Life After Death! (Another CYOA by yours truly!)

With August 1st fast approaching for College applications and my job harassing me every chance I get (I do love the money though), I don't believe I will be able to actually finish my one shot I planned to submit for Leonard. Instead, what I can do is start up a less time consuming project in the form of another Choose Your Own Adventure story! I'll start it once I get two pieces of vital information for those who want to participate. Firstly, I require a name. Any name will do, no matter how outrageous or completely dull. Secondly, I need to know whether our protagonist will be a man or woman. I hope people participate and I hope they make good choices!

To quote the great Andrew Ryan: "We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us!"
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Henry Fitzgerald.

He is a mahnly mahn.

Oh, and I don't think leonard would particularly care if you submitted anything late, even a year late. Can you confirm that from me, leonard?
Must keep identity secret... :P
Alright, a man he will be. As for the name, I will flip a coin if no one else gives suggestions, haha. And that's good to know, Xen. I
Trying to be active in Fakku again.
Guess I'll have to start here. I'm fine with any protagonist really.
So, I flipped a coin and Xen's name won out. I guess the best way to end the night it to put up the first scene. Here goes!

You are standing in a circular area. You have no recollection of how you got here nor do you know where you even are. Upon more inspection, the area you are in appears to be a small barred cage. You feel it sway slightly and assume it must be hanging and high up in the air. There is nothing but an infinite sea of darkness as you scan outside the cage. Suddenly, you hear a thump on the opposite side of the cage from where you are standing. You see another man who seems just as equally confused as you are. You question in your mind how he just materialized from nothing. You are cut short of your thoughts when you here another thump and a third man appears inside the cage. A final thump makes the cage clang as a rock appears in the middle of the three of you. Fear strikes you as you begin to hear a voice in your head. "Fight, and live." After hearing the voice, you decide to:

A. Try and talk to the mysterious voice in your head
B. Try and talk to the two other men in the cage
C. Run up to one of the men and attempt to kill them
D. Make a mad dash for the rock
E. Other

Current HP: N/A
Location: N/A
Xenon FAKKU Writer
D. Obtain the status quo.
You make a mad dash for the rock. One of the other men hesitates before doing the same. The other just stands in place, observing the two of you. You are thankful of your split-second decision as you reach the rock first. You grab it and hazard to throw it at one of the men. The one who raced you for it is now backing away slowly while the other one who stood in place is now on his knees, cowering in fear. You decide to:

A. Toss the rock at the man who raced you for it
B. Toss the rock out of the cage
C. Toss the rock at the man who is cowering and fear
D. Try and talk to the others
E. Other

Current HP: N/A
Location: N/A
Xenon FAKKU Writer
D. We have no reason to listen to the voice that promises us life as much as we have a reason to listen to them, but it can't hurt to talk and figure the situation out, even if they know as little as us. Introduce ourselves and ask for their names. A personal introduction creates the beginning of an alliance and bond, even if temporary.
D. Talk to them, might as well make some friends or something? Maybe they know something.
You lower the rock and appear as harmless as possible. The man cowering continues to do so while the other man begins to stand in a less defensive state. You attempt to speak, but are quickly shocked by the outcome. With every attempt, only inaudible sounds exit from your mouth. The man standing attempts as well to the same effect. As you try to speak once more with all you heart, all that escapes is an extremely loud yell. "What's going on?" you ask yourself in your mind. "I can speak in my thoughts, but not out loud?"
"I see you need more convincing compared to the others," you hear the voice once more. Suddenly, you see the cowering man phase right through the cage. You here him scream before his voice is silenced by the infinite blackness. "Fight and live. Otherwise, I'll pick one of you at random to die."
You look to your left and see the other man with his back pressed firmly against the cage's bars. He is breathing heavily and seems to be in quite a shock at what just happened. You yourself are taken a little off guard. The man looks at you with a terrified look and you see that the fight in his eyes has all but diappeared. Upon seeing this, you:

A. Try to kill the remaining man by tossing the rock at him
B. Try to calm him down
C. Attempt to speak to the voice in your head
D. Try and kill the remaining man by charging at him
E. Other

Current HP: N/A
Level: N/A
I would like to choose C... but we might die. This journey can't end yet. I'll take the heartless option. I choose:


Xenon happens to provide reasoning more than enough to sway my choice. I choose again! C!

Edit: Indeed, it's been a while crazr. I've been busy as of late, but I'm glad I decided to stop by when you started up the CYOA.
Hey, haven't seen you in a while, Nine! Hi!
Xenon FAKKU Writer
C. I would rather die now by chance with honor than succumb to that of a robot following orders and end someone's life blindly and undeserving.

Honestly, 50/50 isn't bad odds. Better than winning at a casino.
D. try and kill the man by charging over and knocking him out with the rock, I would like to survive.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
crazr wrote...
With August 1st fast approaching for College applications and my job harassing me every chance I get (I do love the money though), I don't believe I will be able to actually finish my one shot I planned to submit for Leonard. Instead, what I can do is start up a less time consuming project in the form of another Choose Your Own Adventure story! I'll start it once I get two pieces of vital information for those who want to participate. Firstly, I require a name. Any name will do, no matter how outrageous or completely dull. Secondly, I need to know whether our protagonist will be a man or woman. I hope people participate and I hope they make good choices!

To quote the great Andrew Ryan: "We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us!"

I think you can the Choose Your Own Adventure game your event entry. If you can, can you try changing the title of your thread? Sorry for not participating.
leonard267 wrote...
crazr wrote...
With August 1st fast approaching for College applications and my job harassing me every chance I get (I do love the money though), I don't believe I will be able to actually finish my one shot I planned to submit for Leonard. Instead, what I can do is start up a less time consuming project in the form of another Choose Your Own Adventure story! I'll start it once I get two pieces of vital information for those who want to participate. Firstly, I require a name. Any name will do, no matter how outrageous or completely dull. Secondly, I need to know whether our protagonist will be a man or woman. I hope people participate and I hope they make good choices!

To quote the great Andrew Ryan: "We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us!"

I think you can the Choose Your Own Adventure game your event entry. If you can, can you try changing the title of your thread? Sorry for not participating.

Haha, not participating isn't a big deal. And sure, I can change the title if you want.
With Nine's change of heart, C it is. Also, I'm changing the format to make it easier to read.

"No," you say in your thoughts.

"What?" you hear the voice ask you.

"I said no. I, Henry Fitzgerald, am not a killer," you tell the voice.

"You're a rebellious one, aren't you?" the voice asks with a chuckle. "Fine, you get you way for now. But not without consequences."

You wonder what the voice means only for an instant before you see the other man phase through the cage. Much like the first, you hear him scream for no more than a second before the infinite blackness devours him. You slam your fist into the ground, wishing you could have done something.

"Don't be so upset," the voice says. "You're that much closer to getting out of here. In fact, I'll let you ask one question before I hand you your reward. Go right ahead."

Yu think about possible questions and ask:

A. "What is this place?"
B. "Who are you?"
C. "How did I get here?"
D. "Why did the other two need to die?"
E. Other

Current HP: N/A
Level: N/A
Xenon FAKKU Writer
E. "Can God create a boulder so heavy that he himself cannot lift it?"

E. "Is the answer to this question no?"

E. "Does the set of all those sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?"

E. "Mr. Smith has two children. At least one of them is a boy. What is the probability that both children are boys?"

E. "What would happen if an unstoppable force hit an immovable object?"

E. "If God knew how we will decide when he created us, how can there be free will?"

But seriously, A. Questions pertaining to how we got here do not matter. What is happening and knowing where we are and how to escape are much more pertinent. Given that they say we will escape soon, assuming they are telling the truth, wondering how to escape is less valuable of a question, or I would ask it.
Too many paradoxes! Haha.

"What is this place?" you ask the voice in your head.

"This is where people go when they die," the voice answers.

"I... died?" you ask shocked.

"Uh, uh uh, only one question at every cage!" the voice says. "Anyway, this is where everyone goes when they die. Contrary to popular belief, there is no Heaven or Hell, just this place. I'll tell you one more thing though. This place is a crucible of sorts. If you make it out, you gain the ultimate gift. Immortality! I'm just gonna say it now though, nobody has ever escaped. So for being the last one alive, you get one gift. Which do you choose?"

Four glowing lights appear in front of you. You ponder what they could be.

"Touch one of the lights to take your gift," the voice says. "Once you do that, I'll open the cage to the first level.

You decide to:

A. Touch the green light
B. Touch the red light
C. Touch the blue light
D. Touch the white light
E. Other

Level: N/A
Monster Girl
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