3 years ago
A sweet Vanilla release by NaPaTa? Say no more, this is bound to be an amazing release!
Come on, my friend, no need to keep putting yourself down like that! Surely, she sticks around with you because she loves you, so stop saying stuff like she can join any party she wants because clearly, she already did. That being your party, and she's there because she wants to be there.
Great ending though. Well hey, getting her pregnant is certainly the most surefire way of being with her forever, since as a man, it's only natural to take responsibility for such a thing.
3 years ago
That's a nice title.
Scared? By such a lovely smile? Come on, man! A sexy ghost is straddling you, and in that situation, a smile of all things scares you?
And of course it wasn't an actual ghost, just one of the other girls pretending to be one...Or, well, just him misunderstanding her attempt at night crawling as a ghost attack.
Even if you're about to go restaurant hopping, sometimes gorging after a short period of not eating actually fills you up faster, I find. Better to have a light bite to keep your stomach active, or...Something.
As for that ending, I wonder if anyone missed the reference? In Japan, most of the country calls it 'Mac' for short, but 11 prefectures refer to it as 'Macdo', mostly concentrated in the kansai (osaka) area.
I believe that she's just making excuses about the 'local cuisine' thing since it's still mcdonalds in the end...Well, Wcdonalds?
"If you let me squeeze your big sister's boobs, I'll consider going out with you"? The moment a guy says something like that, I'm not sure he's exactly prime boyfriend material...Not to mention he only said he would consider it.
And when he asks for sex, he still says ALMOST certainly, meaning not 100%. Man she is quite desperate, isn't she. He's definitely getting an amazing deal out of this arrangement, I mean, she even offered up sex with her sister (and presumably herself) anytime he wants if he goes out with her.
He's like the sole winner of this whole arrangement, honestly, even if the other 2 think they're getting a good deal out of it...He's the one with the most benefits at the end of the day. Well, at least they're all happy with the arrangement?
Well hey, this is what happens when you push a guy just that little bit too far with your teasing. Something like this was bound to happen eventually the more she kept it up.
Besides, it's certainly nice to see the little brat get what she deserves, being taught a lesson by the grown-up she's been teasing non-stop. Looks like their lessons are about to get more...intense, from now on.
Oh hey, looks like that playboy fella from the previous release actually managed to get lucky this time!
Guess her social media post really...helped.
Oh and I guess those girls from page 1 of that release also got some action, that's nice.
3 years ago
The last night, huh.
What a bittersweet ending. They enjoyed their time together and even a final night of passion, before they say goodbye as normal siblings once more, after he saw her off now that she got married. Considering she was trembling as she walked off and he even made note of that, in the end, he didn't stop her, and just saw her off, saying it was for the best.
I suppose you could say it is, but somehow there's this nagging feeling I get that just won't go away where I just wanted him to grab her and not let her go. Ah well...
3 years ago
So in the end, the only reason he didn't want to have sex just yet is because he wasn't confident? Dude, you could have just talked it out with her or let her know instead of making her worried if she wasn't good enough, or something.
But well, all is well by that end. SAVAN always gives us great Vanilla releases!
Simply an amazingly beautiful 2 page spread illustration, Kakao never fails to disappoint with his artwork.
And hey, it's nice to see the rough version of what we are seeing before us, too.
Ooh, part 2!
So...From pet to cumdump? Interesting. Makes me wonder when that might become girlfriend or something higher...
That being said, I am somewhat interested in finding out what happens next, so I certainly can't wait for part 3!
3 years ago
An intriguing title, to be sure! Also, a gal nun (cosplay)? Amazing.
"Maybe it was a good idea to come along after all"? Yeah, it sure was, but the best part is yet to come. Also, "I picked her for her abilities"? Yep, a common excuse but one that sounds plausible enough in most cases.
Well hey, you kind of got the OK to do whatever by your boss so, go nuts, I guess. I mean, "Within reason" in HENTAI is kind of...well, anything.
Great ending. Well, all you have to do in return is basically play the game with her anytime she wants for sex, so I'd say it's a good deal.
Quite the lovely illustration!
Ah yes, the hare (bunny girl) that lost to the tortoise (head) hanging from a male's lower body...Just as the actual story had a tortoise beat the actual hare, a natural conclusion, perhaps.
An...Interesting title.
"The very first videos we watched together were animal mating videos". Well hey, that's when you know you've hit the jackpot, sort of. All you need to do is move that fascination to human mating (with you) rather than animal mating. That one panel of (imaginary) bestiality was a horse was an interesting addition, too. Really drives home her obsession.
Also, 'giant cock complex'? No need to feel bad about it, that kind of size is a specialty only Hentai Protagonists can provide, usually.
Heh, and the dog was watching the entire time...
3 years ago
An interesting title.
"Why would she use porn as an excuse to come over" indeed...Truly a mystery.
I guess in reality she came over to see if he would make a move, but he never really did and basically just let her do what she wanted which made her interested in him, which eventually turned into affection? Interesting.
That ending though. I don't know why, but her comment kind of cut deep, so to speak. Like, she said yes, but probably not for the reason he was expecting. Well my friend, after hearing something like that, surely the natural thing would be to comfort her or gold her or...Well, tell her that she's mistaken?
3 years ago
Hmm, a lovely futuregraph illustration as always.
Maybe it's the perspective, but the pool didn't seem filled that high...But seeing the ladder makes me think otherwise.
Hahah, she keeps denying that she likes his sperm over everything, complaining about it and everything, but in reality she loves it and it turns her on, huh.
And going by that ending...He now gets a boner over lunch boxes? Interesting. They really are the perfect couple.
A non-event drop? What, like a spook? Wouldn't that usually really suck if you were aiming for the pickup?
Hm. But well, at least she apologised for making fun of your virgin status and even helped you...get rid of it.
Great ending though! Ah yes, and offer to take responsibility! What a guy, that is indeed the correct move to make!
He's shiny...And he seems experienced in these kinds of matters. Makes me wonder if he invites girls to manga cafes on a regular basis...?
Oh wow, and she actually felt bad for the employees. That's interesting. But hey, no worries, I'm sure employees of places like karaoke booths or manga cafes and such are used to cleaning up after hentai couples...
Mask + condoms tied to panties + posting a picture to social media?
"If this is a sexual problem I might be able to solve that"? Interesting...I mean, I suppose that's all you can really try to do considering you've decided to fill in for the actual fortune teller.
Great ending though. Well yeah, it's no good forgetting you're not the fortune teller but...You know, you should just tell him you take shifts, or like, to come after closing hours for 'special sessions'.