It's great how he started out kind of wanting them to screw up, but ended up helping them, sort of.
Also, it's great how misunderstandings work. She thought that he loves her because he kept only paying attention to her, and all his actions afterwards trying to get her to hate him only have the opposite effect.
His actions keep backfiring one after the other, and it's great. I love it.
Great ending though. Who needs baseball when you got a girl who so earnestly loves you and your...harsh training. She's a good girl, I just hope that he realises that and treats her right when they're alone, if not during training.
Perhaps in some post-apocalyptic future, it is their descendant who will discover and in due time pass on the deadliest form of martial arts ... Hokuto Shin Ken! 😯
... after eventually regaining composure, In The End, There Can Be Only One thing for Da Coach to do: Marry Miyu once she graduates and NEVER, EVER Let Her Go All Your Life (you Lucky Bastard -- GRR)!