Even if she's still (presumably) either in middle- or high-school, Ikue-chan is TOP-GRADE Wife Material. You Know What You Have To Do One Fine Day, Shou-kun (you Lucky Bastard ... GRR)!
At the same time, this could well be yet another case of 'Art Imitating Life', where "... the names have been changed to protect the innocent".
Ikue just wants to have fun, especially if it involves sex. She's a spirited, uninhibited little minx, that's for sure. I have a soft spot for girls who like to watch guys jerk off.
That's an interesting title.
I'm not sure how to describe it, but there's a certain...energy? Enthusiasm? I feel from this release. Maybe it's the fact that they're students and the nature of that title that makes this release feel like that...
Last Modified Tue Nov 6, 2018, 8:21 pm