OK I know she had sex with another guy right in front of him... Come on guys at the end maybe a !! LITTLE BIT VANILLA !! I don't know? Yea hentai I'm out...
I'm impressed by the fact that Maezono can apparently
whistle up a sex-friend right on the spot whenever she
needs some money, or when she wants to put on a sex
show for someone else (as in this case).
(pages 5-7)
Hits a bit close to home as someone who was a jar away from having a very cute girl model for me on two separate occasions. Both times just went. Impórtela tobcrap for different reasons. I hated it. Good shit though, I like this girls she’s cute and chill.
Edit: dawg, wtf?! I don’t even know what I was trying to say before autocorrect fucked me up. How is this positive upvoted? Lol
Last Modified Thu Aug 22, 2024, 11:23 pm