User Posts

Vanilla-Warrior wrote...

i've taken down, amongst others, other teenagers (might not sound like much, but it's a pain in the ass to make them admit defeat) lawyers, two politicians, most of my teachers and WOMEN (yes, that's right i did the impossible).

Yeah, I'd really like to see you go against Waar
Vanilla-Warrior wrote...

(i contradict EVERYTHING remotely subjective that ANYONE says, for the simple pleasure of a good argument(wich is kind of hard to get when most people you talk to spend their time watching soap operas or drinking/smoking))

Talk to Waar if you want an argument; he likes them too. Except he'll beat your underage ass into the ground
My friends know because I've willingly told them and I don't think my parents caught me when I was younger. I remember when I learned about porn/hentai but didn't know much about computers, I developed a technique to get porn and not get caught if my dad checked browsing history which I think he did once or twice. I would copy some hentai pics into a word document, print it off, then delete my account on the computer (it was a "family computer" so we had our own accounts) and remake it. I had no real files to care about so it was fine.

Ironically, I got caught about three years ago with physical hentai manga. I went to Portland for my brother's college graduation and there was some small bookstore that sold hentai and porn and mature literature I guess (they even had original Bondage Fairies comics) and I bought Domin8 Me as a gift for a friend and Slut Girl for myself. However, they gave you a brown paper bag as your bag and I knew my dad would ask what I bought, so I tried to, like, hide them in my shirt (I had a button up over a t-shirt). It didn't work that well and my dad asked what the hell I was doing because it looked like I was stealing something, so I showed him and he was just like, "It's okay, you're a guy, I understand. Just stop because you look like you're shoplifting." So yeah my parents probably figured by then I'd seen porn. Probably don't know how much I've seen (a lot), but yeah lol.
Oh I loved Uzumaki. I think one of my favorite things about it is how it starts off so simple but then escalates to something you would have never expected at the end, ever. I actually binged on Ito's works over the summer, reading most of them over the course of like two days. After that, my brain was a little messed up for a bit lol.
Wow a sextuple post. Underage or a moron for sure.
I already have
Wow, another "am I gay thread"

Also yes you are, you homo
You make a lot of threads in IB
I have Corpse Party Rebuilt sitting on my comp I just haven't played it yet
devsonfire wrote...
I'd say Tsamari should have the right to keep whoever it is. It'd be unfair for those who only watches the anime without reading the LN.

Yeah I say Tsamari keeps her, especially since apparently the anime wasn't very good.
Happy b-day
Gallowloch wrote...
623 wrote...
lastmousestanding wrote...
*glorious pc master race comment*

Pretty sure handhelds are worth buying.

Would never buy one again. Ever.

Cool story bro
lastmousestanding wrote...
*glorious pc master race comment*

Pretty sure handhelds are worth buying.
Pretty much the same as Rage of Bahamut, isn't it? I think I read about this one, but the reviews said it was just inferior to the billion other mobile tcgs.
artcellrox wrote...
It's CAH, by the way. Not CGAH. And yeah, I've played some online before. I feel like it would have been more fun person though.

Meh, whatever. And yeah, it's probably more fun in person, but over skype it's not bad online. I played with my bro and some friends and it was pretty good.
So I don't know if you guys know about that game Card Games Against Humanity, but someone or someones made an online version of it that you can play for free. It's a fun game that's similar to Apples to Apples if you know that except with much raunchier cards I guess. Also this online version has lots of expansions that you can add if you want like video games, game grumps, even Homestuck if you're a fag.

Here it is. I'm sure IB can have some fun with it.
I'll claim Roll Caskett from Megaman Legends/Megaman DASH.
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allen757 wrote...
I got dibs on being that one dumbass who's always at least a couple weeks to a year behind on everything.

Who are you?
Oh, interesting...

So, did you stop being a lazy ass. Probably not. Unless you found a girlfriend, then I bet she'd make you stop being lazy, which would be good. Do you miss home yet? So far you haven't really, but after 2 years I imagine you would at least a little. Okay well hopefully you haven't made too many stupid decisions like you did last year.

Bye and I wonder who will necro this next year. Also, I wonder how long until this thread gets buried by masturbation threads.
Monster Girl
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