They just can't stop? Well, then why try stopping at all? Just keep going, that's just what couples in Hentai do, anyway.
Also, Savan always makes such great releases. While he apparently was a little forceful the first time, at least he's decent enough to find her to try and apologise for what he did. And hey, if that transitions into him taking proper responsibility and entering into a proper relationship...I'd say it ended rather well.
"Sow the wind, reap the Whirlwind!" ... male protag-kun needs to bring a suitable offering (shrubbery?) to the nearest Shinto shrine for having dodged the proverbial bullet (or perhaps a katana blade wielded by a furious father). Lucky for him Ayane-chan has taken a liking to him as well as to sex, so for his sake, he"d better "... Take Responsibility, Right?"
It's really subtle, but you can see SAVAN's art improving with each chapter. It was already amazing, so it's remarkable that it's getting even better. Fantastic work!