more like one of Dave's H-Omakes rather than a tying up of lose ends with the absurdly convenient harem. Also the auto system is just as irritating as last time, why does it act as a modifier to the slider in the options? It's not even necessary when the capability to tweak the speed is already there, the only thing it does is screw up the dialogue by skipping incessantly. In the end there are some really irksome parts but getting past that it's a well crafted piece that anyone who has stayed with the Grisaia series up to now should try.

Starting Ourai no Gahkthun ~What a Shining Braves~, for the first chapter I was completely sick of the main heroine's constant self-deprecation, to the point to where I wanted to drop the VN. Thankfully she got a tad bit more bearable with the intervention of the true father of electricity. The choices in the VN are fascinating, not just their subtle mental suggestion and symbolism, but also how they gradually let you learn about Tesla's personality. ALSO THE ARTS..well I better calm myself a bit or I'll overlook the VNs shortcomings down the road.
It's time to get rid of some dust.

Well then. Let me start with Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji:
- I only have one complain. It's too damn short. Although it's nothing outstanding, the story is actually consistent and the events along with the characters aren't boring. Also, Shizuku is just asking to be thoroughly loved.
Specially when she says "Please spank my ass" I can't help but fall for her.

Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru:
- If you aren't prepared to be completely overwhelmed by the girls right from the beginning please prepare yourself because they'll be going on hard mode. That said, if you don't really like being teased and insulted a lot you probably won't enjoy the beginning of this VN. But after the initial attack (like, more than 2 hours of reading) the heroines soften up somewhat on the protagonist and the interactions start to be more humorous. I couldn't help but laugh out loud on several occasions.

- Story wise, I advise you to not have high expectations. Above all, this title is a moege. The best girl crown goes to Tane. She'll ruthlessly assault with with her moe fangs, make you completely surrender and take her as your waifu. Her route is the cutest btw. The other routes weren't unpleasant to read and some actually had good moments if you know what I mean of course :3
Oh Ryou, I want to bully you.

Monster Girl Quest series:
- After waiting so long for the 3rd chapter to be completely translated I read all games one after another and I gotta admit that I hardly felt bored going through them. The battles were very entertaining because music and coughinterestscough. Also, although all games don't spend much time when it comes to the story, all the needed information was given (note that the series start to get more into the story on the second game). In fact, the story is so good that can make you actually care for all characters and their interactions. Even having loads and loads of h-scenes, if you think that Monster Girl Quest is your usual nukige, you couldn't be more wrong. With this said, I'm fairly satisfied with the series. I think I lost more than 250 times ahah
Well, as I mentioned before the MQ series really should be played in a row. For me the entertainment value has decreased because it just didn't feel that epic playing the 3rd game after a long period of pause.
Ourai no Gahkthun ~What a Shining Braves~ completed. Slightly below average. It's pretty much a bogstandard VN using cut and paste story with better than average arts that felt suppressed. The most noteworthy aspect about the VN was the premise and background story. Also Kyonyuu everywhere, it was like being at a grocer selling only watermelons when all you wanted was a kiwi...

I'm going to start Baldr Sky Zero and it turns out the brand-new VNR is doing ALL the work for me. I want the rebirth of my incredibly inefficient but highly amusing double-scythe into Excalibur combo.
I know I'm really late, but Steins;Gate. I've seen the anime, OVA, and movie already.

I first installed it years ago and my save file has been erased so many times, I never get that far tbh.

also I'm thinking of finally trying to get into the type moon universe with F/SN
Chopperman! wrote...

I would suggest starting with Tsukihime since it's Type-moon's first VN but to be fair it has many shortcomings that are not related to it's oldish age.

You dirty heretic. Go back and finish Steins:Gate now, or suffer the wrath of the Committee of 300.
I never finished SteinsGate either, since during the time I downloaded it the sheer amount of threads and patches and reported bugs scared the crap out of me. And then I learned that it was non-H.

Like they have THAT GIRL, and they make it a non-H. It's like a punch in the guts.
Zolnir wrote...

I played the patched game and the only bugs I can remember are a couple choices being invalid that are not even relevant to the routes. It's probably safe to assume that most of the bugs you were facing have been fixed.

THAT GIRL means all of the above right? Most of them tease in that silly ecchi way that HINTS they had sex or built up to it only to be conveniently cockblocked and it's unbearably frustrating. However, I got over it since I was not expecting Steins;Gate to outlet sexual frustration (I'm pretty sure it was an input)and it was refreshing to see someone, maybe?, realize that having bad H is worse than having no H at all.

Baldr Sky Zero feels like some of combat/progression was streamlined but made clunkier in other, more important areas and the absurd amounts of handholding early on in the game are not helping either. Also you can switch to a gamepad and remove a majority of the delay on the booster.
It depends if you run the game on your GPU too. If you run it on CPU then you will feel the lag a lot more, but otherwise it's... neglectable. But I seriously don't understand why the remove one of the best features of the game (smooth combos) and replace them with... this.
Zolnir wrote...
It depends if you run the game on your GPU too. If you run it on CPU then you will feel the lag a lot more, but otherwise it's... neglectable. But I seriously don't understand why the remove one of the best features of the game (smooth combos) and replace them with... this.

My computer is reasonable so I did not notice any drop in quality.

There are no combos in Baldr Sky Zero. Just chain anything from your limited list of generic attacks, mash the buttons as much as possible and that will do the incredibly tedious job of smashing through waves of cookie cutter mobs (bosses are okay though). There is much more wrong with Baldr Sky Zero, but I'll wait till Baldr Sky Zero 2 and hope for the best.
Finished Yumiko and Michiru routes on Grisaia no Kajitsu, dunno what next.
Decided to go with Yumiko since i couldn't see Yuuji 'falling in love' with someone, so by her personality, it would probably be a more formal relationshi-
and it didn't even go the way i imagined.
Michiru was me not knowing who to go for next, but the scene of the first kiss left me curious. Even if she acted for 70% of the game as an idiot.
At least a part of it was a mask, so maybe she will grow to be a better person...not much, but at least to acceptable ranges. '-'

[size=10]Also I'm not too fond of F-cups, nor big women. So body-wise Michiru wins :D[/h] [size=8]Also i must say i loved her 2nd scene. Maybe it was the oral, maybe the talk...[/h]


Both good endings were sugary, I'm terrible against those.
On bad endings, must say Michiru's hit me hard.
Ramblings of someone with 2hrs of sleep:

I wasn't all into following her route because of her acting... that way. If i wouldn't want to be with someone like her, imagine Yuuji?
But the bad ending upped it all and she ended with severe brain damage. A vegetable.
1: The way Yuuji acted. Could he look into someone eyes and say he is/will be happy? Acting like all is normal, smiling. NOPE sir.
Worse yet: if he leaves her, she would get worse, and i doubt he would be able to sleep.
2: I'm terribly afraid of my brain health. I got a 8cm brain cyst, the doctors all said it was a miracle i could walk/don't have epilepsy... I just have a bad motor coordination, but what if it opens, if theres a bleeding, if, if...
On both positions i would be fucked.

(in way, nice one FrontWing haha)

Maybe i will go with Amane next, or Makina...
EineKrone wrote...
Also I'm not too fond of F-cups, nor big women. So body-wise Michiru wins :D Also i must say i loved her 2nd scene. Maybe it was the oral, maybe the talk...

Hey there was something wrong with your text back there, it was not obvious enough.

I too dislike absurdly kyonyuu (above F cup) heroines but Amane's size is still reasonable and her route is amazing, certainly one I'll remember well. Well Makina's route is absolutely hilarious and then transitions into shit-hits-the-fan in seconds followed by a bad and good ending that rivals Amane's.

In Grisaia no Meikyuu (the sequel) you get to play after stories of each good ending for the routes from Grisaia no Kajitsu and yes Michiru is still dumb. Incredibly dumb, but she tries..and makes herself look stupider but she tries.
WideEyedMan wrote...

Hey there was something wrong with your text back there, it was not obvious enough.

The intention was to make it as a side note, i'm not good with words, tend to use too many parenthesis/commas etc. So i'm trying to use fontsh for emphasis.

Amane, reasonable? To me they're ginormous o.O and yes, i know there are vns with things(things, not breasts) 5 times as big... I prefer 'en round, not saggy sir.

Since i already started i guess i will finish Amane's route. Didn't do it today because i was on trip this week, today i passed the day besides my sister, cramped on a car, so i tried to put some light things on my laptop. (She's going the weaboo way, but so far it's more of silly things, no eroge so far. no kirino/tomoko case in the near future. i hope.)
Looking at the 'h-gallery' there's just one scene left, so i guess for now it's story time.

Well, so much for my hope on Michiru...
Yeah, i looked at the web, now later(after i finish this) i need to find how much they translated the second novel, and when the 3rd is coming(same team is doing all the trilogy last i read, so i'm sort of calm. sort of).

Slight ot:

Learning japanese is on a temporary hold, for the fact that i'm terrible with times, so i would study too much it and forget about university...(already did that on high school with guitar and english...i didn't fail, but everyone telling me that i would be the between the first if i studied got the point home.)
Granted, in my area it could be a benefit, but i believe perfecting my english and continuing specialization will be better for now.
EineKrone wrote...

Well people are different and I can respect that.

You could just use a machine translator, it's much better than expected with a bit of effort put into it.
WideEyedMan wrote...
EineKrone wrote...

Well people are different and I can respect that.

You could just use a machine translator, it's much better than expected with a bit of effort put into it.

Maybe to some point, but won't Grisaia be too complex? From time to time there's some uncommon word, or engrish, which probably were on the original. Not sure how good the program is (atlas was it?), but depending on the effort it won't be as worth. Might as well learn japanese, instead of hunting trough half-english and trying to translate the translation. K, you got the point.
Tough the sequel is shorter from what i heard... but the 3rd part is the 'worst problem', since the translation hasn't even started(just checked vndb)...

Well, i will wait until i'm done, then i will worry about it. Will test with some nukige, then grisaia 1&2.

Krone out
Monster Girl
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