Fun Milking Time ❤

186 pages
701 favorites
100% Raw Delectable Cream!

There are certain women who play fairly naive to the guys they love in their life, but they are secretly hungry for every inch of their body! They play coy through a playful smile, but are all hiding a lust-hungry beast under their beautiful looks. So once they get a glimpse of a slight bulge from their one true partner, they become so lovesick that a simple lick won’t cut it and they turn into hungry lunatics!

Fun Milking Time ❤ by Henkuma is full of hardy, condensed hentai that does a body good! Packed with women being pumped full of the nutrients they can't get enough of, these stories are filled to the brim with thick and meaty sweethearts with solid measurements from head to toe. Their guys might start out as playthings, but the tables are easily turned as these women are driven wild from dusk till dawn! Collecting eight essential chapters, Henkuma's tales stimulate every part of a reader's body that makes them a growing hentai connoisseur!

Paperback ships May 2022
Chapters will become available starting December 2 4pm PST
Downloads will be available December 9 4pm PST
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Monster Girl
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