Seasonal Writing Contest!

Scrawl your way to stardom with our Christmas and New Year's writing contest! Forged in the depths of the under-appreciated Writing (& Lemons) forum, we've been officially sanctioned to spread the Christmas cheer as sexily as possible, and to convince you that (unlike that silly pumpkin contest) anyone can win: there's a writer in all of you. And when there's a killer prize at stake, what have you got to lose? :)


The deadline for entries is 00:00 of New Year's Day, the 1st January 2011 (EST, GMT-5). Entries after this time will have to be disregarded.


1. 1000 word limit (we will remove all extras!)

2. it must be Christmas or New Year themed

3. it must be related to Fakku in some way (like a character cameo, or a closet Fakku obsessive). Try not to get too user specific; we'd have to ask people first, and anything grossly offensive/libellous will be ruled out. Unless it's super funny.

4. it can be any kind of creative writing - stories and poetry welcome

5. it perhaps goes without saying that it must be your own work. If we find out that anything's been plagiarised - and we will be looking very closely - you'll be publicly flogged and/or exiled. So don't do that.

6. Try to keep posts in this topic relevant. Comments are allowed, and submissions should be posted here as links to separate Writing (& Lemons) threads. Details can be found in neko-chan's post below.

Edit by Gambler:

Recommended Rules:

7. If possible, please try to include the following tag [Contest Entry] at the front of your entry. An example would be "[Contest Entry] Fakku's Wonderful Christmas". Nobody will be disqualified for not doing this.

8. Each contestant is allowed to submit a maximum of 2 entries, although this rule might be subject to some changes, depending on the decision of the judges.


A panel of three judges - myself, Kaimax and neko-chan - will choose our favourites, explain the reasoning behind them, and declare the overall winner.

However, in case people don't trust us and/or end up in complete disagreement, there will also be a public poll on the selection of top picks, so that everyone gets their say.

The Prize

Courtesy of Jacob, our lucky winner will be granted an exclusive 'writer' forum rank, as well as all of the satisfaction, plaudits and front page advertising that'll come with it.

Have a go and get your ideas out there; we wish you the best of luck. And of course, happy holidays!
Ask any questions you may have, in this thread. If it is a stupid question that you think will make other people will laugh at you for asking, then you can PM me.

Also, please try to leave comments on the entries that other contestants submit. I'm sure they'll appreciate the feedback =)


--How Do I Submit My Entry?

Make a new Thread for your entry in the Writing (and Lemons) Section. Then copy the link to your entry and post it in this thread.

You must post a link to your entry in this thread or we will NOT consider it.

If you want, you can ALSO (not [size=14]only[/h] - you still have to follow the above directions) post your entry in this thread [size=14]IF you spoiler it.[/h]

Also, it would be helpful if you started the title of your thread with [Contest Entry 2010]. It would make it easier for people to find =)

--Can I submit Multiple Entries?

In order to get through all the entries, there will be a limit of TWO (2) entries per user. It is not yet known how many will be participating, and each judge has to read every entry. In order to avoid potential eye strain, please limit your entries to two pieces.

--Does it absolutely have to be under 1000 words? That is hard!

Yes. If I can do it, you can do it.

--OH NOES! I made a mistake! Can I change or edit my entry!?

Sure. You can edit your entry up until the deadline - 00:00 of New Year's Day, the 1st January 2011 (EST, GMT-5)

--What is this poll and how is it going to work?

Because we had so many submissions, the polls are going to be broken into three different rounds. Each poll will consist of 10 of the total 30 users that submitted entries. Which users are in which poll has been chosen at random.

The top two users in each poll will move on to the finals. The winner of the Final (aka the fourth) poll will gain the notoriety of being the Fakku reader's best entrant.

Each poll will be open for 3 days.

If you do not see your name or the name of someone you wish to vote for on a particular poll, it is because they are either going to be on a future poll or have already been on a previous one.

List of Entrants and their submissions:


ritsu's otouto Submitted Christmas pr0n
genralgrey Submitted The Order as well as Frozen Dinners
Cain666 Submitted The Worst Christmas Ever
GroverCleaveland Submitted The Nightmare Before Fakku-day as well as The Great Hentai Heist
The Phenomenal One Submitted Journal Entries from 12/23 to 12/25 as well as A Phenomenal Christmas Poem
Rbz Submitted Untitled
beeza Submitted Jacob, his passport, and God
bigdaddyrobzb Submitted T’was The Night Before Fakku
Sinner_Gluttony Submitted An Otaku’s Christmas Carol as well as Brother
Rise-chan Submitted The Mistress of Snow as well as The Angel, Succubus and Rise-chan's wish
zaron420 Submitted Winter of Happiness
GracefulDiscension. Submitted Suicide for Christmas as well as GracefulDiscension’s Christmas
Jericho Antares Submitted Mr. Ranger as well as The Valley of the New Year
tsuyoshiro Submitted †˜Twas the night
mibuchiha Submitted The Days Between as well as A New Year, A New Beginning
Frustration Submitted Clean Your History
lastmousestanding Submitted Merry Momka Mystery as well as The New Year Prison Break
TwilightEngel Submitted Something Old, Something New
Xenon Submitted Snowy Desperation as well as Fappy New Year
Unos Hambalos Submitted House of Tenou
Wabi-Sabi Submitted Tension. Lots of It.
Ophaq Submitted A Loliful Christmas as well as I Am My Own Santa
Toxic Influence Submitted Coming out of the Closet
wawawa22 Submitted Everyone Has Their Own North Pole
baluka Submitted The Holiday Sensation
Nejik Submitted A gift for the season… kinda
HeLi0s Submitted Fakku Days
wayne101 Submitted That Rainy Christmas as well as The Forest is My stage
Disgusting Submitted Our Promised Meeting
Drifter995 Submitted A Seasons Experience

If your name is not on this list, it means:

>You did not post a link to your submission as was instructed in the rules above.

>Your entry did not meet follow the rules (Under 1k words, included both themes of Fakku and the Holiday season)

>Your entry was not posted before the deadline

>You were just BSing us with your entry.

Most everyone met all the requirements. If you committed any of the above infractions, then your submission was not included. If you forgot to post a link to your submission in this thread, I did not even know you had an entry as I only saved the entries that were linked to in this thread.
Tis the season to be jolly, falalala, lalalala~~~

I have used my limited power to bring this topic to the frontpage. Unfortunately, the posts appear in sequence, according to the latest date and time, thus it may not necessarily be at the top.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Getting back on topic, may the best Christmas and New Year writer win!
I'm definitely interested in participating. I've been itching to write a short story for awhile, so this will give me the motivation that I need. Plus, I'm graduating college tomorrow, so I should have some more free time...

*begins the brainstorming process
Interesting perhaps I will participate in this one.
Time to dry out our minds good luck everyone:>

Does it have to be lemon? Or is it okay for me to make a decent PG-12 story?
I was just thinking about it.

May I suggest that that all contest entries have the following tag - [Contest Entry], at the front? An example would be as "[Contest Entry] Fakku's Lovely Christmas".

Then again, it might be too late to implement changes.

In addition, are users allowed to submit more than a single entry?
Gambler wrote...

May I suggest that that all contest entries have the following tag - [Contest Entry], at the front? An example would be as "[Contest Entry] Fakku's Lovely Christmas".

Then again, it might be too late to implement changes.

I don't think it's too late... better late than never. I second this suggestion.

Gambler wrote...
In addition, are users allowed to submit more than a single entry?

I also agree with this.

If they're proper writers, they should have more than one idea for a story...

...Then again, this might not go so well for the judges... (imagine reading hundreds of stories, lasting you days, if not hours.)
[font=Verdana][color=green]I would've believed that only one entry would be allowed per member. It prevents the possibility of swarming; and if they can't decide which one to choose, too bad.
Oh look, my google reader actually found this thread on the RSS feed. I can't believe I'm actually considering writing something for this contest, although it will mainly be for my own amusement, not to win. Profanity; expect it.
Gambler wrote...
May I suggest that that all contest entries have the following tag - [Contest Entry], at the front? An example would be as "[Contest Entry] Fakku's Lovely Christmas".

Then again, it might be too late to implement changes.

This is a good idea. I'll ask that people please do this, but it won't be a requirement. Nobody will be disqualified for not doing this. However, please do it if you can.

Gambler wrote...
In addition, are users allowed to submit more than a single entry?

I don't want people to choose between two entries that they think are really good, so I'll allow 2. This decision may or may not make Dos and Kaimax hate me.

Rbz wrote...
I can't believe I'm actually considering writing something for this contest, although it will mainly be for my own amusement, not to win. Profanity; expect it.

What's the fakku mascot's name?

I'm intrigued but, things can't get too graphic, m'kay?
here is my link,pls enjoy
neko-chan wrote...
Gambler wrote...
In addition, are users allowed to submit more than a single entry?

I don't want people to choose between two entries that they think are really good, so I'll allow 2. This decision may or may not make Dos and Kaimax hate me.

[font=Verdana][color=green]Surely if they disapprove, it won't be too hard to retract the statement. I'm pretty sure they'll read it by tomorrow; and if people have two works by then; firstly congrats to them for doing two, secondly I'm sure they won't mind picking betweem the,.
This looks fun. I'm in!
hmmm I actually have a 5 day break off work before the new year, I think I found something to do with all that time, maybe XD
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
As I'm out of class for break I suppose I could whip something up.

1000 words just seems so short though!
Kalistean wrote...
As I'm out of class for break I suppose I could whip something up.

1000 words just seems so short though!

Sorry. It is hard to read so many entries and have them be over 1000 words. Try your hardest.
"3. it must be related to Fakku in some way (like a character cameo, or a closet Fakku obsessive). Try not to get too user specific; we'd have to ask people first, and anything grossly offensive/libellous will be ruled out. Unless it's super funny."
since i'm uber dumb, and can't read something without thinking herp derp i dun get... Uh, plz2elaborate? :)