Fun fact: this story is like the fifth part of the sakura series, but serves as chapter zero. And I'm still waiting for the third part of the liberator series...
God Damn... I love Akai Mato, especially the ones with Sakura in it. Good on you Fakku for doing it, you guys made a great decision getting GirlsforM on your roster
YES! I've hoped for Akai Mato's femdom-material to show up here at Fakku ever since some of his other works appeared here. I really hope this is the first step to Fakku distributing an english version of the tankooben. Femdom, when done right, is one of my favourite subjects, and this series manages to strike a perfect balance of both sexy, funny and sweet. Can't wait for more.
Hmm...With a title like that, I actually thought it might have been a Yandere release.
But considering the...pretty harsh femdom on display here, it's already quite the read. I'd feel bad for the guy but I suppose it's what he agreed to.
There are plenty of women out there that are into it, but be sure that's exactly what you want.
I've been experimenting with it for a little while now and I can tell you after about 3 or 4 days it starts to drive you crazy. You have to be really dedicated do chastity for very long.
It†˜s actually not that old, but since GfM only has four issues a year and not every issue contains a part of the series you†˜ll get the impression of an old series. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a brand new chapter planned for one of the next issues... (And yes, I know that I†˜m a smartass...)