The yandere is strong in this one. She even comes with her own handcuffs.
For Protag-kun's sake, he better hope pegging is not included in that list of hers.
3 years ago
Resistance is Futile.
Iorichan will assimilate you and your unique genetic makeup will be added to the collective (baby).

Last Modified Sat Jul 25, 2020, 12:11 pm

Well. Hoshino is correct. How does Ishikawa hide those curves with just a tee shirt and a pair of shorts?
Enough with the cat in heat, next chapter we bang like rabbits.
3 years ago
If the moderators are Monty Python or Frank Zappa fans they should.
Lana might be Brazilian of Japanese decent.
There are some communities in Brazil where Japanese is just as prevalent as Portuguese.
Next chapter: Cheeky Little Lady - Married to the Mob.
Not the girlfriend he wanted, but the girlfriend he needed.
3 years ago
The way Ryuu can get those cuffs and thigh straps on her without her noticing is master level skill.
I'm thinking she decided to stay with the Ogre if he would eliminate her parents.
For a Iwasaki Yuuki story I was expecting the boyfriend to be in the bathroom shredded all over the place. Especially when she looked at the bathroom door before jumping in bed with the ghost.
3 years ago
I was thinking Good Fellows.
Second Date
Giyuu Chan: Before we go to the hotel can we do a little shopping?
Yotsuba Sensei: OK, but why are you only looking at kitchen knives?
What she needs to do is befriend the biggest, gayest guy in town and invite him to walk into one of their meet ups and force feed the scumbag one of his own pills.

She can then explain to Mr. Scumbag that he doesn't even know the joys of having a penis inside him, but when he feels a penis sliding in and out all his sadness and worries will disappear in a flash. After everybody has had their fun she should tell her new buddy as thanks for being such a good friend he can have Mr. Scumbag as a present to take home, maybe even take his scumbag buddies too. I mean doesn't everybody look forward to the harem ending.

I don't read Yaoi but I would read this one. Might even put it in favorites so I can go back and have a laugh or two. 

<Insert GodsHandonEarth copyrighted slogan here>

Last Modified Tue May 5, 2020, 5:55 pm

If she could somehow manage to live that long she'll be dead by the age of 18.
Rule 34. It was only a matter of time before somebody made an story using Darth Wooser.
4 years ago
He's just your typical idol fan boy. You know the type that hear that their favorite idol was seen with a guy and the next morning the garbage is full of anything to do with her group and her career is over. Because like this moron most all have a fantasy built into their thick skulls and when life turns out different than what they fantasized it is, they go into total meltdown and lash out.

Japanese girls, learn to play guitar, bass, keyboards or drums and sing, join a rock band. Nobody cares if you have a boyfriend when you're in a rock band. Case in point, Toki from Aldious was out for a couple of months because she had her baby, and I have yet to hear any wailing over that.
4 years ago
Went to Thailand and was riding on a bus when this smoking hot Thai girl got on and sat across from me. The whole time we were on the bus I was like, don't get a boner, don't get a boner, too late she did. o_O
Good God he was giving her a cardiac massage every time he thrust.