EDIT: Now that one pauses to reflect, another time, place and artist just might have Kyouko-san hauling Kawada-san before the courts ("Age Of Consent" and all that), plus even before that, Mirei-chan was all set to have access to his finances in exchange for being his "onahole". Perhaps the only reason things did not go south horribly is that both mother and daughter got hooked on his "magic stick" so that they seemed willing to patch up their differences enough to share him. That alone potentially makes Kawada the LUCKIEST Bastard of 2021 (at least in the H-Universe).
In Conclusion: "The story you have either just read or are about to read is true ... the names have been changed to protect the innocent." 🤔
Kawada-san not scored with Mirei-san, the slutty kogal daughter but also Kyouko-san, the sexual starved, hard ass, milf!
Chad to the max!
Itou Eight really outdid it this chapter :)
"You and your daughter... couldn't be any more different. It's kind of a turn-on."
"Dummy... ❤ Don't you go comparing me to my daughter. ❤"
-so hot!
(well now we know what a milf version of Yaehata-san from Bad Girl Yaehata-san would look like ❤)