When a mecha pilot wakes up from battle, he discovers that he’s been transplanted into a female cyborg body designed for sex! When his new body’s urges become too much, he asks the mysterious but familiar futanari maid for a helping hand.
Fantastic book all around. I particularly enjoyed that it felt a lot more tender/intimate than these sorts of stories tendto be and not really rapey, with both of partners slowly warming up to the idea and then fully embracing it before deciding things were better this way in the long run. Would love to see more of these two together!
From reading the afterward, I could see more backstory being useful to build the story more, but clearly it was not necessary. It built up nicely and dropped many hints towards the setting and world. I like the build up to a more intimate connection to the characters. It was also properly lengthy with lots of scenes! Many books aren't quite this long.
I definitely want to see more chapters from this story! Maybe some double futa scenes who knows what! Also more on the perverted scientist.
I cannot understate that Futa is my favorite genre, so I need to see more! To others, check this out if you like what you see/hear!
Last Modified Wed Aug 9, 2023, 2:03 am