Something about the way she...flatly states facts and numbers to him, especially about him staring at other girls was rather interesting, I must say. Kind of endearing, like that's the only way she knows how to express her feelings. He's quite a lucky guy.
I really like this artist's work, and the sweet Vanilla on display here is just amazing.
Great ending though. Until she loses track, eh...? I'm pretty sure that's a roundabout way of proposing, like, they can continue making memories together...Forever.
There are Roughly 5500 Uploads to view on Fakku, 76 Books available to Purchase on the Store, but only one category to touch my heart:
Vanilla. (Now THAT was wholesome!)
Hmm, ... so Kanjou-san continuously (if not unconsciously) keeping very accurate count of anything and everything going on around her, all the while maintaining that one look on her face (still looks cute, though). Seem legit. I personally suspect however that the number of Tasu-kun's hip thrusts stated on Page 18 might be a bit 'inflated'. No big deal.
In Conclusion (those who recognize the phrase will understand): "Ah What A Fine Day For Science!"