User Posts

Red...lotion...? :|
As was done in the last game, are you going to disqualify users such as SUPERHELL and c0sselburn who are spamming?
I think this is pretty funny. Mostly because it's about a disembodied pussy, but yeah lol
"My Little Sister Can't Be This Tight". Mo' like, "Kirino Can't Be This Tight" 'cause her vag is used so much.
SUPERHELL wrote...
go more levels

STOP SPAMMING. They already noticed so you probably won't get to play in the waifu game sry2say. So just stop.
Zandorf wrote...
I get the point of having a password to check to see if people have read the rules... but it's pointless if someone sees a theme with all the posts and realizes... Hey, there's something going on here. Especially when it's pointed out by PJM.

I thought about this too (and have with all similar rule check things), but at the very least it will probably catch the stupid newfags initially until enough of them get their claims nullified that they notice the pattern in the posts. I'd suggest a different way to rule check but I have no ideas.
Winged-Fapper wrote...
I wonder, if maybe he was sexually abused as a child and has a mental issues about it that makes him hesitant about it, its possible isn't it?

mdarkanima wrote...
when he and I first met all we ever did was have sex.

Maybe you should read the thread more carefully.

OT: Pretty much what's been said. State your needs to him, see if he has a reason himself, and look into the medication he's taking I guess.
Five waifus is hard for me to come up with lol Livin' la vida loca.
Tanasinn wrote...
623 wrote...
Looks cool. Too bad my computer is shitty and probably couldn't play it. :(

There are actually loads of amazing horror games that can fit your specs. "The Witch's House" and "Imscared" are two that come to mind when someone mentions low spec set ups.

And honestly, you have the advantage here. Trust me, you DO NOT want a 3D HD version of "The Witch's House". I, personally, would not be able to finish that.

Played 'em. Witch's House was great. Imscared was just weird. Too short I think. Either way, I think a 3D Witch's House would be interesting lol. dat bear.
Peltor wrote...
Gonna play cooking mama with my lil' sis, on Wii.

Wandafuru! Such engrish in that game

OT: Going into Tokyo with some friends and doing idk what
Grock wrote...
'cause I'm saving up for some laxative.


OT: I guess I'd probably go with GTO. More bang for your buck.
Where's yuri? You'd think he'd want this
I actually never used to nickname my Pokemon but for some reason I decided to in X (which I got 2 days ago). Most are semi-random. Some I like though are:

Sham Wow - Chespin
Rule 34 - Ralts
First gen - Pidgey
Bouncin Boss - Azurill
Beeatch - Combee
Foamonkey, Fernmonkey, and Flamonkey - Panpour, etc.
P!mpslap - Riolu (they don't allow pimp I guess)
Math - Plusle
You PanDONE - Pancham
and my favorite: ur mum - Gulpin (you know, because Swalot hurhur)
I'm Solid Snake wrote...
League of Legends? What's that? Oh you mean the DOTA revamp.

Hahaha, you so funny. First time I've heard that joke. Man, you should be a comedian.

OT: The new Snowdown skins are really cool and I especially love the Lulu one with the poro. I'm tempted to get maybe Sivir's or Lulu's, but I already have PAX Sivir and Wicked Lulu, so I dunno.
Looks cool. Too bad my computer is shitty and probably couldn't play it. :(
E.C.M. 4

Here's an easy access demo in the meantime. Link. It's pretty short.
Took one look and just...nope. My eyes did not want to scale that wall.
I think one of the points OP is trying to make is that manufacturers are making these children's CoD backpacks, etc. when, in theory, they shouldn't even be playing the game in the first place. It's naive, obviously, but the existence of the backpacks is kind of like them saying, "Yeah, we know these kids are playing these M-rated games so we'll make kids merchandise for it."
Monster Girl
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