User Posts

FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Congrats, but wtf took you so long? I don't ever intend on getting any, so I have an excuse.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Der Kizer wrote...
So you go on one date with her and are pissed that she knows other guys? Like, maybe she just has friends dude. Seems like you just witnessed her hanging out with somebody she knows. If you really care so much just ask if she's seeing anybody else.


Although, just yesterday one of my dad's customers/friends was talking to me about how girls turn guys into players due to just the situation you described. Her son was having girl troubles like you. It seems guys are more insecure than girls are (or at least more posessive), so when a girl strays to other guys, the male loses self esteem and may start playing around with other women as a result (or become a neet). Of course, I brushed off that notion of hers and told her that men and women's libidos are different, which is why guys play around with women more so than the other way around. At first I thought she was just biased because she raises three sons, but she told me her ex boyfriend had a troubled past with women and it took awhile for her to reasure him that she wouldn't betray him. It's funny cause I always had this predisposed idea that men would fuck anything that walked and could care less about comittment. I grew up around guys like that, so it wasn't just the media's influence that had me think that way. But what she explained to me made me rethink things a little, just a little.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Dat battery life though...
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Nintendo switch presentation in less than 30 minutes.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
take my meds.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
So, when's the movie version coming out? Hopefully it has good subtitles.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I thought you were koko with an alt account. I've been around since the site's infancy and I still hardly know you people.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I had to smoke a lot of member berries last year.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Waar's a no talent hater, don't listen to him. I think its nice, I like how it built up and the overall rhythm. I'm trying to make music as well, but its not going so hot. I need to learn the basics in harmony and scales.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Re: Zero was definitely AOTY for me. Nothing else held my interest really.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
someonehotter wrote...
I find all to often commercial games lose the human aspect of the relationship. it's the biggest opportunity in video games is to immerse the player in more than just breasts.
And frequently fans, like you, are now trying to put deep emotion into their games, keep it up I want to see where this goes. :)

Yeah, very rarely now do I come across rpgs that have deep character development. Persona 3&4(especially 4) hit it out of the park though. Hopefully when my game script is finished, it'll hold sentimental value for me like I have for that series.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Nice drawings, hopefully I can do that much in half a year's time.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Thanks, I'll try to get better.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
This is Rio doing something like a jojos bizarre adventure pose.

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FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
After a year of frutstration, here's my rendition of Rio Blade & Alliyah Shae prototype 2.

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Forum Image:
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind

>Started a Scanlation group
>Finished the main outline for my rpg as well as the job route outlines
>Invested in gold
>Started a Sou Sou with my brother and other close relatives
>Transitioned to a 4k television
>Got my first official car
>Only go to therapy every three months now instead of every month
>Converted to an alkaline couisine lifestyle and drink solely a gallon of spring water a day (I do cheat every now and then by drinking Soylent if I don't feel like cooking)
>Put my dad's business on the map by creating a website for him. Officially working as a webmaster.


>Tried NOFAP and failed miserably
>Tried exercising and failed miserably
>Still can't draw for shit
>Can't compose music for shit
>No where near fluent with Japanese even after 4 years of studying
>Still living with my mom

Grade for 2016: B+
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
So I heard from a few youtube sources that the switch will be underpowered when off the dock. It'll only run at around 40% power in order to favor the battery life. It might not be a problem, but some sources are speculating that because of the way the system works, game developers may have to accomodate to the drastic power changes from on and off the dock playtime. If that's the case, then it'll really annoy the hell out of 3rd party games, and then we'll have deja vu all over again with a underpowered nintendo console with little to no 3rd party support.

FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Genryuusai wrote...
Cruz wrote...
Genryuusai wrote...
Cruz wrote...
Well my assumption wasn't totally incorrect.

Genryuusai wrote...
Who is this? What did I miss?

Who are you?

My name is Jack, nice to meet you!
Do you by any chance know the answer for my question?

Still clueless about who you are.

Also not knowing means you should lurk more.

Honestly what are you getting unreasonably mad about? :/
No idea on how bad your day has been but I'm just not gonna waste my time, get better soon buddy.

He's always like this.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I learned that it's perfectly normal and healthy for some animals (including dogs and rabbits) to eat their own poop. Some animals have to eat their excretions in order to absorb all the nutrients they missed out on during the first food consumption.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
PlaySamurai wrote...
Instead I think we should let go of the strict scientific method and adopt one that promotes a triple thought process.

That's gonna be kinda hard to implement if you consider that the scientific method relies on peer review to make sure that results are sound and accurate. There's just no room for additional foresight when trying to repeat a experiment through different perspectives. There shouldn't be any rush in trying to find results, otherwise we may end up with more errors. The scientific method isn't instant coffee, its a slow brew.